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Today’s technology has brought a new dimension to bullying, cyberbullying , and it’s on the rise. What is cyberbullying , exactly?
Today’s technology has brought a new dimension to bullying, cyberbullying, and it’s on the rise. What is cyberbullying, exactly? "Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. Adult cyber-harassment or cyberstalking is NEVER called cyberbullying
Here are some alarming statistics: • 1-5 students reported being cyberbullied – similiar to traditional bullying • 1-5 students admit to being a cyberbully -compared to 8% in traditional bullying- THAT’S DOUBLE!!! • 10% of students report being both “But bullying is doubly dangerous because if left unattended it can rapidly escalate into even more serious violence and abuse. Just as you have gateway drugs, bullying is gateway behavior.” – Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education
WE KNOW THAT: Cyberbullying can effect the emotional, social and academic health of our students. So What Can We Do? Develop Good Digital Citizens Provide Ongoing Bullying Education 3. Promote Kindness Toward Each Other
Digital Citizenship: Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology.
Suggested Lessons/Activities : • The website below provides three digital citizenship activities: • Digital Citizenship and the 21st Century Digital Compass Activity • Digital Driver’s License • These lessons should take 2-3 class periods depending on the time • allowed for discussion. • You can end with students signing a Digital Citizenship Pledge • http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/Resources.html
Suggested Lessons/Activities: • The following website has a great set of four lessons that will help you educate students and parents about cyberbullying. Each lesson includes student activity sheets. There is also a Home Connections handout for students to discuss with their parents. • Cyberbullying: Not a Pretty Picture • Cyberbullying: Who, Me? Why Should I Care? • Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line • Dealing With Cyberbullying • http://cybersmartcurriculum.org/cyberbullying/
Here are some other suggestions: • Have the school resource officer, speak to your class or team about internet safety and the consequences of in appropriate online behavior • Have the technology teacher do a “Facebook Makeover” for your students , team or afterschool with parents • Have students create PSAs through skits, videos, podcasts, posters and other visuals to Stand–Up against bullying/cyberbullying • Create a team wide contest for the best PSA and air it on the WMS news Other Resources: http://www.bullyingawarenessweek.org/ http://www.stopcyberbullying.org/what_is_cyberbullying_exactly.html
One thing that we, as a learning community, can request is an anonymous tip resource for students, adults or others to report bullying. One company that can help accomplish this goal is SchoolTipline. Visit their website to obtain further information. Let’s start a community dialogue to garner support and funding for this tool to combat bullying in our schools. http://www.schooltipline.com/
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. -Aesop
We might not be able to do a 24 hour or even a 12 hour Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) activity like Michael and BU, but here are some things you can try in your classroom or team: • Caught Your Caring! Campaign • http://www.bullyingawarenessweek.org/pdf/Caught_You_Caring.pdf • Kindness Wall • Toothpaste Activity • Coin Jar Donation Project • Have a RAK hour each week or month • Create a Kindness video with film and photos of students doing RAK • Other Resources: • http://www.kidactivities.net/category/Random-Acts-of-Kindness.aspx • http://www.randomactsofkindness.org/
References: 1000. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.kidactivities.net/ Bullying Awareness Week www.bullyingawarenessweek.org Created and Coodinated by Bill Belsey President, Bullying.org. (2012). Bullying Awareness Week www.bullyingawarenessweek.org Created and Coodinated by Bill BelseyPresident, Bullying.org. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://www.bullyingawarenessweek Business-ClicheMythbusters #1: Can you put toothpaste back in the tube? on Vimeo. (n.d.). Vimeo, Your Videos Belong Here. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://vimeo.com/775157 Cyberbullying. (2012). CyberSmart! Student Curriculum. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://cybersmartcurriculum.org/cyberbullying Duncan's, A. (2012, August 11). The myths about bullying: Secretary Arne Duncan. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/speeches/myths-about-bullying-secretary-arne- duncaremarks-bullying-prevention-summit
Kitchen - Cyberbullying Prevention Commercial - YouTube . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbtajOvAU10 Materials:SchoolTipline. (2011). SchoolTipline. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://www.schooltipline.com/resources October 2011: Bullying and Adolescent Health - The Office of Adolescent Health. (2011). United States Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/news/e-updates/eupdate-7.html Resources. (2012). Digital Citizenship. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/Resources STOP cyberbullying: What is cyberbullying, exactly?. (n.d.). STOP cyberbullying: Cyberbullying– what it is, how it works and how to understand and deal with cyberbullies. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://www.stopcyberbullying.org/what_is_cyberbullying_exactly.html