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Seminar Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ikatan KeDokteran Anak yg diselenggarakan di kota Manado dari tgl 7-11 September 2019
FOREWORD FROM THE PRESIDENT OF INDONESIAN PEDIATRIC SOCIETY Dear colleagues, It is such a privilege to welcome you all to the 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (ASMIPS/PIT-IKA) and it is such an honor to have the opportunity in hosting this distinguished scientifi c event in Manado, Indonesia on 7-11 September 2019. This year 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society will be held in conjunction with the 15th Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR). The scientifi c sessions will include several pre- congress workshops, multiple tracks of meet the expert, pro-cons, parallel symposiums, clinical practices and also plenary. There will also be oral and poster presentations where participants can share their experience on medical fi eld. This year congress theme is “Strengthening Asia’s Research Collaboration for Global Child Health” in align with the vision of Asian Society for Pediatric Research which is oriented towards scientifi c research works which may improve child health. Vast topics are available, ranged from allergy-immunology, gastro-hepatology, tropic infections, breastfeeding and also disaster managements among many others. We would like to extend our appreciation to the Indonesian Pediatric Society Special Region North Sulawesi Branch, all Working Groups (UKK), Task Forces (Satgas), and all related partners who have been working hard to make this prestigious event possible. We believe this event will surely serve as one of the greatest event in this year. We welcome you to come and join us in the beautiful Manado, the City of Tinutuan. Aman B Pulungan, MD, PhD, FAAP President of Indonesian Pediatric Society 1
FOREWORD FROM THE PRESIDENT OF ASIAN SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC RESEARCH The Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR) will be hosting our 15th Congress with the 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of the Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) in the beautiful city of Manado in North Sulawesi from 9-11 September 2019. There will be 2 days of Workshop and School from 7-8 September on various important topics before the Congress for delegates to learn together with faculty members in a more interactive manner. The theme of the Congress is “Strengthening Asia’s Research Collaboration for Global Child Health”. The current population of Indonesia as of February 2019 was estimated by the United Nations to be 268 million, ranking number 4 in the world. The annual growth rate of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been over 5% for many years, with the GDP over 1 trillion USD, and the GDP per capita at 3876 USD in 2017. Hence how to transform this phenomenal economic progress to better Child Health in Indonesia is an opportunity not to be missed by health care workers. Therefore the theme of this Congress is extremely appropriate for Indonesia to refl ect and learn with all the partners in Asia to collaborate in our research efforts to improve Child Health. ASPR is extremely grateful to IDAI for this opportunity to collaborate and organize an educational experience in our joint meeting that will benefi t all the delegates, with the ultimate aim to improve Child Health. On behalf of ASPR, I congratulate the IDAI on their success and look forward to a most wonderful rewarding experience together in Manado. Yu Lung LAU President Asian Society for Pediatric Research 2
FOREWORD FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF INDONESIAN PEDIATRIC SOCIETY – NORTH SULAWESI BRANCH Dear Colleagues, The upcoming 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X) & 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR XV) will be set in Manado, North Sulawesi on 07-08, 09-11 September 2019. Manado is more than a place, its friendly mood; an aspiration, whereas the Scientifi c Committee has prepared an exciting simultaneous 3 days schedule on 09-11 September 2019 at Grand Kawanua Convention Center Manado to fully load-up on the latest updates in “Strengthening Asia’s Research Collaboration for Global Child Health”. The system includes all public and private health services, professional medical attention, especially pediatricians and other specialists as well as general practitioners - whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, and maintain child health. As we all know there has been growing recognition of the benefi ts of skilled medical care, and yet persistent barriers affect perceptions of quality, cost, and access. The PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019 will be presented by famous international and regional faculty speakers to share their thoughts and perspective, ensuring you an exciting and interactive annual meeting. With the support of Indonesian Pediatric Society Working Groups in fruitful Workshops on 07-08 September 2019, delivering a range of rich resources and spurring participants the clinical practice of child healthcare. The PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019 is your opportunity to infl uence your specialty and promote the art and science of child health, raising awareness amongst doctors, scientists and other allied healthcare professionals in this exciting fi eld. We aim to provide plenty of opportunities to interact and network with each other for the mutual collaboration in this prestigious Event. Discover the wonders of sensational epicenter of eco-tourism Manado and exotic Minahasa culinary with us! Dr. dr. Rocky Wilar, Sp.A(K) Chairman Indonesian Pediatric Society – North Sulawesi Branch 3
FOREWORD FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF PIT-IKA X MANADO Best Wishes, Tabea……… Praise and gratitude to the God Almighty because only for His Blessings and Wishes the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) of North Sulawesi Branch was honored to hold the 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X) & 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR XV) in Manado. This Activity is a manifestation of the efforts of Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) of North Sulawesi Branch to facilitate the process of sustainable development of professionalism in the fi eld of pediatrics. Children are the seeds of the nation that determines the future of Indonesia. Health problems experienced by these children must be handled as optimum as possible to guarantee the health quality in the future. Therefore, the theme for the 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X) & 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR XV) Manado is “Strengthening Asia’s Research Collaboration for Global Child Health” which can enrich the scientifi c repertoire of participants in various pediatric sub-specialist which are commonly found in daily clinical practice. PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019 will be held from September 07-11, 2019. The scientifi c activities are divided into three parts including the Pre-Congress Workshop on September 7-8, Congress on September 9-11 and adjoining the Asian Society for Pediatric Research. Manado is the capital North Sulawesi Province which is located on the north tip of Sulawesi Island. After we successfully held Konika XV Manado in 2011, we are given the opportunity to hold the big annual meeting of IDAI again. With the addition of facilities and infrastructures today, we believe that the PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019 this time will have better and more successful management. It is hoped that the IDAI members in all regions of Indonesia and all researchers in the fi eld of Pediatric Health in all of Asia can meet in the BumiNyiurMelambai, The Land of Smiling People, the Wonderful Bunaken, a region with diverse natural and culinary attractions in eastern Indonesia. Finally, we want to express our deepest appreciation to the Executive Board of IDAI, Governor of North Sulawesi Province, Mayor of Manado, Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Sam Ratulangi, Director of RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado, Head of Health Offi ce of North Sulawesi Province, Committee of PIT IKA X Manado and all partners who have contributed greatly to the PIT IKA X Manado. Our best regards, Pakatuan Wo Pakalawiren… Dr. dr. Erling David Kaunang, SpA(K) Chairman PIT IKA X – ASPR Manado 2019 4
ABOUT INDONESIAN PEDIATRIC SOCIETY (IDAI) Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) is the only Indonesian pediatrician professional organization under the auspices of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), aims at participating in improving the health and welfare of children, developing the science of child health, and improving the welfare of members. To achieve its goals, IDAI assists the government in fostering and improving the quality of child health services, actively participating in child health research and child welfare, providing guidance, fostering and implementing child health education, improving the professional ability of pediatricians, and collaborating with international & regional organizations specialist in children and other children's health and welfare organizations. Until 2018, there’s 4087 registered members of Indonesian Pediatric Society. The Indonesian Pediatric Society is well poised to provide quality healthcare education and learning to nurture its members with set of skills essential for professional development and growth through the 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X), hosted by Indonesian Pediatric Society – North Sulawesi Branch from 07-08, 09 – 11 September 2019 at Grand Kawanua Convention Center - Grand Kawanua International City Manado- Indonesia. ABOUT ASIAN SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC RESEARCH (ASPR) The Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR) was established in 2005, with the First Congress held in November 24-26, 2005 in Tokyo, Japan. As a group of pediatricians committed to the care for children through promoting research, ASPR realizes the enormity of our challenge in Asia which has a population of more than 4.2 billion people, accounting for 60% of the world population. Most of them are children and young adults, living in 46 different countries and states, with a wide variation of economic and social development, giving rise to both opportunities and challenges. The under-5- year old mortality rates of these 46 countries range from less than 2 to over 60 per 1000. Therefore the nature of the child health challenges will differ greatly from one country to another, demanding different emphasis on the focus of pediatric research to solve each country's issues. Asia is now experiencing the fastest economic development in her history and we expect millions of children will be lifted out of poverty, with rapid shift of the challenges to be dealt with over the next decade. The simple aim of ASPR is to improve child health through promoting research in Asia with nowadays 14 country members (Bangladesh, China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Myanmar). The ASPR has been organizing ASPR Congress annually since 2006 to promote exchanges and collaboration between the various pediatric subspecialties from different countries and start building research network and database to facilitate cross-country research activity, especially the European Union. The 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR) will be held adjoining 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X) 2019. 5
