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Outline. كيفية عرض الموازنة طرح لبعض المشاكل والأخطاء السابقة عملية تنفيذ المشروع / تقديم التقارير المالية. 1. 2. 3. 1. Task-based Budgeting. Module Purpose. Provide grantees with an understanding of task-based budgeting and budget monitoring and reporting implications.
Outline كيفية عرض الموازنة طرح لبعض المشاكل والأخطاء السابقة عملية تنفيذ المشروع / تقديم التقارير المالية 1 2 3
1 Task-based Budgeting
Module Purpose Provide grantees with an understanding of task-based budgeting and budget monitoring and reporting implications.
Learning Objectives • Explain the purpose of a grant budget. • Apply guidelines for building a task-based budget. • Recognize and manage the implications of budget deviations.
Grant Budget Purpose • What is purpose of the grant budget? “The budget plan is the financial expression of the project or program as approved during the award process … It shall be related to performance evaluation purposes whenever appropriate.”
Two key concepts: 1st – Budget built from work plan—work plan is developed first. 2nd – Direct relationship between activities (results) and budget use.
How is purpose shown in grants system? Implementation plan focuses on grant objective. Grant objective defined by results. Results achieved through tasks. Tasks defined by activities, responsible parties, schedules. Tasks budgeted in terms of salaries, service delivery, goods and materials, etc.
Key Learning Point The implementation plan, with its focus on a grant objective, provides the cost considerations for developing the budget.
So… the implementation plan is developed, the budget is prepared, and so long as it does not exceed the ceiling $ amount and does not include any restricted costs, and does not go beyond (X) months, then the budgeting process is finished?
How do we build budget from plan? Step One: List results required to meet grant objective. Step Two: Identify/list tasks required for each result. Step Three: Identify/list all subtasks for each task. Step Four: Organize tasks into logical, best sequence. Step Five: Re-examine and reorganize subtasks after tasks logically organized. Step Six: Develop line-item budget for each task. Step Seven: Total tasks for preliminary total budget.
Steps continued … Step Eight: Analyze cost realism on task-by-task and total budget basis. Step Nine: If cost realism review identifies allowability concerns, re-examine and adjust your implementation plan, then revise your budget.
Cost realism review factors? Cost realism means … “Cost realism is the degree to which costs are allowable, allocable, and reasonable for the proposed tasks with reference to applied cost principles”
Costs must be: • Within the normal operating practices of the TEI. • And in accordance with TEI’s written policies and procedures.
Determine budget deviation? • Each month total line item expenditures and match to budget to determine where you stand for each cost category. • The same exercise should be performed for each tranche payment request. • In both cases, all variances – positive and negative – should be identified, tracked and reported to management.
Cost overruns or cost saving? Cost overruns due to poor planning and budgeting are the responsibility of the grantee (TEI).
