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Learn about the roles of Information Technology Administrator, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, System Administrator, and Software Engineer. Discover the responsibilities, skills, and importance of each job in the IT industry.

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  2. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATOR Information Technology Administrator manage the day-to-day operation of IT systems to make sure that day run efficiently. IT Administrator works to ensure that the computer system provide sufficient computing power to deliver the desidered level of business performance.

  3. DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR • A Database administratormakessurethat the technologiesprovideuserswithflexibility in the management, access, retrieval, sharing and configurationof database.

  4. NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR • A Network administratorprovidesoperationalsupport and management ofan Intranet, Extranet and the Internet

  5. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR • A System administratormantains and tunesoperatingsystemsthat are installed on a mainframe or desktop computer.

  6. SOFTWARE ENGINEER • A Software Engineermay work individually or as part of a computer programming company or firm. • Heoftenspends long hourstryingtowrite a program or code toget the programto do whatisrequired. • Muchof the software engineer’s timeisspenttroubleshooting code or programs and tryingtogetthemto work corretly. • Healsotests and validates software and networking hardware toensurethat the programsworkscorrectly under allvariabiles and conditions.

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