COMMITTEE 10TH ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF INDONESIAN PEDIATIC SOCIETY (AMIPS/PIT 2019) 15TH CONGRESS OF ASIAN SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC RESEARCH (ASPR 2019) “Strengthening Asia’s Research Collaboration for Global Child Health” Manado, 7-8, 9 –11 September 2019 PATRON • Governor of North Sulawesi • Mayor of Manado • President of Indonesian Medical Association ADVISORY BOARD • Principal of Sam Ratulangi University : Prof. Dr. Ir. Ellen Joan Kumaat, MSc., DEA • Dean of Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University • Head of Health Offi ce North Sulawesi • Chairman of Indonesian Medical Association of North Sulawesi • Director of RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou • Head of Child Health Department Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University • Consulting Counsellor : Dr. Billy J.Kepel, MMed, Sc. : dr. Debie K.R. Kalalo, MSc, PH. : dr. Frangkie R.R. Maramis, M.Kes, PKK, SpKT : Dr. dr. Jimmy Panelewan, Sp.B-KBD : Dr. dr. Rocky Wilar, Sp.A(K) : Prof. Dr. dr. Sarah M. Warouw, Sp.A(K) Prof. Dr. dr. Max FJ Mantik, Sp.A(K) Prof. Dr. dr. Adrian Umboh, SpA(K) STEERING COMMITTEE PIT X 2019 • President of Indonesian Pediatric Society (IPS) • Head of Indonesian College of Pediatric • Chairman II of Indonesian Pediatric Society • Head of Indonesian Pediatric Society North Sulawesi Branch : Dr. dr. Rocky Wilar, SpA(K) ASPR XV 2019 • President of Asian Society for Pediatric Research • Consulting counsellor : Dr. dr. Aman Bhakti Pulungan, SpA(K), FAAP : Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, SpA(K), MPH : Dr. dr. Antonius H. Pudjiadi, SpA(K) : Prof. Yu Lung LAU : Prof. Dr. dr. Agus Firmansyah, SpA(K) Prof. Dr. dr. Dwi Prasetyo, SpA(K), MKes Dr. dr. Partini P. Trihono, SpA(K), MM(Paed) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PIT X 2019 Chairman: Dr. dr. E. David Kaunang, Sp.A(K) Secretary: dr. Vivekenanda Pateda, Sp.A(K) Treasurer: Dr. dr. Hesti Lestari, Sp.A(K) ASPR XV 2019 Chairman: dr. Fatima Safira Alatas, PhD, SpA(K) Secretary: dr. Wahyuni Indawati, SpA(K) Treasurer: dr. Rosalina Dewi Roeslani, SpA(K) 6
Scientifi c Committee PIT X 2019 Coordinator: dr. Stefanus Gunawan, Sp.A(K), Msi.Med Member: - Prof. dr. T. H. Rampengan, Sp.A(K) - Prof. Dr. dr. Sarah M. Warouw, Sp.A(K) - Prof. Dr. dr. Max F.J. Mantik, Sp.A(K) - Dr. dr. Hesti Lestari, Sp.A(K) - Dr. dr. Suryadi Nicolaas N. Tatura, Sp.A(K) - dr. Bobby Pambudi Sp.A ASPR XV 2019 Coordinator: dr. Fatima Safira Alatas, PhD, Sp.A(K) Member: dr. Amanda Soebadi, Sp.A(K) Council Members: - Fatima Safira Alatas (Indonesia) - Tahmeed Ahmed (Bangladesh) - Mahbubul Hoque (Bangladesh) - Kunling Shen (China) - Ting Fan Leun (Hong Kong) - Godfrey Chi Fung Chan (Hong Kong) - Rajeshwar Dayal (India) - Takashi Igarashi (Japan) - Sei Won Yang (Korea) - Seah Way Lee (Malaysia) - Assad Hafeez (Pakistan) - Genesis C. Rivera (Phillippines) - Anne Goh Eng Neo (Singapore) - Tzou-Yien Lin (Taiwan) - Suwat Benjaponpitak (Thailand) - Kyaw Linn (Myanmar) Publication & Documentations Coordinator : Dr. dr. Ari L. Runtunuwu, Sp.A(K) Member : - dr. Deby Rumbajan, Sp.A - dr. Juliana Sitorus, Sp.A - dr. Nurhidayat Monoarfa, Sp.A - dr. Ufy Trinawaty, Sp.A, M.Kes - dr. Feiby Julianto, Sp.A - dr. David S. Waworuntu, Sp.A Fund & Partnership Coordinator : Prof. Dr. dr. Adrian Umboh, Sp.A(K) Member : - Dr. dr. Rocky Wilar, Sp.A(K) - dr. Diana D. Sondakh, Sp.A(K) - Dr. dr. E. David Kaunang, Sp.A(K) - dr. Femmy Tambayong, Sp.A(K) - dr. Marhaeni Hasan, Sp.A Venue Exhibition Coordinator : dr. Johnny Rompis, Sp.A(K) Member : dr. Ronald Rompies, Sp.A Health, Security & Sports Coordinator : Dr. dr. Novie H. Rampengan, Sp.A(K), DT M&H, MCTM (TP) Member : - dr. Djully B.R. Pieter, Sp.A - dr. Nathania Wonoputri, Sp.A, M.Kes - dr. Sutomo Raharjo, Sp.A Scientifi c Exhibition Coordinator : Dr. dr. Jeanette I. Ch. Manoppo, Sp.A(K) Member : dr. Shekina H. E. Rondonuwu, Sp.A Secretariat & Registrations Coordinator : dr. Nurhayati Masloman, Sp.A(K) Member : - dr. Valentine Umoh, Sp.A - dr. Praisilla R.V. Najoan. Sp.A - Administration Staff of Child Health Department Faculty of Medicine University Samratulangi - Secretariat Staff Indonesian Pediatric Society North Sulawesi Branch Event Exhibition Coordinator : dr. Audrey M. I. Wahani, Sp.A(K) Member : dr. Carla J. Opit, Sp.A Accommodation & Transportation Coordinator : dr. Jose M. Mandei, Sp.A(K) Member : dr. Merry Mawardi, Sp.A Consumption Coordinator : dr. Vivekenanda Pateda, Sp.A(K) Member : - dr. Helena A. Tangkilisan, Sp.A(K) - dr. Anna F. Wagiu, Sp.A - dr. Franciska L. Kaihatu, Sp.A - dr. Rona D. Tandaju, Sp.A Technology and Informations (IT) Coordinator : Dr. dr. Suryadi Nicolaas N. Tatura, Sp.A(K) Member : dr. Kristellina Tirtamulia, Sp.A Accompanying Program Coordinator : dr. Yenever A. Lam, Sp.A Member : - dr. Parevillia. M. Salendu, Sp. A - dr. Joy Christy C. Lengkey, Sp.A - dr. Ledylove Walakandu, Sp.A 7
PROGRAM FORMAT PRE-PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Workshops To emphasize the importance of this essential part of its PIT IKA X-ASPR XV Manado will organize intractable two full days, which consist of scientifi c lectures, case studies and/or hands-on special design courses, as its pre symposium workshop programs. The Pre-Symposium Workshop program will be held on Saturday-Sunday, 07-08 September 2019. See detail schedule. Call for Paper To emphasize the scientifi c value of PIT IKA X-ASPR XV Manado, the Organizing Committee will cordially call the Participants to contribute in the clinical development of Child Healthcare, and have their presentation of research studies related to this exciting fi eld. Best Pediatric Research Presentation For those who are willing to share his results of original research scholarly article in full paper, Best Research Presentations are also available to enhance the scientifi c value of PIT IKA X – ASPR XV 2019. Exhibition Gallery PIT IKA X-ASPR Manado will host a scientifi c exhibition on Monday-Wednesday, 09 – 11 September 2019 including the latest technology, equipment for clinical management & research and literature. Meet the Experts An one hour morning get-togethers meetings provide a productive forum of particular child healthcare issue by focusing in active interaction between panelists and participants to ensure the most advantages of the scientifi c session, making lasting connections within colleagues and participants who encounter similar issues and get benefi t of early risers. Lunch Symposium & Breakthrough Symposia Facing the imminent challenges, Lunch Symposium & Breakthrough Symposia are an opportunity to share the latest innovation in child healthcare. A total 50 minutes presentation & Q&A will be concluded in this sessions, offering Participants the favorable time to enter into discussion with the experts. Welcome Dinner (Grand Opening) A welcome dinner is great evening for all participants to meet and keep the timeline loose for a low-pressure vibe the night before the conference on Sunday, 08 September 2019 evening at Manado Grand Palace. The offi cial grand opening of PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019 will be held together in this reception. It’s included in Registration Fee. Cultural Fest Gala Dinner The PIT IKA X-ASPR XV Manado has set up Cultural Fest Gala Dinner for all Registrants on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 evening. It will be a signifi cant opportunity for participants to meet and renew old acquaintances or establish special links. It’s included in Registration Fee. PIT Manado Fiesta 2019 To enliven our togetherness, PIT IKA X-ASPR XV Manado plan a fun and diverse Social Event Programs as part of PIT X –ASPR XV Manado Fiesta 2019 from 08 – 10 September 2019 with a wide range of activities such as Badminton & Photography competition; and Fun Run 3K, and surely will drive to raise levels of all Participants. Premium Photo Lounge The unique breakthrough to immerse Participants with the special photo session feed by Life in 360° for memorable Annual Meeting ever. Manado Culinary Fest & Exhibition The PIT IKA X-ASPR XV Manado Organizing Committee personally host 3 Days-Round Manado Culinary Fest in Exhibition Gallery for all Participants to taste the most authentic and fi ne selection of Manadonese cuisine experiences and to satisfying every fl avor of exotic Manadonese cuisine for local culinary hunter. Offi cial Language The offi cial languages of the PIT IKA X – ASPR XV is in English only. English will be used for all printed materials, presentation along with overseas speakers and discussions. Simultaneous translation will not be provided. Disclaimer Every attempt will be made to present the program as printed. However, Organizers and its agent reserve the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, any of the arrangements, time tables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly to the Scientifi c Meeting, for any cause beyond its reasonable control. 8
MARK YOUR CALENDER 07 S EPT EMBER 2019 08 S EPT EMBER 2019 09 S EPT EMBER 2019 10 S EPT EMBER 2019 11 S EPT EMBER 2019 PIT IKA X –ASPR XV MANADO CULINARY FEST EXHIBITION GALLERY ORAL & E-POSTER PIT IKA X –ASPR XV MANADO CULINARY FEST EXHIBITION GALLERY ORAL & E-POSTER PIT IKA X-ASPR XV MANADO CULINARY FEST EXHIBITION GALLERY PRE-PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado PRE-PIT IKA X- ASPR XV Manado WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS CULTURAL FEST GALA DINNER MCC 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 WELCOME DINNER MGPC 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 PIT MANADO FIESTA 08 – 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 PRE-PIT IKA X – ASPR XV WORKSHOP AGENDA VENUE SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Malaria and Other Major Parasites Diseases Problems and Its Solutions: Clinical Case Management Comprehensive Approach of Airway Obstruction in Children SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Managing TORCH-ES Infection in Daily Practice PARIS ROOM - GKCC NOVOTEL Current Updates of TB Management in Children SYDNEY ROOM - GKCC NOVOTEL BANGKOK ROOM - GKCC NOVOTEL APSID Autumn School APSID Autumn School Basic Ultrasound for Pediatrician Day-2: Abnormal Findings and Case Simulation Basic Ultrasound for Pediatrician Day-1: Basic Normal Ultrasound SINGAPORE ROOM - GKCC NOVOTEL WASABI ROOM - GKCC NOVOTEL Medical Writing Medical Writing Endocrine Emergencies and Quality of Life Day 1: Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Perimenarcheal Bleeding Emergencies in Pediatric Endocrinology Day 2: Glycemic Disorders and Electrolyte Disturbances More Understanding in the Management of GI Motility Problem & Hepatitis in Pediatric MALEOSAN 1 - SWISS BELHOTEL 2nd FL MALEOSAN 2 - SWISS BELHOTEL 2nd F MALEOSAN 3 - SWISS BELHOTEL 2nd FL MALEOSAN 4 - SWISS BELHOTEL 2nd FL TONDANO ROOM - SWISS BELHOTEL G Pediatric Disaster Management Course What’s New in Breastfeeding? What’s New in Breastfeeding? Newborn Screening Workshop Newborn Screening Workshop Understanding & Managing Heart Failure Pediatric Echocardiography for Practitioners 9
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP MALARIA & OTHER MAJOR PARASITES DISEASE PROBLEMS AND ITS SOLUTIONS: CLINICAL CASE MANAGEMENT Organized By Infectious & Tropical Diseases Working Group PARIS ROOM, GKCC – NOVOTEL MANADO SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director Suryadi Nicolaas N. Tatura ONE DAY 08.00 - 08.15 Opening 08.15 - 08.30 PreTest 08.30 - 09.15 Pears and Pitfalls in Managing Pediatric Malaria 09.15 - 09.45 Congenital Malaria: Neonatal Sepsis, Congenital or Neonatal Malaria? 09.45 - 10.00 Coffee/Tea Break 10.00 - 10.30 Malaria Prophylaxis: What, When, and How 10.30 - 11.00 Vaccination in Malaria 11.00 - 12.00 Case Studies of Soil-Transmitted Heminthiasis: Prophylaxis and Treatment SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Jeanne Rini Poespoprodjo Suryadi Nicolaas N. Tatura Ayodya Pitaloka Pasaribu Dominicus Husada Suryadi Nicolaas N. Tatura / Ayodya Pitaloka Pasaribu Ninny Meutia Pelupessy 12.00 - 12.45 12.45 - 13.45 13.45 - 14.15 14.15 - 15.15 15.15 - 15.30 15.30 - 16.00 16.00 - 16.15 16.15 - 16.30 Schistosomiasis at Lake Lindu, Sulawesi and Clinical Consequence Lunch "Belatung" (Myasis): How to Diagnosis and Treatment Amoebiasis: Does Amoebiasis Go Away? Coffee/Tea Break Filariasis: Requires a Medical Intervention? Post Test Wrap-Up & Evaluation Dominicus Husada Novie Homenta Rampengan Ninny Meutia Pelupessy COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH OF AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION IN CHILDREN Organized by Respirology Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society SYDNEY ROOM, GKCC – NOVOTEL MANADO SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Nastiti Kaswandani ONE DAY 08.15 - 08.30 Opening 08.30 - 09.00 Clinical Approach of Noisy Breathing in Infant and Children 09.00 - 09.30 Treatment of Acute Upper and Lower Airway Obstruction 09.30 - 10.00 Discussion 10.00 - 10.15 Coffee/Tea Break 10.15 - 10.45 Treatment of Chronic Upper and Lower Airway Obstruction 10.45 - 11.15 Management of Asthma: What’s New? 11.15 - 11.45 Discussion 11.45 - 13.00 Lunch 13.00 - 16.00 HANDS ON (Participants are Divided into 4 Groups, Rotation) 1. Spirometry 2. Inhalation Therapy 3. Endoscopy of Airway 4. Case Discussion 16.00 - 16.15 Closing 16.15 - 16.30 Coffee/Tea Break FACULTY TEAM: SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Darmawan Budi Setyanto Rifan Fauzie Wahyuni Indawati Diah Asri Wulandari Audrey Wahani Fifi Sofi ah Ayu Setyorini Mestika Mayangsari Rini Savitri Daulay 10
