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Exploring Greetings: Learn, Practice, and Respect

Explore different ways of greeting people and the appropriate etiquette. Understand how to greet family, friends, and strangers. Learn about waving, hugging, shaking hands, and saying hello. Discover the dos and don'ts of greetings in various settings.

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Exploring Greetings: Learn, Practice, and Respect

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  1. SEN Knowing and Growing Appropriate Greetings

  2. What is a greeting? • What we do when we say hello to someone is also called how we ‘greet’ them. • We greet different people in different ways. There are some ‘rules’ we can try to follow.

  3. What different greetingsdo you know? • Waving

  4. What different greetingsdo you know? • Hugging

  5. What different greetingsdo you know? • Shaking hands

  6. What different greetingsdo you know? • High five

  7. What different greetingsdo you know? • Kiss on the cheek

  8. What different greetingsdo you know? • Saying hello Hello!

  9. Who do I greet? • Family - mum, dad, brother, sister • Other family - granny, grandad, aunts, uncles, cousins • My own friends • Mum and dad’s friends • Staff in school • People who work in shops or other places I go to

  10. How should I say hello tothese people? • In most families it is ok to give a quick hug if we haven’t seen people for a while. In some families a kiss on the cheek is ok too. Ask mum or dad if you’re not sure. Family

  11. How should I say hello tothese people? • Most of the time we can just say hello to our friends, or maybe give them a high five. If we haven’t seen them for a long time (like after the summer holidays), a quick hug or handshake is ok. My friends

  12. How should I say hello tothese people? • It is probably best to ask mum and dad how to say hello to other grown-ups who are in our house a lot. Most of the time it is ok to shake hands or say hello. Mum and dad's friends

  13. How should I say hello tothese people? • In school most of the grown-ups we work with will just want to say hello. A handshake or high five is ok if it is their idea. We don’t normally hug staff. Staff

  14. How should I say hello tothese people? • Lots of people we meet say hello – maybe in shops, in the library, at the swimming pool or in other places. It is polite to say hello back, but we don’t shake hands or give high fives. We don’t hug people we meet in the shops. People in shops

  15. Remember… Stranger Danger! • Other people we don’t know might say hello to us. When might this happen? What should we do? • Don’t forget your Stranger Danger! It is ok to smile or say hello back, but usually that is all. We don’t use our hands or any other greetings, and we just continue what we were doing.

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