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Explore how Christ fulfills the Adamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, revealing the continuity of faith. Discover how the early Church viewed Old Testament figures in light of Jesus Christ as the Suffering Servant.
Chapter 23: Jesus Fulfillsthe Old Testament UNDERSTANDING THE SCRIPTURES
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate Isaiah 53 (p. 418) into the Opening Prayer.
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) ANTICIPATORY SET (Continued) Then, complete the table on Christ as the Suffering Servant the prophet foresaw.
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) BASIC QUESTIONS How did Christ perfectly fulfill the Law and the Prophets? How did the early Church see the faithful figures of the Old Testament? KEY IDEAS Christ perfectly fulfilled the Adamic, Noachian, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic Covenants of the Old Testament. The early Christians saw the Old Testament faithful as Christians because they looked forward to the arrival of God’s Anointed (Christ).
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) FOCUS QUESTIONS When Christ said he had come to fulfill the Law and the prophets, what did most of his hearers probably have in mind? They likely believed Christ would restore the Davidic kingdom. How did Christ actually fulfill the prophecies and promises of the Old Covenant? He suffered and died for the sins of all people. What was the Apostles’ constant theme when they preached to Jewish audiences? They taught the covenants and prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) GUIDED EXERCISE A focused reading of the paragraph “Just as he did...” (p. 419) using the following question: What is the significance of the analogy of the veil?
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) FOCUS QUESTIONS What did God have in mind for Adam and all his descendants as the result of Adam’s sin? God had a plan to save all people through Jesus Christ. When did God’s people learn of this plan? Though they did not understand it well, they learned gradually from the prophets God’s Anointed (Christ) would come to save his people. Why did the early Church call people like Abraham, David, and the prophets Christians? They sought faithfully God’s Messiah (Christ).
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) GUIDED EXERCISE A think / pair / share using the Catechism, no. 751 (p. 420), and the following question: Why did the early Christians call themselves the Church?
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) CLOSURE Complete the following table about the fulfillment of the Old Testament covenants.
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 1–6 (p. 428) Practical Exercise 1 (p. 429) Workbook Questions 1–14 Read “Jesus Fulfills the Covenant with Adam” through “Jesus Fulfills the Covenant with Abraham” (pp. 421–423)
1. Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets (pp. 418–420) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Free write for five minutes using the following question: Though it is not usual convention, why is it correct to call the prophet “St. Isaiah”?
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) ANTICIPATORY SET A class discussion about the accounts of the creation of Adam and Eve (cf. Gn 1:27–28; 2:18–25) using the following question: What does creation reveal about the nature of marriage?
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) BASIC QUESTIONS How is the family an image of God? How did Christ fulfill the Adamic Covenant? How did Christ fulfill the Noachian Covenant? How did Christ fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant? KEY IDEAS The doctrine of the Trinity reveals the individual is created in the image of God, and the family of husband, wife, and children is an image of the love of the Trinity. Christ fulfilled Adam’s covenant as the New Adam; through perfect obedience to the Father, Christ restored our place in paradise that had been lost by the first Adam. Christ fulfilled Noah’s covenant by making water an instrument of salvation and founding a Church to fill the earth with people and make disciples of all nations. Christ fulfilled Abraham’s covenant as the Savior of the world, the one through whom all families of the earth are blessed.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why did God use the plural to create human beings: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gn 1:26)? Some say he used the plural of majesty. Others hold that it is a reflection of the Blessed Trinity in which the three Persons created in one divine act. What does it mean to say God’s nature is social? The inner life of God consists of the relationships between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Extension: This mystery can be stated as the Father’s eternal act of self‑knowledge begetting the Son and their mutual love generating the Holy Spirit. How is the family Trinitarian? God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. A family consists of the lifelong, committed love of the spouses, which results in children. As the Trinity is the union of love among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the family is the union of love among the persons.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) FOCUS QUESTIONS What did God promise in the Noachian Covenant? God promised he would never again destroy all the inhabitants of the earth with water because of their sins. Who was destroyed because of the world’s wickedness? Jesus Christ died—was destroyed—for the sins of all people. How did the Church inherit God’s command to Noah, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gn 8:17)? Christ commanded the Apostles, “Make disciples of all nations” (Mt. 28:19), in other words, to fill the world with Christians.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) GUIDED EXERCISE Review the material on the Protoevangelium (pp. 421–422, “As we know...” through CCC 410). Then write a short paragraph about the fulfillment of the Protoevangelium.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was the most incredible promise God made to Abram? All the families of the earth would be blessed in him. How was this promise partially fulfilled before Christ? Abraham’s descendants had become temporarily a great kingdom under Kings David and Solomon. Also, Abraham’s descendants were always a blessing to the world as long as a faithful remnant kept alive the knowledge of and obeyed the Commandments of the one true God. How was Abraham’s promise completely fulfilled? The Death and Resurrection of Christ freed all people from bondage to sin and gave them the opportunity to become redeemed children of God.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) GUIDED EXERCISE Work with a partner to compare God’s promise to bless those who bless Abraham and curse those who curse him with Christ’s command to love one’s neighbor as self.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) CLOSURE Write a paragraph about how Christ fulfilled the covenant with Adam, Noah, or Abraham.
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 7–14 (p. 428) Practical Exercise 2 (p. 429) Workbook Questions 15–21 Read “Jesus Fulfills the Covenant with Moses” through “Jesus Fulfills the Covenant with David” (pp. 424–426)
2. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (pp. 421–423) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Free write for five minutes using the following question: What practical consequences can be drawn from the divine truth, if you were to be married, that your family would be an image of the Trinity?
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) ANTICIPATORY SET Survey the table on page 424 and write for two minutes using the following question: Which similarity between Moses and Christ do you find most striking, and why? Briefly share answers.
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) BASIC QUESTIONS How did Christ fulfill the covenant with Moses? How did Christ fulfill the covenant with David? How did Christ fulfill the Passover lamb? KEY IDEAS Christ is the Prophet whom Moses foresaw would arise in Israel; there are many striking parallels between Moses and Christ. Christ is the New David, and many parallels exist between the two. There are many parallels between the Passover lamb and Christ, whom St. John the Baptist called the Lamb of God.
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) FOCUS QUESTIONS What did Moses promise at the end of the Book of Deuteronomy? God will raise up from among Israel a prophet like Moses. What did an editor of the Book of Deuteronomy write? No prophet like Moses had yet appeared in Israel. Who is the Prophet like Moses who did arise in Israel? Jesus Christ is the prophet like Moses.
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the New Israel? The Church is the New Israel. What aspect of the promise made to the Son of David was perfectly fulfilled in Christ? The covenant would be international. Christ’s Church is neither a nation nor ethnic group but the communion of all the faithful everywhere and across time. What is the New Temple built by Christ? The New Temple is Christ’s Body, the Church, which is present in every place where his followers gather to celebrate the Eucharist.
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Complete the following table to understand how Christ fulfilled the promises God had made to David.
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) CLOSURE Free write for five minutes using the following question: Of the five covenants Christ fulfilled, which one do you think is the most important, and why?
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 15–18 (p. 428) Practical Exercise 3 (p. 429) Workbook Questions 22–29
3. Christ Fulfills the Covenants (continued) (pp. 424–426) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Christ fulfilled the four titles of the Davidic Covenant. Work with a partner to review this chapter and then invent at least three new titles for Christ based on these five covenants.