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP PEDIATRIC DISASTER MANAGEMENT COURSE Organized By Disaster Management Task Force MALEOSAN 2 ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL 2ND FLOOR SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Martinus M. Leman ONE DAY 08.00 - 08.15 Opening 08.15 - 09.00 Chain of Command; Job Description; Ethics and Code of Conduct 08.15 - 09.00 Triage; Traumatology and Emergency Cases in the Disaster Situation 09.45 - 10.00 Coffee/Tea Break 10.00 - 10.45 Importance of Data and Registry 10.45 - 11.30 Vaccination & Prevention Measures (For Refugees & Volunteers) 11.30 - 12.00 Product Presentation 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch 13.00 - 13.45 Neonatal & Infant Care (Resuscitation; Emergency Cases; Breastfeeding; Feeding Practice) 13.45 - 14.30 Respiratory and Infection Problem in Disaster Area 14.30 - 15.15 Coffee/Tea Break 15.15 - 16.00 Personal Equipment and Basic Survival Skill for Volunteers 16.00 - 16.30 Wrap Up & Evaluation SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Martinus M. Leman Kurniawan T. Kadafi Kurniawan T. Kadafi Fathy Z. Pohan Jaya Ariheryanto Effendi Dimas Dwi Saputro Martinus M. Leman UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING HEART FAILURE Organized by Cardiology Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society TONDANO ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL GROUND FLOOR SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Rubiana Sukardi ONE DAY 08.00 - 08.30 Opening and Pre-Test 08.30 - 08.50 Concept and Physiology of Heart Failure 08.50 - 09.10 Heart Failure in Left to Right Shunt CHD: Physiology and The Management 09.10 - 09.30 Heart Failure Due to Critical CHD: Physiology and The Management 09.30 - 09.45 Discussion 09.45 - 10.05 Coffee/Tea Break 10.05 - 10.25 Heart Failure Due to Cardiac Arrhythmia: Physiology and The Management 10.25 - 10.45 Heart Failure Due to Cardiomyopathy: Physiology and The Management 10.45 - 11.15 The Role of Echocardiography and USCOM in Managing Heart Failure 11.15 - 11.45 The Role of Inotropics and Antifailures in Heart Failure 11.45 - 12.00 Discussion 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch CASE SIMULATION & SKILL STATION 13.00 - 13.30 Case Simulation of Heart Failure Due to Critical CHD 13.30 - 14.00 Case Simulation of Heart Failure Due to Left to Right Shunt 14.00 - 14.30 How to Choose Inotropes and Antifailures for Heart Failure 14.30 - 14.45 Coffee/Tea Break 14.45 - 15.15 Hands-On Echocardiography: Identifying Ventricular Function 15.15 - 16.00 Case Stimulation of Emergency Arrhytyhmias 16.00 - 16.30 Wrap Up and Evaluation SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Indah Kartika Murni Sasmito Nugroho Sri Endah Rahayuningsih Rubiana Sukardi Didik Haryanto Hafaz Zakki Abdillah Indah Kartika Murni Sri Endah Rahayuningsih Sasmito Nugroho Indah Kartika Murni Hafaz Zakki Abdillah Rubiana Sukardi 11
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP MANAGING TORCH-ES INFECTION IN DAILY PRACTICE Organized By Infectious & Tropical Diseases Working Group PARIS ROOM, GKCC – NOVOTEL MANADO SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Edi Hartoyo ONE DAY 08.00 - 08.30 Opening & PreTest 08.30 - 09.00 Management Toxoplasmosis in Paediatrics 09.00 - 09.30 CMV Treat or Not 09.30 - 10.00 Discussion 10.00 - 10.15 Coffee/Tea Break 10.15 - 10.45 Management Herpes Simplex in Paediatrics 10.45 - 11.30 Case Management Congenital Sphylis 11.30 - 12.00 Rubella Syndrome 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch CASE MANAGEMENT 13.00 - 13.45 Case Management Toxoplasmosis in Paediatrics 13.45 - 14.30 Case Management CMV Infections SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Edy Hartoyo Mulya Rahma Karyanti Yulia Iriani Anggraini Alam Nina Dwi Putri Edy Hartoyo / Yulia Iriani Mulya Rahma Karyanti / Anggraini Alam Mulya Rahma Karyanti / Anggraini Alam Nina Dwi Putri / Edy Hartoyo 14.30 - 15.15 Case Management Herpes Infections 15.15 - 16.00 Case Management: Enterovirus Infection, HFMD & Other Severe Manifestations Pleno Closing Coffee/Tea Break 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 16.45 16.45 - 17.00 CURRENT UPDATES OF TB MANAGEMENT IN CHILDREN Organized by Respirology Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society SYDNEY ROOM, GKCC – NOVOTEL MANADO SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Nastiti Kaswandani ONE DAY 08.15 - 08.30 Opening 08.30 - 09.00 Diagnostic Approach of TB in Children 09.00 - 09.30 Management of Drug Sensitive and Drug Resistant TB 09.30 - 10.00 Discussion 10.00 - 10.15 Coffee/Tea Break 10.15 - 10.45 Management of Extra-pulmonary TB 10.45 - 11.15 Management of Latent TB Infection and TB Prevention 11.15 - 11.45 Discussion 11.45 - 13.00 Lunch and Daily Pray 13.00 - 16.00 HANDS ON (Participants are Divided into 4 Groups, Rotation) 1. Sputum Induction 2. TST and IGRA 3. Interpreting CXR of TB Cases 4. Case Discussion 16.00 - 16.15 Closing 16.15 - 16.30 Coffee/Tea Break FACULTY TEAM: SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Nastiti Kawandani Tjatur Kuat Sagoro Khairiyadi Ismail Retno Asih Setyoningrum Ida Bagus Subanada Ismiranti Andarini Wisman Dalimunthe Dwi Wastoro Daldiyanto. 12
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP MORE UNDERSTANDING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY PROBLEM & HEPATITIS IN PEDIATRIC Organized by Gastrohepatology Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society MALEOSAN 2 ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL 2ND FLOOR SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 ONE DAY SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 PEDIATRIC GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY PROBLEMS Course Director: Badriul Hegar 08.00 - 08.05 Opening 08.05 - 08.10 Remarks from The Chair of UKK Gastrohepatology 08.10 - 08.30 Bloating and Gastroesophageal Refl ux Diseases 08.30 - 08.50 Constipation: Functional & Organics 08.50 - 09.10 Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome 09.10 - 09.30 Discussion 09.30 - 09.45 Coffee/Tea Break 09.45 - 12.00 INTERACTIVE CASE STUDY 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch PEDIATRIC HEPATITIS: FROM ABC TO FULMINANT HEPATITIS Course Director: Nenny Sri Mulyani 13.00 - 13.05 Opening 13.05 - 13.30 Fulminant Hepatitis – Acute Liver Failure in Children – Updated Management 13.30 - 13.50 Treatment of Chronic Active Hepatitis B Infection and Hepatitis C Virus Infection 13.50 - 14.10 Management of Autoimmune Hepatitis 14.10 - 14.30 Discussion 14.30 - 14.45 Coffee/Tea Break 14.45 - 17.00 INTERACTIVE CASE STUDY FACILITATOR Badriul Hegar IGM Reza Gunadi Ranuh Badriul Hegar Alpha Fardah Athiyyah Christi Manoppo All Faculties Nenny Sri Mulyani Titis Widowati Nenny Sri Mulyani Ninung Rose Diana All Faculties PEDIATRIC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY FOR PRACTITIONERS Organized by Cardiology Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society TONDANO ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL GROUND FLOOR SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Mulyadi M. Djer ONE DAY SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 08.00 - 08.30 Opening and Pre-Test 08.30 - 09.00 Anatomy and Physiology of Pediatric's Heart 09.00 - 09.30 Basic Principles of Ultrasound (2D, Doppler, M-Mode) and Knobology 09.30 - 10.00 Basic Echocardiography in Pediatric 10.00 - 10.30 Overview of Congenital Heart Disease 10.30 - 10.45 Discussion 10.45 - 11.00 Coffee/Tea Break 11.00 - 11.30 Echocardiography in Most Common Congenital Heart Disease 11.30 - 12.00 Hemodynamic Assessment by Echocardiography in Critical Ill Patients 12.00 - 12.30 Echocardiography Assessment for Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension 12.30 - 12.45 Discussion 12.45 - 13.30 Lunch and Daily Pray 13.30 - 16.20 SKILL STATIONS (13.30-15.00) SKILL STATION I 13.30 - 14.00 Subcostal View 14.00 - 14.30 Apical View 14.30 - 15.00 Parasternal View 15.00 - 15.15 Coffee/Tea Break 15.15 - 16.30 SKILL STATION II 15.15 - 16.00 Suprasternal View 16.00 - 16.20 Case Illustration 16.20 - 16.35 Post Test 16.35 - 17.00 Round Discussion, Wrap Up and Closing FACULTY TEAM: Mulyadi M. Djer Ni Pt Veny Kartika Yantie Rahmat Budi Kuswiyanto Winda Azwani Tri Yanti Rahayuningsih 13
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP ENDOCRINE EMERGENCIES AND QUALITY OF LIFE Organized by Endocrinoogy Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society MALEOSAN 1 ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL 2ND FLOOR SATURDAY - SUNDAY, 07 - 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Ratna Dewi Artati DAY 1 DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS GROUP DISCUSSION 08.00 - 08.45 Diabetic Ketoacidosis/Sick Days 08.45 - 09.15 Feedback DKA 09.15 - 09.45 Education & Sick Days Management 09.45 - 10.15 Developing Clinical Pathway for DKA 10.15 - 10.30 Coffee/Tea Break 10.30 - 11.00 Take Home Message: DKA & Sick Days Management PERIMENARCHEAL BLEEDING 11.00 - 12.00 Heavy Menstrual Bleeding 12.00 - 12.15 Post Test 12.15 - 12.30 Wrap-Up & Evaluation 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch SATURDAY, 07 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Frida Soesanti DAY 2 08.00 - 08.15 Opening 08.15 - 08.30 Introduction GLYCEMIC DISORDERS IN THE NEONATES 08.30 - 09.15 Glycemic Disorders in the Neonates 09.15 - 09.30 Coffee/Tea Break 09.30 - 09.45 Individual Test 09.45 - 10.15 Group Test 10.15 - 10.45 Feedback Glycemic Disorders in the Neonates GROUP DISCUSSION Developing Clinical Pathway for Hypoglcemia; Hyperglycemia in the Neonates 11.30 - 12.00 Take Home Message: Glycemic Disorders in the Neonates 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch ELECTROLYTE DISTURBANCES 13.00 - 13.45 - Sodium and Water Balance - Hyponatremia - Hypernatremia 13.45 - 14.00 Individual Readiness Assurance Test 14.00 - 14.20 Group Individual Readiness Assurance Test 14.20 - 14.50 GRAT and Clarifi cation 14.50 - 15.30 Case Base Discussion (Case 1 & Case 2) 15.30 - 15.45 Coffee/Tea Break 15.45 - 16.30 Case Base Discussion (Case 3 & Case 4) 16.30 - 17.15 Take Home Message (Wrap Up & Evaluation) FACULTY TEAM: SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Ratna Dewi Artati Frida Soesanti Indra Himawan Karina Soegiharto 10.45 - 11.15 14
