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Mindful Of Race: Using Mindfulness to Address Implicit Bias 

Mindful Of Race: Using Mindfulness to Address Implicit Bias . By, Latisha Gee Torres, LMSW, RYT School Social Worker NYC DOE. Objectives:. Participants will be able to reflect on their own comfort level when talking about race.

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Mindful Of Race: Using Mindfulness to Address Implicit Bias 

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  1. Mindful Of Race:Using Mindfulness to Address Implicit Bias  By, Latisha Gee Torres, LMSW, RYT School Social Worker NYC DOE

  2. Objectives: • Participants will be able to reflect on their own comfort level when talking about race. • Participants will identify and reflect on the various ways they identify socially, how those identities become visible or more keenly felt at different times, and how those identities impact the ways others perceive or treat them and how they perceive or treat others. • Participants will mindfully consider how stereotypes inform implicit bias and how implicit bias impacts our interactions with students and the communities in which they live. 

  3. AGREEMENTS:There is a difference between agreement and understanding. When discussing complex social and institutional dynamics such as racism, consider whether, “I don’t agree” may actually mean “I don’t understand.” Robin Diangelo  • Stay Engaged(keep your attention in this space & distractions away) • Experience Discomfort(be vulnerable) • Speak your truth(Use I statements, tell only your story) • Expect and Accept non closure (what does this mean?)

  4. Definition of Terms • Astereotype is an exaggerated belief, image or distorted truth about a person or group—a generalization that allows for little or no individual differences or social variation. Stereotypes are based on images in mass media, or reputations passed on by parents, peers and other members of society. Stereotypes can be positive or negative. • A prejudice is an opinion, prejudgment or attitude about a group or its individual members. A prejudice can be positive, but in our usage refers to a negative attitude. • Prejudicesare often accompanied by ignorance, fear or hatred. Prejudices are formed by a complex psychological process that begins with attachment to a close circle of acquaintances or an "in-group" such as a family. Prejudice is often aimed at "out-groups." • Discrimination is behavior that treats people unequally because of their group memberships. Discriminatory behavior, ranging from slights to hate crimes, often begins with negative stereotypes and prejudices.

  5. What is Implicit Bias?Kirwin Institute  • In order to have a shared understanding of this term please read the article "What is Implict Bias?"  if you have not already done so. • After reading please find a partner and respond to the following prompt • Introduce yourself, share your professional role and affiliation. Decide who will respond to post reaading prompts first. • Each person will be given 5 minutes to repond to the prompts.  The listener is engaged in mindful listening. • Mindfulness—the act of being fully present in each moment with kindness and without judgment—is a wonderful skill to practice when you are in any situation that requires listening.  In any conversation, you can use the person that’s speaking as your “object of mindfulness.”  Pay full attention to what he or she is saying.  When your mind wanders away from what is being said, immediately and without judgment bring yourself back to the words of the person speaking.  Repeat those instructions as many times as necessary. 

  6. Mindful Listening Post Reading Prompts  • I was struck by..  • I found myself wondering .. • I see a connection between what I've read to .. • I would like to continue my learning by ..

  7. What are we going to do about your son? With a new partner think of time when you misinterpreted a student/client of any raace, what information was missing that allowed you to draw incorrect conclusions? What in your belief system contributed to your misinterpretation? 

  8. We are letting them down everyday. Locate a new partner.  You will each have 2 minutes to respond... Has anyone ever doubted or dismissed or minimized an experience that was significant for you? How did it feel? How did it affect your feeelings about that person? 

  9. Mindful Moment How do you feel about what you are discovering? 5 Minute Breath Awareness Check In 

  10. What does every child need to develop a positive self concept?

  11. BOXES

  12. Identitya chance to reflect • What part of your identity are you most proud of? (race, sex(biology), gender/non, sexual orientation, class, ability/disability, religion, age) • What part of your identity did you struggle the most with growing up? • What parts of your identity has the strongest effect on how you see yourself as a person? • What part of your identity do you see having the most effect on how you interect with students/those you serve?  • What part of your students of those you serve – identities do you most ofetn see impacting how they interaact with you? • What commitment can you make to embrace the social identities of all of your students/those you serve? 

  13. Identity

  14. TAKE A BREATH • Close your  eyes and check in  • Feel the support of the earth beneeth your feet and the chair beneath your bottom. • What is coming up for you? 

  15. Fearful Conversations 

  16. Metta Meditation: Loving Kindness • Loving-kindness and compassion are the basis for wise, powerful, sometimes gentle, and sometimes fierce actions that can really make a difference — in our own lives and those of others.  • If you go deeper and deeper into your own heart, you’ll be living in a world with less fear, isolation, and loneliness. • If you have to let go of distractions and begin again thousands of times, fine. That’s not a roadblock to the practice—that is the practice. That’s life: starting over, one breath at a time.” • May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be of ease.” • “In any experience, even a painful one, we can find the end of suffering right in the heart of the moment.” Sharon Salzberg

  17. EmbodiedMettaPractice • If you have no mobility issues please stand and prepare to move around the room. If you do you can remain seated and participate from your chair.  • Be mindful of not bumpng into others and not interacting with them.  • I will start some music move in anyway that feels natural for you. • When the music stops find a partner to engage in the prompt with.   • When music starts move around the room again. • When music stops find a new partner etc and we will repeat until activity is complete. 

  18. Just a few resources that have helped others and that have the potential to help you.  Books:  White Rage by Carol Anderson  Mindful of Race by Ruth King  White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo The Way of Tenderness by ZenjuEarthlyn Manuel For white Folks who teach in the hood by Christopher Edmin We want to do more than survive by Bettina Love  Teaching to Transgress by Bell Hooks  My Grandmothers Hands by ResmaaMenakem Websites: Dismantlingracism.org TeachingTolerancce.org  Corageousconversations.com

  19. Thank You It has been my pleasure to learn from and work with you today. Keep in touch with me: Latisha.Gee.Torres@GMAIL.COM 914 315 9351 

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