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Fast Timing Workshop Krakow, Nov 29 - Dec 1 st 2010 Part 2b. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow. Mike Albrow: SiPMs. Mike Albrow: SiPMs. Mike Albrow: SiPMs. Nice features of SiPM:
Mike Albrow: SiPMs Nice features of SiPM: Having many measurements – timetrack – robust – self calibrating Resolution and offsets of each detector monitored by data. (In QUARTIC design, argument for multipad Photonis) Demands on electronics less: σ = 25 ns/ channel HPTDC can be used. Cheap: ~ $100 each (just detector) = $16K for 160 devices. Can be quickly exchanged (“cartouche”, if mechanics designed) Can be extended with extra layers if z-slot large to improve measurement. Low voltage (~ 30-60V) gives gain ~ 106 and single p.e. resolution. ALICE uses for ToF, CMS may get 10,000’s for HCAL. HPTDC adequate, but next version may get to ~ 10 ps
Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (Louvain)GasToF Pico‐second Resolution Time‐of‐Flight Detector With L. Bonnet, J. Liao, T. Pierzchala,and N. Schul
Jim Pinfold (Alberta) GASTOF – a gas Cerenkov detector that makeGASTOF – a gas Cerenkov detector that makes a single measurement QUARTIC – two QUARTIC detectors each with 4 rows of 8 fused silica bar will be positioned after the last 3D-Si tracking station because of the multiple scattering effects in the fused silica. Both detectors employ Micro Channel Plate PMTs (MCP-PMTs)s a single measurement QUARTIC – two QUARTIC detectors each with 4 rows of 8 fused silica bar will be positioned after the last 3D-Si tracking station because of the multiple scattering effects in the fused silica. Both detectors employ Micro Channel Plate PMTs (MCP-PMTs)
Jim Pinfold (Alberta) Tested a prototype Burle Planacon tube using variable length fibers Examined both row and column effect of spillover signal 100, 250 and 500 ps before the target pulse About 10% of the pulse is detected in adjacent, empty pixels Data shows that early light is not significantly affected by later light Later light mean time is shifted, but is not totally dominated by the early pulse Late time measurement degrades significantly as Δt increases Exploring ways to reduce this effect Tested a prototype Burle Planacon tube using variable length fibers Examined both row and column effect of spillover signal 100, 250 and 500 ps before the target pulse About 10% of the pulse is detected in adjacent, empty pixels Data shows that early light is not significantly affected by later light Later light mean time is shifted, but is not totally dominated by the early pulse Late time measurement degrades significantly as Δt increases Exploring ways to reduce this effect
Jim Pinfold (Alberta) Alberta: has upgraded Louvain CDF and developed HPTDC board Goals: Complete design of a 3 HPTDC chip, 8 channel HPTDC board based on successful one chip design (due to occupancy issues only 4 channels available/chip, and one of these is used for reference timing, so a 3 chip board gives 8+1 channels) Documentation + further system tests, including connections with ROD Radiation tests of CFD + HPTDC electronics Stony Brook – Goals: Tests of chain PULSER==>Preamp==>CFD SPICE model of the chain PreAmp==>CFD==>Trigger Tests of trigger circuitry Detailed design of PreAmp PCB Detailed design of Trigger circuitry
Jim Pinfold (Alberta) HPTDC (CERN) - 12 ps resolution obtained with pulser - Successfully tested at UTA laser test stand with laser /10 m tube/ZX60 amp/CFD - 13.7ps resolution obtained with CFD - ~30 ps resolution obtained with real pulses at test beam
Jim Pinfold (Alberta) We need to establish if the MCP-PMT’s are capable of coping with the large expected rates at the LHC: up to 15 MHz in a 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT Lifetime due to photocathode damage from positive ions is proportional to extracted charge: Using the current limits mentioned previously we get to 35 C/ cm2 /yr (assuming 5x104 gain) at the highest lumi This is a factor of ~50 more than the expected tube lifetime! We can get this down by a factor of 2 using a fibre detector but we still need a factor of 25. We need to establish if the MCP-PMT’s are capable of coping with the large expected rates at the LHC: up to 15 MHz in a 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT Lifetime due to photocathode damage from positive ions is proportional to extracted charge: Using the current limits mentioned previously we get to 35 C/ cm2 /yr (assuming 5x104 gain) at the highest lumi This is a factor of ~50 more than the expected tube lifetime! We can get this down by a factor of 2 using a fibre detector but we still need a factor of 25. We need to establish if the MCP-PMT’s are capable of coping with the large expected rates at the LHC: up to 15 MHz in a 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT Lifetime due to photocathode damage from positive ions is proportional to extracted charge: Using the current limits mentioned previously we get to 35 C/ cm2 /yr (assuming 5x104 gain) at the highest lumi This is a factor of ~50 more than the expected tube lifetime! We can get this down by a factor of 2 using a fibre detector but we still need a factor of 25. Are MCP-PMT’s capable of coping with the large expected rates at the LHC: up to 15 MHz in a 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT ? Lifetime due to photocathode damage from positive ions is proportional to extracted charge: Using the current limits mentioned previously we get to 35 C/ cm2 /yr (assuming 5x104 gain) at the highest lumi This is a factor of ~50 more than the expected tube lifetime! We can get this down by a factor of 2 using a fibre detector but we still need a factor of 25.
Jim Pinfold (Alberta) We need to establish if the MCP-PMT’s are capable of coping with the large expected rates at the LHC: up to 15 MHz in a 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT Lifetime due to photocathode damage from positive ions is proportional to extracted charge: Using the current limits mentioned previously we get to 35 C/ cm2 /yr (assuming 5x104 gain) at the highest lumi This is a factor of ~50 more than the expected tube lifetime! We can get this down by a factor of 2 using a fibre detector but we still need a factor of 25. We need to establish if the MCP-PMT’s are capable of coping with the large expected rates at the LHC: up to 15 MHz in a 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT Lifetime due to photocathode damage from positive ions is proportional to extracted charge: Using the current limits mentioned previously we get to 35 C/ cm2 /yr (assuming 5x104 gain) at the highest lumi This is a factor of ~50 more than the expected tube lifetime! We can get this down by a factor of 2 using a fibre detector but we still need a factor of 25.
Benno KROEK (Giessen)and Ann-Kathrin Rink Avetik Hayrapetyan Hasko Stenzel Klaus Föhl Kristof Kreutzfeldt Marko Zühlsdorf Michael Düren Michael Sporleder Oliver Merle Peter Koch Sabrina Darmawi Thomas Frach Gordian Prescher Carsten Degenhardt Ben Zwaans Fast Cherenkov counters for PANDA@FAIR and ATLAS-AFP@CERN