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP NEWBORN SCREENING (NBS) WORKSHOP Organized by Newborn Screening Task Force/Indonesian Pediatric Society MALEOSAN 4 ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL 2ND FLOOR SATURDAY - SUNDAY, 07 - 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Frida Soesanti DAY 1 08.20 - 08.30 Opening by The Head of NBS Task Force IPS 08.30 - 08.40 NBS Situation in Indonesia. Government and Private Sectors NBS for Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH) 08.40 - 09.05 1. Why Do We Need NBS for Congenital Hypothyroidism? 09.05 - 09.30 2. How Should The NBS for CH Perform? And How to Interpret The Result of NBS? Frida Soesanti 09.30 - 10.05 3. How to Interpret the Result NBS in Special Circumtances (Prematures or Sick Babies) 10.05 - 10.25 Exercise (Cases) 10.25 - 10.45 Coffee/Tea Break NBS for Premature Baby: The Least to Do 10.45 - 11.10 1. What Kind of Screening Should We Perform for the Premature Babies and for the Sick Babies 11.10 - 11.35 2. USG: When and How to Interpret? 11.35 - 11.50 3. The Signifi cance of Retinopathy Screening: When and How to Prevent It? 11.50 - 12.05 4. Hearing Screening: Does OAE Enough? 12.05 - 12.25 Exercise (Cases) 12.25 - 13.15 Lunch NBS Screening on G6PD: 13.15 - 13.40 1. Is It Important? Why? 13.40 - 14.05 2. How to Do and How to Interpret The Result? 14.05 - 14.25 Exercise/Case/Discussion Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: 14.25 - 15.00 Do We Need NBS? Why? 15.00 - 15.15 Exercise/Case/Discussion 15.15 - 15.30 Wrap Up & Evaluation 15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break SATURDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Rinawati Rohsiswatmo Hardiono Pusponegoro Frida Soesanti Frida Soesanti Rinawati Rohsiswatmo Evita B. Irfan Rinawati Rohsiswatmo Rinawati Rohsiswatmo Teny Tjitra Sari Frida Soesanti Rinawati Rohsiswatmo Course Director: Naomi Esthrina F. Dewanto DAY 2 SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 NBS in Inborn Error of Metabolism 08.30 - 08.55 1. The Importance of NBS and How to Recognize? 08.55 - 09.20 2. PKU: How, When, and How to Interpret? 09.20 - 09.55 3. How About Other Inborn Error of Metabolism 09.55 - 10.25 Exercise (Cases) 10.25 - 10.40 Coffee Break NBS for Critical Congenital Heart Disorders: The Role Pulse Oxymetri? 11.30 - 12.00 Exercise (Cases) & Discussion 12.00 - 12.15 Wrap Up & Evaluation 12.15 - 13.15 Lunch FACULTY TEAM: FACILITATOR Damayanti Sjarief Damayanti Sjarief Rinawati Rohsiswatmo Damayanti Sjarief Evita B. Irfan Frida Soesanti Hardiono Pusponegoro Mulyadi M. Djer Teny Tjitra Sari Mulyadi M. Djer 10.40 - 11.30 Rinawati Rohisiswatmo 15
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP BASIC ULTRASOUND FOR PEDIATRICIANS Organized by Imaging Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society SINGAPORE ROOM, GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO SATURDAY - SUNDAY, 07 - 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Evita Karianni Bermanshah Ifran DAY 1 BASIC NORMAL ULTRASOUND 08.00 - 08.10 Opening Remark 08.10 - 08.30 Introduction: Why Pediatrician Should Do Ultrasound? 08.30 - 09.00 Knobology 09.00 - 09.15 Coffee/Tea Break 09.15 - 10.00 Basic Head Ultrasound 10.00 - 10.45 Basic Cardiac Ultrasound 10.45 - 11.30 Basic Lung Ultrasound 11.30 - 12.15 Basic Abdominal Ultrasound 12.15 - 13.00 Lunch & Pray HANDS-ON WORKSHOP [Participant are divided in 4 Groups -Rotation] 13.00 - 14.00 How To Do Head Ultrasound 14.00 - 15.00 How To Do Cardiac Ultrasound 15.00 - 15.15 Coffee/Tea Break 15.15 - 16.15 How To Do Lung Ultrasound 16.15 - 17.15 How To Do Abdominal Ultrasound 17.15 - 17.30 Wrap Up & Evaluation SATURDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Evita K.B. Irfan Evita K.B. Irfan Evita K.B. Irfan Dina Djojohusodo Rizalya Dewi Evita K.B. Irfan Hartojo Dina Djojohusodo Rizalya Dewi Evita K.B. Irfan Hartojo Coordinator: Rizalya Dewi DAY 2 SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 ABNORMAL FINDINGS AND CASE DISCUSSION 08.00 - 08.30 Abnormal Head ultrasound 08.30 - 09.15 Functional Echocardiography and Hemodynamic 09.15 - 10.30 Abnormal Lung Ultrasound 10.30 - 10.45 Morning Coffee/Tea 10.45 - 11.30 Abnormal Abdominal Ultrasound 11.30 - 12.15 HIP and Spine Ultrasound 12.15 - 13.00 Lunch & Pray HANDS-ON WORKSHOP & CASE SIMULATION [Participant are divided in 4 Groups -Rotation] 13.00 - 14.00 Head Ultrasound Cases Simulation 14.00 - 15.00 Cardiac Ultrasound Case Simulation 15.00 - 15.15 Coffee/Tea Break 15.15 - 16.15 Lung Ultrasound Case Simulation 16.15 - 17.15 Abdominal Ultrasound Case Simulation 17.15 - 17.30 Wrap Up & Evaluation FACILITATOR Ratno Juniarto To Be Advised Evita K.B. Irfan HF Wulandari Evita K.B. Irfan Ratno Juniarto To Be Advised Evita K.B. Irfan HF Wulandari 16
PRE-PIT IKA X-ASPR XV WORKSHOP WHAT'S NEW IN BREASTFEEDING? Organized by Breastfeeding Task Force/Indonesian Pediatric Society MALEOSAN 3 ROOM, SWISS BELHOTEL 2ND FLOOR SATURDAY - SUNDAY, 07 - 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 Course Director: Elizabeth Yohmi DAY 1 08.30 - 08.45 Opening 08.45 - 09.00 Pre-Test 09.00 - 09.45 Physiology of Lactation 09.45 - 10.00 Coffee/Tea Break 10.00 - 10.45 Supporting Breastfeeding before and in the First 72 Hours after Delivery 10.45 - 11.30 Common Breastfeeding Problems in the First Week 11.30 - 12.00 Discussion 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch 13.00 - 13.45 Oral Motor Skill in Breastfeeding 13.45 - 14.30 Assesment and Intervention the Breastfeeding 14.30 - 15.00 Discussion 15.00 - 15.15 Post Test 15.15 - 15.30 Wrap-Up & Evaluation 15.30 - 16.00 Coffee/Tea Break SATURDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Naomi E. F. Dewanto Elizabeth Yohmi Andi Nanis S.Marzuki Luh Karunia Wahyuni Wiyarni Pambudi DAY 2 08.30 - 08.45 Opening 08.45 - 09.00 Pre-Test 09.00 - 09.45 How to Prevent Growth Faltering during the First Six Month 09.45 - 10.00 Coffee/Tea Break 10.00 - 10.45 How to Practice Supplementation, Relactation, and Induction 10.45 - 11.30 Updates on Expression, Storage, and Transport of Breast Milk 11.30 - 12.00 Discussion 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch 13.00 - 13.45 Politics and Breastfeeding 13.45 - 14.30 FAQ About Breastfeeding and Breast Surgery 14.30 - 15.00 Discussion 15.00 - 15.15 Post Test 15.15 - 15.30 Wrap-Up & Evaluation 15.30 - 16.00 Coffee/Tea Break SUNDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 FACILITATOR Klara Yuliarti Dini Adityarini IGAN Partiwi Badriul Hegar Utami Roesli APSID AUTUMN SCHOOL Organized by Research Task Force/Indonesian Pediatric Society & & Asia Pacifi c Society for Immunodefi ciencies (APSID) Continuing the success of the 7 APSID Schools since 2015, APSID will organize the 2019 APSID Autumn School, which is held in conjunction with the Joint 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X) and 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR XV) &) at GKCC Manado-Indonesia. The APSID Autumn School will be held on 07-08 September 2019 as a pre-congress workshop. The APSID Sessions, consisting of 2 symposia, runs alongside with the PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019 main conference on 09-10 September 2019. For those who’s willing to present the Cases for APSID Autumn School, may apply for APSID on-line membership thru http:// paed.hku.hk/apsid/member/index.html and register through APSID web. 17
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 10th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF INDONESIAN PEDIATRIC SOCIETY (PIT-IKA X 2019) & 15th CONGRESS OF ASIAN SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC RESEARCH (ASPR) "Strengthening Asia’s Research Collaboration for Global Child Health" MONDAY - WEDNESDAY, 09 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO SUNDAY - 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 18.00 - 20.00 WELCOME RECEPTION (GRAND OPENING)- MANADO GRAND CENTRAL DAY 1 ROOM MONDAY - 09 SEPTEMBER 2019 GRAND KAWANUA BALLROOM PLENARY Does Indonesian Pediatric Curriculum Competitive in ASEAN Economic Community era? Aryono Hendarto Toward Zero TB: Global and National Challenges of Child TB Rina Triasih (Yogyakarta) Infectious Diseases: Old Problems, New Challenges Anggraini Alam (Bandung) What Are the Barriers of Using the Conjugated Vaccines in Preventing Pneumococcal Disease in Asia? Yu Lung Lau (Hongkong) EXHIBITION OPENING/COFFEE BREAK GKCC 1 GKCC 2 THE IMPACT OF UNDERNOURISHED AND FOOD ALLERGIES ON INFANTS HEALTH The Impact of Undernourished and Food Allergies on Infants Health ThroughVaccination 08.00 - 08.20 08.20 - 08.40 08.40 - 09.00 09.00 - 09.20 09.20 - 09.50 ROOM 09.50 - 10.40 GKCC 3 PARIS-SYDNEY BANGKOK-SINGAPORE WHAT'S NEW FOR NEWBORN SCREENING PROGRAM? WHAT REALLY MATTERS ON VACCINE PROBIOTIC FOR GUT HEALTH AND OPTIMAL GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Is Triple Bifi dobacterium More Effective to Children The Role of Social Media as an Education Tool Closing The Scientifi c Gap in Controlling Pertussis Promoting Child Health by PRIMAKU and PRIMAPro The Role of Pulse Oxymetri as Newborn Screening for Critical Congenital Hear Disorders: Is It Useful? Mulyadi M. Djer (Jakarta) Screening for Inborn Error of Metabolism Goran Ristic (Spain) Food Allergy and Its Manifestation in Children Kyu-Bin Oh (Korea) Is It True PCV with More Serotype is Better? Junichi Minami (Japan) The Effectiveness of Probiotic in Preventing Gastrointestinal Disorders Antonius H Pudjiadi (Jakarta) Gen-Z: Social Media for Educating the Next Generation Zakiudin Munasir (Banten) TBA Badriul Hegar (Jakarta) The Impact for Growth and Development Ahmad Suryawan (Surabaya) Panel Discussion GKCC 3 CHILD'S BRAIN & COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT: PRIVILEGED BY IMMUNE SYSTEM IN EARLY LIFE Panelists: Chatarine Mayung Sambo (Jakarta) Damayanti R. Sjarief (Jakarta) Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion ROOM 10.50 - 11.40 GKCC 1 GKCC 2 PARIS-SYDNEY BANGKOK-SINGAPORE DO WE NEED THESE KINDS OF SCREENING FOR OUR NEWBORN BABIES? THE EVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE OF PROBIOTIC IN INFANT AND TODDLER NUTRITION IMPROVING PCV ACCESS IN INDONESIA TO REDUCE CHILDREN MORTALITY RATE DUE TO PNEUMONIA Current Epidemiology and Serotype Distribution of Pneumococcal Disease in Indonesia: Wake Up Call for Pediatricians Cissy Kartasasmita (Bandung) CHILDREN AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Does Gut Health Concept Still Evolving? An Indonesian Pediatric Perspective on Probiotic Intervention in Infants and Toddle Badriul Hegar (Jakarta) International Research Collaboration on Environmental Enteric Dysfunction As A Cause of Childhood Malnutrition Do We Really Need G6PD Screening for Our Newborn? Ahmad Suryawan (Surabaya) Anang Endaryanto (Surabaya) Tahmeed Ahmed (Bangladesh) Teny Tjitra Sari (Jakarta) Evolutionary Science of Probiotic in Infants and Toddler: Where Are We now? Ryan Carvalho (USA) Improving PCV Access in Indonesia Through PCV Demonstration Program: Where Are We Now? Sri Rezeki S. Hadinegoro (Jakarta) Best Practice Sharing of PCV Access in Large Birth Cohort Country G. Sethi (USA) TBA Discussion Achieving SDGs for Congenital Disorders in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges Does OAE a Suffi cient Tool for Screening of Hearing Impairment in the Newborn? Meow Keong Thong (Malaysia) Speaker Newborn Screening Ending Tuberculosis in SDG Era NBS for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Is it Necessary and How to Interpret the Result? Aman B Pulungan (Jakarta) Discussion Rajeshwar Dayal (India) Discussion Discussion MANADO CULINARY FEST - EXHIBITION GALLERY / DAILY PRAYS Discussion 11.40 - 12.40 18