Tertiary Education Project Quality Improvement Fund Institution:_______________________________________________ Project Title:______________________________________________
Eligible Expenditure Categories • The following categories of expenditure are eligible for financing under a grant: • Equipment & Furniture • Scientific journals and books • International consultants and visiting scholars from overseas. • Local consultants • Overseas fellowships and internships. • Local fellowships and internships • Overseas study tours • Local training • Operations and maintenance
Examples of selected unallowable costs • Construction or renovation of buildings • Paying persons concurrently paid by the government • Remuneration for teaching, administrative staff and support staff. • Contributing to the endowment or general fund of a tertiary institution • Student financial aid • Taxes (Except taxes associated with business transactions) like, VAT & Income Tax • Bad debts and any related legal costs. • Contingency reserves • Contributions and donations • Entertainment costs • Fines and penalties • Losses on other awards
2 طرح لبعض المشاكل والأخطاء السابقة مدى الإلتزام بالشكل المحدد للشق المالي (الموازنات) من حيث هيكلية عرض الموازنة وتسلسلها بحيث تقسّم المهام الى نشاطات ومن ثمّ تتفرع منها البنود التفصيلية لكل وحدة تكلفة حسب جدول زمني محدد، ولتعكس قيمة وعدد الدفعات المطلوبة. 1 مدى توافق وتطابق وترابط الشق المالي مع الشق الفني ووضوح هذا الترابط مع الأخذ بعين الإعتبار الجدول الزمني 2 مساهمة مؤسسة التعليم العالي (حد أدنى 10%) من اجمالي قيمة المشروع 3 مدى الإلتزام بالنسب المحددة لفئات التكاليف المسموح بها 4 معقولية ومنطقية التكاليف وقابليتها للتخصيص ومدى السماح بها 5
مدى الإلتزام بالشكل المحدد للشق المالي (الموازنات) من حيث هيكلية عرض الموازنة وتسلسلها بحيث تقسّم المهام الى نشاطات ومن ثمّ تتفرع منها البنود التفصيلية لكل وحدة تكلفة حسب جدول زمني محدد، ولتعكس قيمة وعدد الدفعات المطلوبة. 1 • لم يتم عكس تفصيلات الإحتياجات والنشاطات وتسلسلها وأيضاً لم يتم تقسيم المشاريع الى مهام ونشاطات وبنود تفصيلية للنشاطات، حيث أنه لم يتم ربط الحاجات والمستلزمات (التكاليف) بالنشاطات وتسلسلها. كما وأنه لم يتم ترتيب وتسلسل المهام والنشاطات حسب الأولية والملاءمة والإعتمادية على المهام والنشاطات الأخرى. • عدم توفر مثل هذه التقسيمات، خاصة المهام، لا يعطي مؤشر الى عدد الدفعات المطلوبة ووقت استحقاقها ونسبتها من اجمالي القيمة. وأيضاً لا تعطي مؤشر لمتابعة التنفيذ وقياس مدى الإلتزام بالخطة (مقارنة الإنجازات بالتكاليف حسب تاريخه). • قيمة بعض المهام (قيمة المهمة = دفعة) تعدّت النسبة المحددة كمبلغ من اجمالي مساهمة الصندوق (قيمة الدفعة يجب أن لا تتعدي 20% من اجمالي مساهمة صندوق الجودة).
مدى توافق وتطابق وترابط الشق المالي مع الشق الفني ووضوح هذا الترابط مع الأخذ بعين الإعتبار الجدول الزمني 2 لم يتم الربط بشكل واضح بين الشق المالي والشق الفني للمشروع. حيث أنّ أحد أو كلا الشقين (الفني والمالي) لا يعكس/يعكسان تسلسل النشاطات وعملية تنفيذ المشروع وتحديد الأولويات والمتطلبات. أي أنّ هناك عمومية في طريقة طرح المهام والنشاطات وبالتالي لا توضح تفصيلات الصرف (التكلفة) لكل بند. أو أنّ هناك مبالغ وأرقام لم يتم تفسيرها وتوضيح مصدرها أو الغرض منها، بالإضافة الى عدم الربط أو توضيح العلاقة بين الجدول الزمني والحاجات الخاصة (أي المبالغ المخصصة لشراء السلع أو الخدمات) بتنفيذ النشاطات لكل فترة زمنية من حياة المشروع.
