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What did eLEMÉR find ?. ICT in e ducation in Hungar y Informatics – Professionalism- Effectiveness ISZE, 05/03/2011 Budapest. TÁMOP-3.1.1-08/1-2008-0002. Who the hell is eLEMÉR?.
What did eLEMÉR find? ICTin education in Hungary Informatics– Professionalism-Effectiveness ISZE, 05/03/2011 Budapest TÁMOP-3.1.1-08/1-2008-0002
Who the hell is eLEMÉR? • He is an online tool, developed in the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development http://ikt.ofi.hu • Serves both for school self evaluation and monitoring the country • Promotes the school development apprach to using ICT • Monitors and helps the usage of ICT in 4 areas of school work • Learner and learning, • Teacher and teaching, • Organisational aspects • infrastructure
How can eLEMÉR help schools? Helps them identify their values; Draws the attention to areas for development; Helps decision making on school and country levels; Increases the consciousness and cooperation; Provides input for the ICT-strategy of the school.
What does eLEMÉR really give? • The results • Average numbers of all questions and areas, their graphical representation on country and school levels, up-to-date • Textual feedbeck in a format that can be used directly in the • Template of ICT strategy • Chances for development, ideas, help • The statements in the system provide ideas for development • There are explanations given • A system of accreditation is foreseen – ICT award for schools
What does the self-evaluation consist of? • Four areas, 14 sub-topics, 91 positive, stimulating statements • Value choice between 0-4 • (0) There is no data, the statement does not have anything to do with the school • (1) Not solved, the given statement is not present in practice • (2) Not really solved, but there are some signs, initiations • (3) Almost solved but still there are things to do • (4) Completely solved • The schools are put intoone ofthefour categories
How was the system piloted? • 10 schools, technical and content pilot, June 2010 • 123 schools, full pilot, Oct 2010, results analysed – fine tuning • 1-28 Feb1011 first country monitor based on self-evaluations of schools – growing number of cooperative data providing
eLEMÉR by appearance http://ikt.ofi.hu
eLEMÉR asks you all • To try and use his services yourself, tell others about him. • English version is coming in a month. • Demo/demo Thank you all in the name of eLEMÉR (elemer@ofi.hu) and his colleagues Márta Hunya