ROOM GKCC 1 GKCC 2 GKCC 3 PARIS-SYDNEY BANGKOK-SINGAPORE DEALING WITH DISASTER: CAN WE BE PREPARED? IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION AND DISEASES ATOPIC DERMATITIS AND FOOD ALLERGY CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS IN SYSTEMIC DISEASE THE CHALLENGES OF MANAGING PEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY DISEASES IN REFERRAL HOSPITALS Recognizing United Airway Problems in Longterm Management of Asthma Ery Olivianto (Malang) TB in Adolescents: What Should We Aware? 12.40 - 13.00 Optimal Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis Cardiovascular Complication in Children with Anemia Dermatology Manifestations of Primary Immunodefi ciency After the Earthquake: Expecting the Unexpected Rita Evalina (Medan) When to Test for Food Allergy in Atopic Dermatitis Cases Reynald Takumansang (Manado) David Kaunang (Manado) Cardiovascular Manifestation of Dengue Infection Eka Gunawijaya (Denpasar) Liew Woei Kang (Singapore) The Role of Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Kun Ling Shen (China) Yogi Prawira (Jakarta) Managing Disaster Team in Impacted Area : Lombok Earthquake Experience 13.00 - 13.20 Moh. Syarofi l Anam (Semarang) Management of Necrotizing and Other Severe Complications of Pneumonia Putu Siadi Purniti (Denpasar) Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE THE MOST COMMOM PROBLEMS IN CHILDHOOD TB TREATMENT Management of Anti TB Drug Adverse Reaction Including DILI Sang Ayu Kompyang Indriyani (NTB) Chemoprophylaxis to Prevent Drug Sensitive and Resistant Active TB Amalia Setyati (Yogyakarta) Eka Nurhandini (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 13.20 - 13.40 Stunting and Malnutrition in Children with Heart Disease Dysregulated Immune System in Sepsis Indonesian Pediatric Society Role in the Disaster Response Team Anindita Soetadji (Semarang) Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE PEDIATRIC MALARIA: WHAT DO PEDIATRICIANS NEED TO KNOW? Hans D. Ochs (USA) Fathy Zuandi Pohan (Jakarta) 13.40 - 13.50 PRO CON DEBATE CLINICAL PRACTICE UNFOLDING THE CONTROVERSIES AND LIMITATIONS Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE MEDICAL CHALENGES IN JAUNDICE Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE PEDIATRICIAN ROLE AS DISASTER VOLUNTEER 14.00 - 14.20 Assessing Growth Deceleration: Which Curve to Use? Aman B. Pulungan (Jakarta) Treat Severe Malaria in Children Jaundice in Newborn: Diagnostic, Management and Algoritm How to Become A Rescue Volunteer? Suryadi N N Tantura (Manado) Pitfalls in Diagnosis and Management of Malaria Yudith Setiati Ermaya (Bandung) Kurniawan T. Kadafi (Malang) Children Needs at the First Days After Disaster Struck 14.20 - 14.40 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Limited Resources Area Agustini Utari (Semarang) Cholestatic Children: From Vitamin D Insuffi ciency to Osteoporosis Bagus Setyoboedi (Surabaya) I Nyoman Arie Purwana (Denpasar) Jeanne Rini Poespoprodjo (Papua) Discussion 14.40 - 15.00 15.00 - 15.30 ROOM 15.30 -16.30 Discussion COFFEE BREAK Discussion Discussion Discussion GKCC 1 GKCC 2 GKCC 3 PARIS ORAL SYDNEY ORAL PRESENTATION BANGKOK ORAL PRESENTATION SINGAPORE ORAL PRESENTATION THE BEST PEDIATRIC RESEARCH PRESENTATION ORAL PRESENTATION ORAL PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 15.30 - 16.30 E-POSTER PRESENTATION 19
DAY 2 ROOM 08.00 - 09.00 TUESDAY - 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 PARIS SYDNEY BANGKOK SINGAPORE MEET THE EXPERT RHEUMATOLOGY FOR GENERALISTS MEET THE EXPERT WHAT'S NEW IN TROPICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASE: FROM VARICELLA TO MEASLES, MUMPS AND RUBELLA Real World Effectiveness & Impact of Varicella Vaccination MEET THE EXPERT OLD PROBLEMS; NEW APPROACH MEET THE EXPERT CHILDREN WITH REFRACTORY RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS The Role of Antimicrobial in Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease Renny Suwarniaty (Malang) Persistent Pulmonary Hipertension vs Critical CHD Heterogeneity of Asthma in Underfi ve Children When Should Pediatrician Suspect Vasculitis in A Child? Dominicus Husada (Surabaya) What's the Recommendation for Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine? Hindra Irawan Satari (Jakarta) Discussion Finny Fitry Yani (Padang) Clinical Approach of Chronic R. Reni Ghrahani DM (Bandung) Innitial Evaluation of a Child with Arthritis Syarif Rohimi (Jakarta) Bambang Supriyatno (Jakarta) Discussion Cahya Dewi Satria (Yogyakarta) Discussion Discussion ROOM GRAND KAWANUA BALLROOM PLENARY The Challenging of Pediatric Cardiac Care in Indonesia: Where We've Been, Where We Are, Where Are We Going Teddy Ontoseno (Surabaya) Lung Ultrasound: From Impossible to Promising Evita Karianni Bermanshah (Jakarta) Endocrine Aspect of Double Burden in Indonesian Children Madarina Julia (Yogyakarta) GRAND KAWANUA BALLROOM NUTRITION & DEVELOPMENT IN PRETERM: HOW FAST WE CAN GO, HOW SLOW WE CAN WAIT Optimal Nutrition for Preterm Growth 09.10 - 09.30 09.30 - 09.50 09.50 - 10.10 ROOM PARIS-SYDNEY BANGKOK-SINGAPORE CASE STUDIES: PALPABLE ABDOMINAL MASS How to Differentiate Palpable Abdominal Mass with Ultrasound Ratno Juniarto Marulitua (Jakarta) Hydronephrosis: Obstruction or Not Obstruction? HUMAN MILK AND ALLERGIC DISEASE 10.20 - 10.40 The Role of Breastfeeding in Primary Prevention of Allergic Disease Anang Endaryanto (Surabaya) Do and Don't During Breasfeeding to Reduce Allergic Reaction in Infants Endah Citraresmi (Jakarta) Discussion Rinawati Rohsiswatmo (Jakarta) Development Assessement in Preterm: Corrected Age Adjusted 10.40 - 11.00 Ahmad Suryawan (Surabaya) Discussion COFFEE BREAK GKCC 1 THE STANDARD CARE FOR HBV VACCINATION Hartojo (Surabaya) Discussion 11.00 - 11.10 11.10 - 11.40 ROOM 11.40 - 12.30 GKCC 2 GKCC 3 PARIS-SYDNEY BANGKOK-SINGAPORE INDONESIAN PEDIATRIC COLLEGE SESSION THIRD GENERATION OF ORAL CEPHALOSPHORIN FOR UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION: WHAT'S NEW? Does New Oral Cephalosphorin Safe and Effective To Be Used in Children Rianto Setiabudi (Jakarta) Recurrent Tonsilitis: Conservative vs Surgery Bambang Supriyanto (Jakarta) UNIVERSAL GUIDELINE TO PREVENT STUNTING IN EARLY YEARS OF LIFE CLINICAL PRACTICE WHY MOTHER'S OWN MILK AND NOT DONOR HUMAN MILK Novel Insights into the Prevention of Mother- to-Child Transmission of Hepatitis B Hanifah Oswari (Jakarta) Outstanding Liver Protection Right From the Start Peter Griffi ths (Germany) Why Mother's Own Milk and Not Donor Human Milk? Treasure Study: Compatibility Between Education and the National Child Health Service Needs Damayanti R. Sjarief (Jakarta) Naomi Esthernita Fauzia D (Jakarta) Mohammad Juffrie (Yogyakarta) IDAI Breastfeeding Task Force Recommendation on Human Donor Milk Bullying on Pediatric Residency Program Elizabeth Yohmi (Jakarta) Agus Firmansyah (Jakarta) Factors Infl uence Graduation at Minimum Study Duration in Pediatric Residency Program Discussion MANADO CULINARY FEST - EXHIBITION GALLERY / DAILY PRAYS Discussion Discussion Discussion M. Heru Muryawan (Semarang) 12.30 - 13.10 20
ROOM GKCC 1 GKCC 2 GKCC 3 PARIS-SYDNEY BANGKOK-SINGAPORE OPTIMIZING THE MANAGEMENT OF GROWTH AFFECTING CONDITIONS INFLAMMATION IN GASTROHEPATOLOGY IMPROVING QUALITY OF CARE IN PEDIATRIC RHEUMATOLOGY DISEASES THE ROLE OF ULTRASOUND IN PEDIATRIC: FROM SCREENING TO DIAGNOSIS HOW TO RECOGNIZE PID FROM INFECTION PATTERN I 13.10 - 13.30 Updated Management of Helicobacter Pylori Infection Dwi Prasetyo (Bandung) Defi ning Health Care in Childhood Lupus Newborn Screening of Hip Dysplasia What PID to Suspect When a Child Presents With Diffi cult to Treat Bacterial Infections? Abnormal Results of Newborn Screening for Congenital Hypothyroid: What's Next? Budi Setiabudiawan (Bandung) Evita Karianni Bermanshah (Jakarta) Narissara Suratannon (Thailand) Dana Nur Prihadi (Jakarta) 13.30 - 13.50 Rectal Bleeding in Infant: Is It Always CMPA’s? Drugs for Pediatric Rheumatology Cases – What We Have and What We Need Zahrah Hikmah (Surabaya) Minimizing Adverse Effect of Rheumatology Drugs Doppler Ultrasound in Hepatobiliary Disorders What PID to Suspect When a Child Presents With Diffi cult to Treat Viral and Candida Infections? Insulin Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes: Choosing the Appropriate Regimen Muzal Kadim (Jakarta) Haryanti Fauzia Wulandari (Jakarta) Ultrasound in Hemodynamic Evaluation: Inotropic or Fluid Rizalya Dewi (Pekanbaru) Woei Kang Liew (Singapore) Vivekenanda Pateda (Manado) 13.50 - 14.10 Fatty Liver in Obesity: Is it Dangerous? (re NAFLD or NASH) What PID to Suspect When a Child Presents With Diffi cult to Treat Mycobacterial Infections? A Girl Presenting with Short Stature: Initial Approach and Her Medical Concerns Hanifah Oswari (Jakarta) RA. Myrna Alia (Palembang) Hidenori Ohnishi (Japan) Novina Andriana (Bandung) What PID to Suspect When a Child Presents With Diffi cult to Treat EBV/HSV/CMV Infections? Hirokazu Kanegane (Japan) Discussion HOW TO RECOGNIZE PID FROM INFECTION PATTERN II 14.10 - 14.20 Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE IBD Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE DAILY ACTIVITY FOR CHILDREN WITH HEART DISEASE From Benign Arrhythmia to Sudden Cardiac Death: How to Recognize Mahrus A. Rahman (Surabaya) Sports & Physical Activity in Children with Heart Disease Ria Nova (Palembang) Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE NEUROIMAGING IN PEDIATRIC AND NEONATAL SEIZURE Ultrasound in Neonatal Seizure Discussion CLINICAL PRACTICE ABOUT EXTERNAL GENITALIA AND POLYURIA 14.30 - 14.50 Diagnostic Evaluation for IBD in Pediatric Patient When an Allergist Needs to Suspect PID in a Child With Eczema and High Serum IgE? External Genital Variation: When Should We Worry? Nanis S. Marzuki (Jakarta) IGM Reza Gunadi Ranuh (Surabaya) Steroid vs Enteral Nutrition for Initial Management of IBD Mohammad Juffrie (Yogyakarta) Dina Djojohusodo (Surabaya) Neuroimanging in Pediatric Seizure Hans Ochs (USA) 14.50 - 15.10 When a Respirologist Needs to Suspect PID? Excessive Urination in Children: Endocrine Perspectives Haryanti Fauzia Wulandari (Jakarta) Yu Lung Lau (Hongkong) Connie Untario (Malang) What PID to Suspect When a Child Presents with Autoimmune Features Mao W.H (China) What PID to Suspect When a Child Presents with Infl ammatory Signs With or Without Fever? Pamela Lee (Hongkong) Discussion 15.10 - 15.20 15.20 - 15.50 ROOM 15.50 - 16.50 Discussion COFFEE BREAK GKCC 1 THE BEST PEDIATRIC RESEARCH PRESENTATION Discussion Discussion Discussion GKCC 2 ORAL GKCC 3 ORAL PARIS ORAL SYDNEY ORAL PRESENTATION BANGKOK ORAL PRESENTATION SINGAPORE ORAL PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 15.50 - 16.50 E-POSTER PRESENTATION CULTURAL FEST DINNER - MANADO CONVENTION CENTER 18.00 - 20.00 21
DAY 3 ROOM 08.00 - 09.00 WEDNESDAY - 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 GKCC 1 MEET THE EXPERT ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (AMR) CRISIS Sick Babies Problem of Antibiotic Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in Asia and Private Sectors GKCC 2 GKCC 3 MEET THE EXPERT Newborn Screening in Premature Babies and NBS Situation in Indonesia. Government Irene Ratridewi (Malang) Hardiono Pusponegoro (Jakarta) Newborn Screening in Sick Infants: What Kind of Screening Do We Have to Perform Antibiotic Resistance and the Role of Vacccines Sri Rezeki S. Hadinegoro (Jakarta) Rinawati Rohsiswatmo How to Interpret the Result of Congenital Hypothyroid Screening in Sick Babies and Preterm Babies Frida Soesanti Discussion HOW TO SUPPORT BREASTFEEDING IN EMERGENCY SITUATION Pediatricians Role Regarding Breastfeeding in Emergency Situation Martinus M. Leman (Jakarta) Discussion CLIMATE CHANGE & INFECTIONS HUMAN DISEASES PANEL DISCUSSION VITAMIN D IN CHILDREN IMMUNIZATION CHAMPIONS 09.10 - 09.30 Human Microbiome & Climate Warming Panelist: Budi Setiabudiawan (Bandung) Ismoedijanto Moedjito (Surabaya) 09.30 - 09.50 The Clinical Infectious Diseases Relevance in Climate Changes Disaster Preparation: Breastfeeding Matters During Emergency Hardiono Pusponegoro (Jakarta) Dwi Lingga (Denpasar) Wiyarni Pambudi (Jakarta) Child Protection in Emergency Situations 09.50 - 10.10 Strategy to Combat Outbreaks in Tropical Areas Ting Fan Leung (Hongkong) Hindra Irawan Satari (Jakarta) Discussion Eva Devita Harmoniati (Jakarta) Discussion 10.10 - 10.20 10.20 - 10.40 ROOM COFFEE BREAK GRAND KAWANUA CONVENTION CENTER PLENARY The Role of Innate & Adaptive Immune Response in Early Phase of ARDS Satoshi Nakagawa (Japan) Pediatricians Role in Disaster Jaya Ariheryanto (Jakarta) The Role of Gut Health in Early Life to Prevent Stunting IGM Reza G. Ranuh (Surabaya) Global Child Health: The Importance of Partnership & Overcoming Inequalities TBA CLOSING CEREMONY MANADO CULINARY FEST - EXHIBITION GALLERY / DAILY PRAYS 10.40 - 11.00 11.00 - 11.20 11.20 - 11.40 11.40 - 12.00 12.00 - 12.15 12.15 - 13.00 22