مساهمة مؤسسة التعليم العالي (حد أدنى 10%) من اجمالي قيمة المشروع 3 • لم يتم ادراج مساهمة على الإطلاق • تمّ ادراج مساهمة ولكنها أقل من النسبة المحددة، أو • تمّ اعتبار المساهمة من طرف ثالث هي بمثابة جزء من مساهمة المؤسسة • لم يتم تفصيل وتوضيح أساسيات احتساب المساهمة وعملية تخصيص التكاليف ليتسنى تقييم معقوليتها ومنطقيتها • هناك تضخيم في تقييم جزء من تلك المساهمات العينية • عدم وضوح كيفية احتساب وتحديد قيمة ونسبة المساهمة وما هي البنود التي تمّت المساهمة فيها • المساهمة غير مقبولة لأنها لا تخدم هدف المشروع ولا تصب في تحسين جودة وتنفيذ المشروع ولا في استمراريته وديمومته • قيمة المساهمة المذكورة في الشق الفني لا تطابق القيمة المدرجة في الشق المالي
4 مدى الإلتزام بالنسب المحددة لفئات التكاليف المسموح بها جزء قليل جداً من خطط المشاريع المقدّمة تمّ فيها تجاوز الحد الأعلى للنسب المخصصة لفئات التكاليف: 40% للمعدات والأثاث، 20% للمستشارين الخارجيين يتم رفض أي مقترح إذا تمّ تجاوز هذه النسب
معقولية ومنطقية التكاليف وقابليتها للتخصيص ومدى السماح بها 5 لم يتم الربط بين والإشارة الى علاقة بعض البنود (سلع أو خدمات) بالمشروع وتوضيح أهميتها وضرورتها والغرض من إدراجها كتكلفة، كما وأنه لم يتم توضيح عملية تخصيص التكاليف لبعض النشاطات أو البنود والمنطقية في ذلك. هناك تضخيم وعدم منطقية في بعض التكاليف. بعض الأرقام أو التكاليف تمثل مجوعة تكاليف لمجموعة بنود لم يتم تفصيلها مما لا يوضح كميتها وتوزيعاتها وبالتالي عدم القدرة على تقييم معقوليتها ومنطقيتها هناك أخطاء في العمليات الحسابية للوصول الى اجمالي قيمة المشروع وتحديد قيمة المساهمة لكل جهة (مجموع كافة بنود الموازنة لا يساوي الرقم المدرج الذي يمثل المجموع النهائي) في بعض المشاريع تمّ احتساب وإضافة قيمة ضريبة القيمة المضافة لإجمالي مبلغ التكاليف النهائي على اعتبار أنّ المبالغ الفرعية الواردة هي قبل الضريبة وأيضاً على اعتبار أنّ كافة النشاطات تستحق عليها ضريبة قيمة مضافة مع أنّ ذلك لم يوضّح أو ينعكس في الجانب الفني. (يجب ادراج كافة البنود في الموازنة بحيث تشمل كامل التكاليف لإمتلاك السلع أو الخدمات)
3 عملية تنفيذ المشروع / تقديم التقارير المالية حسب الإجراءات المدرجة في: دليل المنح ((QIF Manual واتفاقية تنفيذ المنحة ((GIA من خلال اتباع سياسات واجراءات البنك الدولي (World Bank)
Special Bank Accounts • Beneficiaries will be required to open a Special Bank Account in the name of the grant. • Each grant will have its own separate bank account; Grant Account (GA), and there will be two authorized signatories (out of three) to each account. • The signatories should be legally liable and formally part of and authorised by the Beneficiary. • The bank account details are also identified in the text of the GIA.
Tertiary Education Project Quality Improvement Fund Institution:_______________________________________________ Project Title:______________________________________________ I hereby request that the grant proceeds for implementing the above- mentioned project are transferred to the following special bank account, which was opened in the name of the grant. Bank Account Details: Account Name:___________________________________________________ Bank Name:______________________________________________________ Branch Name:____________________________________________________ Account Number:_________________________________________________ Authorized Signatories: 1.Name______________________________ Position ____________________________ Contact Information _______________________________ 2.Name______________________________ Position ____________________________ Contact Information _______________________________ 3.Name______________________________ Position ____________________________ Contact Information _______________________________ Date: / / ______________________________________________________________________ Name and Signature Authorized Representative
Structuring of Payments • Payment of grant proceeds to the Beneficiary will be conducted in the form of advances not exceeding 20% of the grant amount. • The first payment shall be made following the signature of the GIA and following the approval of the detailed Implementation Plan (IP). • Further payments will be made as tranches of funds disbursed against the clear milestones of achievement set out in the IP and against documentation of eligible expenditures.
Handling of Payment Requests • Payment requests will be submitted to PCU with a Progress Report (Financial Management Report) -containing required outputs and financial expenditures, which provide full justification for the completion of the milestone. • QIF staff will review the technical aspects of the report, to assess the progress in implementation and to verify the completion of the milestone. • Accordingly, QIF Staff will endorse the payment request and will forward it to the PCU for disbursement.
ThePCU does not settle any payment for Beneficiaries until the results and content of the payment request are officially approved in writing by authorized representatives of the institution. Requests for payment are stamped with the date of receipt. The PCU reviews payment requests and makes sure that appropriate internal administrative and accounting procedures have been followed. These include ensuring that:
Requests are signed by authorized persons; • Expenditures are eligible and properly documented; • The request is in conformity with the information supplied by the bank statement; • Payments are to be made in accordance with the implementing Beneficiary bank account details as identified in the Grant Agreement; • Original request is held on the accounts file; • A copy of the notification letter agreeing payment and signed by the Director or his designee is held on the accounts file; • The date of issue bank transfer and amount is logged in the information system.