CALL FOR FREE PAPER ABSTRACT To enhance the scientifi c value of its 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society and 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR) that would be held from 09-11 September 2019 at GKCC Manado, Indonesia to promote the research and the updates in the fi eld of child health care, the Call for Abstracts is now open. CLOSING SUBMISSION DEADLINE BEFORE 31 MAY 2019 GENERAL POLICIES & REQUIREMENT • All abstracts must be original work • No abstracts will be considered after the closing deadline • Presenting author of abstract must be registered as Registrant. • The abstracts submission for the same primary Author is limited up to two abstracts The decision of Abstracts allocation as oral or poster presentation will be a discretion of the Scientifi c Committee ABSTRACT PREPARATION GUIDELINES All Abstracts must be submitted online with Microsoft Word fi le attachment, with the preparation as follow: 1. Abstracts must be typed in English; Arial font size 11pt and single spacing 2. The Abstract must not exceed the 300 word limit excluding the title and authors. 3. Abstract title is limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE (All Caps) 4. Authors’ full name shall be written by fi rst name and followed by family name in upper and lower case 5. Primary author(s) is the fi rst mentioned, and underlined for presenting author 6. Affi liation details in sequence for department, institution/hospital, city/state, country 7. Avoid using non standard abbreviations, unfamiliar terms; symbols or acronyms not easily understood by general readers. Non-standard abbreviations must be defi ned in full at their fi rst appearance 8. Use generic name of drugs. Express numbers as numerals 9. The content of Abstracts is four paragraphs in UPPER CASE that briefl y state as follow: a) OBJECTIVE: State concisely why the study was conducted. b) METHOD: Indicate the locale, sample number, principal test(s) performed and the types of statistical analysis employed. c) RESULT: confi rm or refute the hypothesis, supported by statistic if appropriate d) CONCLUSION: State the effect of the study on future patient management or understanding of basic process 10. Abstract submission is also valid for Case Report with the content of Abstract in three paragraphs in UPPER CASE that briefl y state as follow: a) OBJECTIVE: State concisely why the study was conducted. b) CASE: Case description c) CONCLUSION: State the effect of the study on future patient management or understanding of basic process HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT ON-LINE 1. The participant is suggested to complete the registration submission fi rst before continue to submit for Free Paper Abstract. 2. Visit abstract submission page https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/free-paper/abstract-submission/ and fi ll in all required fi elds. 3. Reg/Order ID is the digit numbers given when you do the registration on-line 4. Click upload button and choose the abstract’s fi le from your local PC – we strongly recommend for word-processor software – then click “Submit” to complete the submission process 5. Acceptable in fi le formats are doc/docx or zip fi le, the maximum fi le size is 1 MB – kindly note that it is common that uploading fi le may take a while depending on traffi c and you internet connection. ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • Submission of abstract will be acknowledged by email reply to each nominated email address at the latest before 15 June 2019 after reviewed by the Free Paper Coordinator to be allocated in either oral or poster upon category; quality, clarity, and relevance for the audience, as well as the significant of paper 23
WITHDRAWAL / CHANGES • Abstract is allowed to be edited for one time only. The edited Abstract should be emailed to secretariat@pitika- asprmanado2019.com with the subject: [PIT IKA-ASPR 2019] Abstract Revised (Author Name) at the latest before 10 June 2019. • Withdrawal/changes will not be possible after the above mentioned date. • Should you wish to withdraw your Abstract, please email to secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com PUBLICATION • The presenting Author must be a Registrants in order to ensure their Abstract(s) is included in the final program. The uncommitted registration will cause the disqualification of Abstract and will not be published accordingly. Registration payment deadline is 01 July 2019 If you have not registered and pay by the deadline advised, the Committee may remove your presentation/poster from the Program • Submission acknowledges consent to publication of the Abstract in the Website and Abstract Book. Abstract submission also means the agreement to such publication and to surrender any copyright over the Abstract. • The Organizing Committee has a right reserve to edit the format of abstract due to the printing task for publication in terms of uniformity purpose. REWARD FOR BEST FREE PAPER PRESENTATIONS - All the Free Paper Presentations will be pre-sided by Panel of Juries upon schedule - The best paper presented will be rewarded the cash prizes - The result of winning presentations will be formally announced on Wednesday, 11 September 2019. 24
CALL FOR BEST PEDIATRIC RESEARCH MANUSCRIPT The purpose of Best Research Presentation is to encourage the Pediatricians to present his/her Best Researches at 10th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society and 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR). CLOSING SUBMISSION DEADLINE BEFORE 31 MAY 2019 GENERAL POLICIES & REQUIREMENT • All Best Pediatric Research must be original work • The topic must fit into scientific theme of the Congress • Manuscript should be written in English, according to in-house style of Paediatrica Indonesiana http:// paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/instruction • No Full Paper will be considered after the closing deadline • Presenting Author must be registered as Registrant. • Each individual participant is allowed to submit one paper only (as first author or co-author) BEST PEDIATRIC RESEARCH PRESENTATION GUIDELINES All Best Research Presentations, selected by the Scientifi c Committee will set during best research presentation sessions and have been allocated a 10-minute presentation, includes 8 minutes presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A. Further details about the date and time for your presentation will be sent on 15 August 2019 • All oral presentation PPT should be in English • Slide PowerPoint setup ratio is 16:9 for your later presentation must be in white background • Presentation is 8 minutes and 2 minutes discussion upon schedule • If you have any disclosure to make (such as conflict of interest or funding support from commercial organisations) please ensure you include a slide at the start of your presentation. The decision of selective manuscript will be a discretion of the Scientific Committee, the unselective manuscript will be allocated as e-Poster HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ON-LINE 1. The participant is suggested to complete the registration submission fi rst before continue to submit for manuscript.. 2. Visit abstract submission page https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/free-paper/manuscript-submission/ and fi ll in all required fi elds. 3. Reg/Order ID is the digit numbers given when you do the registration on-line 4. Click upload button and choose the manuscript’s fi le from your local PC – we strongly recommend for word-processor software – then click “Submit” to complete the submission process 5. Acceptable in fi le formats are doc/docx or zip fi le, the maximum fi le size is 1 MB – kindly note that it is common that uploading fi le may take a while depending on traffi c and you internet connection. MANUSCRIPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • Submission of manuscript will be acknowledged by email reply to each nominated email address at the latest before 15 June 2019 after reviewed by the Coordinator to be allocated in Best Pediatric Research sessions upon category; quality, clarity, and relevance for the audience, as well as the signifi cant of research 25
WITHDRAWAL / CHANGES • Manuscript is allowed to be edited for one time only. The edited manuscript should be emailed to secretariat@pitika- asprmanado2019.com with the subject: [PIT IKA-ASPR 2019] Manuscript Revised (Author Name) at the latest before 10 June 2019. • Withdrawal/changes will not be possible after the above mentioned date. • Should you wish to withdraw your manuscript, please email to secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com PUBLICATION • The presenting Author must be a Registrants in order to ensure their manuscript is included in the fi nal program. The uncommitted registration will cause the disqualifi cation and will not be published accordingly. Registration payment deadline is 01 July 2019. If you have not registered and pay by the deadline advised, the Committee may remove your presentation from the Program • Submission acknowledges consent to publication of the manuscript in the Website. Manuscript submission also means the agreement to such publication and to surrender any copyright over the manuscript. The Organizing Committee has a right reserve to edit the format of manuscript due to the printing task for publication in terms of uniformity purpose. • BEST RESEARCH AWARDS PRESENTATION • All the best research presentations will be pre-sided by Panel of Juries upon signifi cant of the Research. • The best manuscript presentation will be rewarded the cash prizes • The best manuscript will be published in Paediatrica Indonesiana (optional) • The result of winning presentations will be formally announced on Tuesday, 10 September 2019. 26
PIT MANADO FIESTA 2019: SOCIAL PROGRAM MEN’S TWO PAIRS BADMINTON COMPETITION GENERAL POLICIES & REQUIREMENT • No additional fee. Badminton competition participants must be a registered participants of 10th PIT IKA – ASPR XV Manado 2019 • Each team consist of minimum 3 pairs of players • Limited for only 12 teams AGENDA Place: J’LES SPORT CENTER, Jl. Poliklinik, Kairagi 2 Manado. Date: Monday, 09 September 2019 Time: 16.00 – fi nish HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PARTICIPATION 1. The participant is suggested to complete the registration submission fi rst before continue to submit for photography competition. 2. Visit submission page https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/programme/pitmanadofi esta and fi ll in all required fi elds. 3. Reg/Order ID is the digit numbers given when you do the registration on-line FUN RUN 3K GENERAL POLICIES & REQUIREMENT - No additional fee. Fun Run participants must be a registered participants of 10th PIT IKA – ASPR Manado 2019 - T-Shirt will be provided for the fi rst 500 registrants - Trophy will be provided for the fi rst 3 fi nisher - Medal will be provided for the fi rst 100 fi nisher AGENDA Place: Grand Kawanua International City - Manado Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2019 Time: 05.30 – fi nish HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PARTICIPATION 1. The participant is suggested to complete the registration submission fi rst before continue to submit for photography competition. 2. Visit submission page https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/programme/pitmanadofi esta and fi ll in all required fi elds. 3. Reg/Order ID is the digit numbers given when you do the registration on-line 27
PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION GENERAL POLICIES & REQUIREMENT 1. Photography competition participants must be registered as Registrant and a member of Indonesian Pediatric Society (IPS) 2. The photo submitted must be an original work and never been published in mass media (other than social media) and never been contested in other photography competition (offline or online) 3. The photo taken in a period of 2014 – 2019. 4. The photo is describing a condition of Indonesian child health and welfare. The photo should be able to display child health services condition in Indonesia consisting Community, Access, Responsibility, and Empathy with the intention to inspire people on the importance of Health and Welfare for Indonesian Child. 5. The photo should not be conflicted with social value nor contains violence, politics, pornography, insults, or blasphemy to any personal background (SARA). 6. All of photo output is responsibility of the participants, including the model and/or property usage. The committee and organizers are not liable for any legal charge from the property owner and/or model used in the photo. Photo should be submitted in digital format. Photo should be taken using digital camera (DSLR, pocket, mirorless) or smartphone which compatible with the required format. A scan of negative, transparency, or printing result will not be accepted. 7. Photo collage and montage are not allowed. Editing is limited only on photo color, contras, dodging, burning, rotating, and cropping. 8. Indonesian Pediatric Society (IPS) has the right to use the winner photo and nomination photos of this competition for any of IPS’s purposes. 9. Each participant has the right for 1 (one) winner title only. 10. The Jury’s decision is final and unalterable. 11. Each participant may submit maximum of 5 (five) photos. Retain the metadata (EXIF).Photo should not contain watermark 12. The Winners result will be announced on 10 September 2019 at https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/programme/ pitmanadofiesta 13. The committee has the right to not displayed, disqualified, or deleted the photo which not compatible with the general policies and guidelines. The printed Photo of 10R must be sent to Secretariat Address at the latest before 15 August 2019 with the paper of information size 10 x 15 cm Landscape with the format: TITLE; LOCATION; MONTH/YEAR; SPECIFICATION CAMERA (EXIF/RAW DATA) HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PARTICIPATION 1. The participant is suggested to complete the registration submission first before continue tosubmit for photography competition. 2. Visit submission page https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/programme/pitmanadofiesta and fill in all required fields. 3. Reg/Order ID is the digit numbers given when you do the registration on-line FINALISTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Submission of photo will be acknowledged by email reply to each nominated email address at the latest before 15 June 2019 after reviewed by the panel of jury for being Finalist PUBLICATION The Photo of Finalists will be displayed during PIT IKA X – ASPR XV Manado 2019. The uncommitted registration will cause the disqualifi cation and will not be published accordingly. Registration payment deadline is 01 July 2019. WINNERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION - All Finalist Photos will be pre-sided by Panel of Juries upon signifi cant of purpose. - The 3 winners of photography competition will be rewarded the cash prizes @ IDR 2.500.000,- and Medal - The result of winning photograph will be formally announced on Tuesday, 10 September 2019. 28
ABOUT MANADO WHAT MAKES MANADO SO SPECIAL As the capital of the North Sulawesi province, Manado is being Sulawesi’s second largest city. Located on the northern end of Indonesia’s island of Sulawesi, the fl ight time is only 3 hours 20 minutes with many options of frequent fl ights. The city of past colonial mosaic with Dutch infl uenced buildings, there-in lies its alluring beauty to those who like to visit exciting destinations, the natural light at the most unique authentic culture. This city is one of a kind in Indonesia with its stunning underwater landscape & great mountain panorama and mouth-watering cuisine. Famous as the “Land of Waving Coconut Palms” (Bumi Nyiur Malambai), Manado is the city of the friendliest and inquisitive people you would ever meet. The unique language of the smiling people! CLIMATE Manado climate is tropical and has a signifi cant amount of rainfall during the year. September is the most warmest month of the year. With the temperature 27° C, you can expect pleasant day. The clothing recommended for outdoor purpose during this weather is light and thin clothing. Casual dress is acceptable for most situations but some establishments may require a more formal dress code. VISA Nationals of 167 countries and 2 special regions can get a free 30-day non extendable visa. This 30 day free visa cannot be used for journalism. It is not extendable and you cannot convert the visa into a different visa. Visitors from these 169 countries can both enter & exit through 29 airports, 88 harbours and 7 land borders. The 169 countries free visa are Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina, Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, China, Commonwealth of Dominica, Comoros, Costa Rica, Cote D’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican, Republic Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau SAR, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Island, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.. CURRENCY & ATM Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) is the monetary unit in Indonesia. Notes come in denominationsof IDR 100.000, IDR 50.000, IDR 20.000, IDR 10.000, IDR 5.000, IDR 2.000. Foreign currency and traveler’s cheques can be converted into Rupiah at authorized money changers or banks, however some banks do not have foreign exchange dealing on Saturdays. The exchange rate is subjected to market fl uctuations approximately IDR. 14.000-15.000. Passports are required when cashing in travelers’ cheques. A nominal commissions may be charged. Many places accept credit card such as Visa and Master however we strongly advice. ATMs are everywhere, which may connects to international banking networks, so you can withdraw cash in Rupiah from your home account. Look for those affi liated with your own ATM network, noted by signage on your card and the compatible ATM. ELECTRICITY & TELEPHONE Electricity voltage is 220 voltage. There are two mobile phone networks: GSM & Internet Mobile. To make international calls, the access codes is +62 and Manado access code is +431 TIPPING Most larger hotels and restaurants automatically add government tax and service charge of up to 21 percent to the bill. Tipping is unusual and you are not compelled to tip. However, if you like the service a tip 10-15 percent is appreciated. Carry small change with you as taxi drivers often have none. Airport or hotels porters expect tip per bag depending on the size and weight. DEPARTURE Reconfi rm your airline reservation 24 hours prior to departure. Not all international airlines require confi rmation, but check your fl ight. Indonesian carriers frequently overbook due to peak seasons. Make sure you get the computer print-out from the airline offi ce/travel agent that says you have seat. Seat assignments can not always be arranged in advanced. Arrive at the airport two hours prior to departure. An international departure tax is required in Rupiah as well as departure tax for domestic destination. Residents pay an additional fi scal tax 29
AROUND MANADO Manado is Diving! The Bunaken Sea Garden is very well known around the world as one of the most beautiful sea gardens in the world also its popular with Wall Diving. Bangka and Gangga is a perfect places for a visit for honeymoon at the white sandy beach. Lembeh Strait offer its unique diving for small creatures like pygmy seahorse, octopus, pipefi sh, Nudibrances, Cuttle fi sh, frogfi sh and still a lot of more you can imagine. All divers dreams are available here. That is a present from mother nature. Mount Mahawu Mahawu Mountain is a volcano that settled near to other famous mountains, which is Lokon and Empung. Linow Lake One of the leading tourist destinations of this area is Lake Linow, a beautiful lake which showing the beauty of 3 colors lake Tinoor Waterfall One of the most beautiful and rarely visited waterfall. The unforgettable place with four waterfalls surrounded by forestt Lihaga Island Lihaga Island in Manado is one of the most beautiful Island in North Sulawesi. Beautiful white sandy beach with blue water Extreme Market The Tomohon Market in the mountains of North Sulawesi, is a traditional market known for selling entirely different types of meat Chinese Temple The beautifully designed Ban HinKiong Temple is 335 years old and is the oldest Chinese temple Tagkoko Park A popular trip from North Sulawesi is to the Tangkoko National Park, home of the world’s smallest primate, the tarsier. Timbukar Rafting Nimanga River, which is located in the village of Timbukar, District Sonder, Minahasa regency of North Sulawesi (Sulawesi) 30
SHUTTLE SERVICE DAILY MONDAY – WEDNESDAY, 09 – 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 Sutan Raja; Mels Inn; Miracle; Elfah Hotel ROUTE MORNING SHUTTLE TO GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 07.15 – 08.05 Every 5 – 10 Minutes AFTERNOON SHUTTLE FROM GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 15.15 – 17.05 Every 5 – 10 Minutes Mercure; Divanck; Best Western; Skyward; Lion; Manado Quality; Four Points; Green Eden; Prince Boulevard; Ibis; Big Fish; Biz Hotel; Whiz Prime; Grand Whiz; Aryaduta Hotel ROUTE MORNING SHUTTLE TO GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 07.10 – 09.10 Every 5 – 10 Minutes AFTERNOON SHUTTLE FROM GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 15.10 – 17.00 Every 5 – 10 Minutes Swiss Belhotel; Grand Central; Travello; Sintesa Peninsula; Aston City Hotel; Sahid Kawanua J'Les; Genio Hotel ROUTE MORNING SHUTTLE TO GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 07.15 – 08.40 Every 5 – 15 Minutes AFTERNOON SHUTTLE FROM GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 15.15– 17.40 Every 5 – 15 Minutes Casa De Wanea; S-Loft; Grand Puri; Quint; Top Hotel; Griya Sintesa; Maleosan; Sahid Manado (Teling) Hotel ROUTE MORNING SHUTTLE TO GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 07.10 – 09.00 Every 10 Minutes AFTERNOON SHUTTLE FROM GKCC NOVOTEL MANADO 15.10– 17.00 Every 10 Minutes 31
WELCOME RECEPTION (GRAND OPENING) 08 SEPTEMBER 2019 EVENING MANADO GRAND PALACE Jalan A.A. Maramis, Kayu Watu, Mapanget, Kairagi Dua Manado City, Sulawesi Utara DROP-OFF TO/FROM MANADO GRAND CENTRAL Novotel; Sutan Raja; Mels Inn; Miracle; Elfah Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.45 Every 10 Minutes Mercure; Divanck; Best Western; Skyward; Lion; Manado Quality; Four Points; Green Eden; Prince Boulevard; Ibis; Big Fish; Biz Hotel; Whiz Prime; Grand Whiz; Aryaduta Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.00 Every 10 Minutess Swiss Belhotel; Grand Central; Travello; Sintesa Peninsula; Aston City Hotel; Sahid Kawanua; J'Les; Genio Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.30 Every 10 Minutes Casa De Wanea; S-Loft; Grand Puri; Quint; Top Hotel; Griya Sintesa; Maleosan; Sahid Manado (Teling) Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.30 Every 10 Minutes DROP-OFF FROM MANADO GRAND CENTRAL Starting at 20.00 CULTURAL FEST DINNER 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 MANADO CONVENTION CENTER (MCC) JL. Piere Tendean Boulevard, Kawasan Boulevard Square Manado City, North Sulawesi DROP-OFF TO/FROM MANADO CONVENTION CENTER Novotel; Sutan Raja; Mels Inn; Miracle; Elfah Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.30 Every 10 Minutes Mercure; Divanck; Best Western; Skyward; Lion; Manado Quality; Four Points; Green Eden; Prince Boulevard; Ibis; Big Fish; Biz Hotel; Whiz Prime; Grand Whiz; Aryaduta Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.30 Every 10 Minutes Swiss Belhotel; Grand Central; Travello; Sintesa Peninsula; Aston City Hotel; Sahid Kawanua; J'Les; Genio Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.30 Every 10 Minutes Casa De Wanea; S-Loft; Grand Puri; Quint; Top Hotel; Griya Sintesa; Maleosan; Sahid Manado (Teling) Hotel ROUTE Starting at 17.45 Every 10 Minutes DROP-OFF FROM MANADO CONVENTION CENTER Starting at 21.00 Information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change. Timing interval and daily departure schedule stated is subject to traffi c, weather conditions and bus capacity. The management reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. 32