Contingency Payments A request by the Beneficiary for a contingency payment will only be considered in exceptional circumstances on the basis of a full justification. The payment will be authorized by the PCU Director if not exceeding 20% over and above that in the provisions of the GIA; otherwise prior authorization from the QIF Board is required.
Breach of Agreement or Irregularity In the case of any unsupported or doubtful payments, PCU staff will visit the institution and may decide to halt further disbursement and undertake further investigation.
Conditions on Payments of Instalments Installments will only be released when the PCU is confident that at least 75 percent of expenditure has taken place on any previous installment(s). The amount of expenditure and the balance of installments should be documented in the justified request.
Conditions on Payments of Instalments The final payment will only be disbursed when the Recipient can verify that all project components have been implemented, and that the project has been completed and all conditions in the Agreement met, and the final report received and approved by the QIF Staff and PCU
Scrutiny of the Disbursement Process • Prior to any payment being made, the PCU will ensure • That adequate justifications have been provided for any variance that affects the payment schedule; • That payments are made according to the budget line - the eligible expenditures and categories of the grant as indicated in the agreement; ineligible expenditures will remain as advance to the beneficiary until providing eligible expenditures in lieu or refund the grant account. • That agreed procurement procedures are properly applied and where specified full justifications are given
Where any problems or irregularities occur, the PCU will issue a 'Rejection of Payment' to Beneficiary stating the reasons for rejection for follow-up and subsequent release of payment. The Beneficiary will be required by the terms of the GIA to inform the PCU immediately and provide reports as appropriate.
Additional Provisions • Original invoices and supporting documents will be retained by the beneficiaries. • Stamped Copy of the Expenditures (invoices & full supporting documents) should be submitted to the PCU to allow reimbursement; originals will be retained by the beneficiaries. • Beneficiaries will report quarterly to QIF/PCU on the use of the grant/advance within two weeks of each quarter end, unless a payment request is submitted at that time. • Expenditures made under the grants will be subject to the PCU authentication, IDA reviews as part of regular supervision visits, and the external auditor annual audit process. • PCU will assist beneficiaries to maintain adequate financial management throughout grants implementation.
Re-allocations between Eligible Categories • Beneficiaries are required to manage budgets and expenditure according to GIAs, which identify eligible expenditures and eligible categories of expenditure, • The GIAs allow flexibility to reallocate 10 percent of the budget under each eligible category to an alternative eligible category without the prior notification of the PCU. • Reallocations greater than 10 percent require the prior written approval of the PCU in consultation with QIF Staff.
Cost Sharing (Contributions) • Each TEI should demonstrate commitment by making a contribution of not less than 10 percent of the project cost (compulsory Contribution) • The contributed amount will be added to the total of the grant awarded (i.e. the grant budget is $250,000 and the TIE contributed with $30,000, then the total project budget is $280,000). • The contribution from the TIE’s will be in-kind and should be evaluated according to Fair Market Value (reasonable cost) to be translated to $ amounts in the budget
Financial Reporting: • Payment Documents: • Payment request (Tranche Payment): payment request should be officially approved in writing by authorized representatives of the TEI. • The latest bank statement showing the transactions for the reporting period and the balance of the funding in the account designated for the Projects Funds. • Statements of Expenditures (SOE’s) • All supporting documentation for all expenditures effected, including invoices. It will be needed to send copies of invoices stamped by the Recipient, certifying that it is an identical copy of the original (enclosed to the SOE’s) • In case of procurement, meeting minutes of the bidding committee should be attached.
Financial Reporting: • Financial Management Report: • Fund Accountability Statement (Detailed Budget versus Actual expenditures and the variances) • Project Uses by Expenditure Category and Source of Funding • Task/Activity Sheet • Sources and uses of fund sheet • Statement of Project Commitments by Expenditure Category • The recipient must keep current fixed assets register including description of assets, cost and location (see attached form).