REGISTRATION & ACCOMMODATION HOW TO GET THE FORM • Send your request to secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com or Whatsapp +62811 88 2080 / +62819 88 2080 for the hardcopy of Announcement Book to be delivered at your home address, or softcopy to your email address. • Download the PDF file of updated Announcement at https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com or at http://www.idai.or.id/ ON-LINE REGISTRATION The Online Registration will be closed 2 (two) weeks prior the Event starting date. Please contact Secretariat after the mentioned date for back offi ce assistant STEP 1 – LOGIN OR SIGN UP A NEW ACCOUNT Login or Sign-Up for a new account at https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/registration/ The Online Registration will be closed 2 (two) weeks prior the Event starting date. Please contact Secretariat after the mentioned date for back offi ce assistant STEP 2 – REGISTER EVENT • Click REGISTRATION SUBMIT or get the link of https://pitika-asprmanado2019.com/registration • Register the category and workshop(s) you prefer. Follow the instructions and complete the necessary fields. STEP 3 – PAYMENT & RECEIVE TICKET(S) • Review the cart and proceed to check out. Input all required information as an applicant and participant(s). Select Payment Method. • Complete all the fields and proceed payment. ○ Bank Transfer –Send necessary confi rmation post transfer ○ Credit Card by Midtrans –Review payment and confirm ○ Other Method –Contact us • The Registration Notification will be sent to Applicant’s nominated email. Receipt(s) and Ticket(s) will be sent as well after the payment confirmed. Verifi cation process of your bank transfer may take up to 7 (seven) working days before you get the COMPLETED status confi rmation TIME LIMIT REGISTRATION PAYMENT Your registration on-hold (unpaid) will be automatically deleted of the system after the fi nal deadline of registration confi rmation sent by email, unless you response otherwise CHANGE IN PACKAGE / NAME OF PARTICIPANT Please contact Secretariat for back offi ce assistant. RE-REGISTRATION PROCEDURE • Display your printed PDF Ticket(s) or HTML email when your foreseen at Registration Counter to obtain your ID & conference kit, as well as for certificate verification. You may also access your Account and download the Ticket(s) through your dash board. • The ID must be worn throughout the conference, entering scientific meetings & lunch programmed 33
GROUP REGISTRATION Please communicate to secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com for company/institution Group Registration handling and assistant SENIOR MEMBER REGISTRATION Upon the regulation of Indonesian Pediatric Society (IPS), the senior member of IPS is entitled for free registration and enclosed the ID to Secretariat contact number. ON SITE REGISTRATION Participants that were not registered in our registration list will be treated as New Participant and will have to register on-site. Payment by Cash or Credit Card are accepted. Please note that Organizing Committee reserve the right not to guarantee any on-site registrant to obtain its complete conference kit. Therefore we strongly urge for early Registration. On Site payment is only valid for conference registrations and not eligible for Workshops and Accommodations due to limited seats/rooms PAYMENT METHODS Adhering to Regulation of Bank Indonesia (RBI) NO.17/3/PBI/2015 regarding Mandatory use of Rupiah within the Republic of Indonesia (RI), all payments in this event registration should be made in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah). 1. DIRECT BANK TRANSFER. Make your payment transfer to the appropriate event Bank Account for the mentioned Event. The Bank Account detail can be found in the Checkout page and the invoice. Bank transfer charges should be paid by registrant, otherwise the registration receipt and Ticket will not be issued due to less payment received. 2. ONLINE PAYMENT MIDTRANS®. Find the easier way to make online registration payment using your valid Credit or Debit Card (Visa/MasterCard/JCB/Amex). 3. CASH. Cash can be paid during Event at the Registration Counters 4. ON-SITE CREDIT-CARD. Credit card payment can be paid during Event at the Registration Counters by signing your authorization. Credit Card transaction charges will be applied based on venue hotel’s regulation and the exchange rates is upon Credit Card provider discretion when the statement converted into local currency. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY Registration cancellation must be made in written or emailed to the Secretariat. REGISTRATION Fee is refundable with the following cancellation policy: • One month before event – 50% refund of Fee paid • On and After the date – No refund • No Show registration cannot be refunded ACCOMMODATION The following terms and conditions will be applied to accommodation: • No Show will be applied on the first night for delayed or postpone staying that causes the loss of 1 night room deposit made. • In the event of materialization, the hotel will charge the full amount duration of stay upon check-out that causes the loss of mentioned deposit made. • Refund may only be made after the event by bank transfer. Official letter should be submitted to Secretariat address mentioning its payer’s Bank Account. 34
PAYMENT CONFIRMATION • Upload your payment proof (photo or image file) on your account dash-board. For registration complete process faster, please confirm your bank transfer to Secretariat contacts. • Submitting your file may take a while depending on your connection speed and traffic. DO NOT close or navigate away before uploading has completed. REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDE • Name Badge & Symposium Kit. Name Badge MUST BE worn entering to all scientifi c sessions and lunch/break programmed by the Organizing Committee • Symposium documents and materials • Admission to the function room, lunch programmed and scientific exposure from Pharmaceutical and Health-Care Companies. • Certificate of Attendance with IDI Accreditation & CPD IDAI will be issued for eligible participants at the last day of the Symposium. RE-REGISTRATION SERVICEE The Re-Registration will be handed out to the participants from registration counters during the opening hours at 08.00 – 15.00 since one day before and during the event dates. 35
REGISTRATION NORMAL > 01 JULY'19 REGISTRATION PIT IKA X -ASPR XV MANADO EARLY BIRD < 01 JULY'19 ON-SITE CODE IPS MEMBER NON-IPS MEMBER International Participant Specialists General Practitioners Student Corporate Delegate IPSM-PEDS 3,750,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 NIPS-INTP NIPS-SPCT NIPS-GPTS NIPS-STUD NIPS-CORP 5,750,000 5,000,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 5,750,000 3,750,000 3,000,000 850,000 7,000,000 6,250,000 4,250,000 3,500,000 *Registration Includes: Access the Exhibition Gallery; All Sessions; Lunch Programmed; Welcome Dinner & Cultural Fest Gala Dinner (Include Spouse). Corporate Delegate is intended for Company Personnel who wish to join the Welcome or Cultural Fest Gala Dinner WORKSHOP NAME Malaria and Other Major Parasites Diseases Problems and Its Solutions: Clinical Case Management Comprehensive Approach of Airway Obstruction in Children Pediatric Disaster Management Course Understanding & Managing Heart Failure Managing TORCH-ES Infection in Daily Practice Current Updates of TB Management in Children More Understanding in the Management of GI Motility Problem & Hepatitis in Pediatric Pediatric Echocardiography for Practitioners Endocrine Emergencies and Quality of Life Newborn Screening Workshop SEPTEMBER 07 VENUE GKCC Novotel LIMITED TO 60 RATE 2,000,000 CODE IPTD-MALARI-0709 RESP-AIRWAY-0709 07 GKCC Novotel 60 2,000,000 DMTF-DISAST-0709 07 Swiss Belhotel 30 2,000,000 CARD-HEARTF-0709 07 Swiss Belhotel 40 2,000,000 IPTD-TORCHE-0809 08 GKCC Novotel 60 2,000,000 RESP-TBMGMT-0809 08 GKCC Novotel 60 2,000,000 GAST-GIMHEP-0809 08 Swiss Belhotel 50 2,000,000 CARD-ECHOCD-0809 08 Swiss Belhotel 40 2,000,000 ENDO-EMERGY-0708 07 - 08 Swiss Belhotel 40 3,000,000 NBTF-NBSCWS-0708 07 - 08 Swiss Belhotel 40 3,000,000 IMAG-USGPED-0708 BFTF-NBFEWS-0708 07 - 08 07 - 08 GKCC Novotel Swiss Belhotel 50 50 4,000,000 4,000,000 Basic Ultrasound for Pediatrician What’s New in Breastfeeding? ASPR-MEDWRI-0708 07 - 08 GKCC Novotel 20 4,000,000 Medical Writing *Registrant of Workshops is compulsory for being a symposium registrant of PIT IKA X – 15th ASPR Manado 2019 BANK TRANSFER IN FULL AMOUNT TO OFFICIAL EVENT BANK ACCOUNT Benefi ciary: Global Eka Organisator Profesional Account Number: 800-149-130-200 Bank Name: CIMB Niaga Branch: Kemang Jakarta Bank Address: Jalan Kemang Raya No. 4, Jakarta Selatan SWIFT CODE: BNIAIDJA CASH TO SECRETARIAT ADDRESS ON SITE Confi rmation to: GEO Pro / GEO Convex Hot Line: +62 21 293 15 470 (Hunting) Mobile : +62 811 88 2080. +62 819 882080 Email : secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com 36
ACCOMMODATION Due to limited number of Rooms around Manado, we strongly urge Participants to book the room earlier. A Minimum 3 night accommodation booking is compulsory. HOTEL NAME ROOM CATEGORY RATE/NIGHT C/I DATE C/O DATE TOTAL NIGHTS TOTAL AMOUNT Arya Duta Hotel **** Deluxe Suite Superior/Deluxe Superior/Deluxe Executive/Suite Deluxe/Premier Deluxe Suite Deluxe Club Superior Club Deluxe Club Executive Junior Suite Suite King Superior/Deluxe Suite Room Royal Suite Superior Garden/Pool Deluxe Garden/Pool Junior Ocean Suite Duplex Suite Superior Deluxe Superior/Deluxe/ Studio Deluxe Deluxe King Junior Suite Executive Superior/Deluxe 950,000 2,750,000 950,000 900,000 2,000,000 Aston Manado City Hotel *** Best Western The Lagoon Hotel *** Four Point by Sheraton **** 1,200,000 FULL OCCUPANCY 1,700,000 1,000,000 900,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 1,100,000 1,600,000 2.500,000 1.050.000 1.200.000 1,800,000 2,200,000 850,000 1.150,000 Grand Luley Hotel **** Gran Puri Hotel **** Manado Quality Hotel **** Mercure Hotel **** Lion Hotel Plaza **** Sintesa Peninsula Manado ***** 900,000 Sutan Raja Hotel **** 650,000 850,000 1.600.000 1.600.000 1,000,000 Swissbel Hotel **** FULL OCCUPANCY BANK TRANSFER IN FULL AMOUNT TO OFFICIAL EVENT BANK ACCOUNT Benefi ciary: Global Eka Organisator Profesional Account Number: 800-149-130-200 Bank Name: CIMB Niaga Branch: Kemang Jakarta Bank Address: Jalan Kemang Raya No. 4, Jakarta Selatan SWIFT CODE: BNIAIDJA CASH TO SECRETARIAT ADDRESS ON SITE Confi rmation to: GEO Pro / GEO Convex Hot Line: +62 21 293 15 470 (Hunting) Mobile : +62 811 88 2080. +62 819 882080 Email : secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com 37
HOTEL NAME ROOM CATEGORY RATE/NIGHT C/I DATE C/O DATE TOTAL NIGHTS TOTAL AMOUNT Big Fish Hotel*** Biz Hotel Manado*** All type Superior Deluxe Deluxe Deluxe King Superior Executive Superior Deluxe Family Deluxe Superior Deluxe Executive Deluxe All Type Superior Kingsize Superior Twin Deluxe City View Deluxe Sea View All Type All Type Superior Deluxe Suite Superior Superior/Deluxe/ Executive All Type All type All Type All type All Type Suite Superior Standard Superior All Type All Type All Type 500,000 500,000 550,000 525.000 625.000 450,000 550,000 600,000 700,000 500,000 550,000 650.000 450,000 470,000 500,000 535,000 600,000 600.000 450,000 950.000 470,000 675.000 600,000 460.000 Casa de Wanea Hotel*** Divachk Hotel* Elfah Manado** Genio Hotel*** Green Eden* Hotel Gran Central*** Griya Sintesa Muara Enim** Ibis Manado Hotel*** J'Les Hotel Manado* Maleosan Inn** Mel’s Inn Hotel* Miracle Hotel - Paal 2*** Prince Boulevard Sahid Kawanua Hotel*** Sahid Manado (Teling) Hotel** S-Loft Hotel Manado*** 550,000 500,000 550,000 550,000 700,000 850,000 400,000 550.000 500,000 700,000 650,000 325,000 Skyward* The Lotus Resort*** Top Hotel Manado*** Travello Hotel*** Whiz Prime Hotel Megamas*** Quint Hotel** BANK TRANSFER IN FULL AMOUNT TO OFFICIAL EVENT BANK ACCOUNT Benefi ciary: Global Eka Organisator Profesional Account Number: 800-149-130-200 Bank Name: CIMB Niaga Branch: Kemang Jakarta Bank Address: Jalan Kemang Raya No. 4, Jakarta Selatan SWIFT CODE: BNIAIDJA CASH TO SECRETARIAT ADDRESS ON SITE Confi rmation to: GEO Pro / GEO Convex Hot Line: +62 21 293 15 470 (Hunting) Mobile : +62 811 88 2080. +62 819 882080 Email : secretariat@pitika-asprmanado2019.com 38