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Evolution of US Aid in Bolivia: A Historical Analysis

This case study analyzes the USAID mission in Bolivia under each presidential administration from Roosevelt to Obama. It delves into the Washington policy context, Bolivian socio-political landscape, and USAID's mission execution, drawing conclusions on development efforts.

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Evolution of US Aid in Bolivia: A Historical Analysis

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  1. A Case Study Examines Each Presidential Administration Roosevelt Through Obama (Each administration divided into 3 Parts) PART 1: The Washington Policy Context --How USAID Washington was organized and what Washington promoted in terms of policy PART 2: The Bolivian Context --The political, economic and social environment --Bolivian expectations PART 3: The USAID Mission to Bolivia --How the USAID was organized to accomplish its mission --What was the culture of a USAID Mission --A description of the USAID program -- Some Conclusions

  2. Welcome to the Agency of International Development, the agency without a memory. Mr. Dove, January 1967, USAID

  3. WW II: 1942-1945 (FDR)US Government sought to procure tin, rubber, & chinchona to support war effort. In turn the US supported the economic transformation of Bolivia • At FDR’s 3rd Inauguration Address, he identified the 4 Freedoms of which one was the Freedom from Want • In 1941 the State Dept. sent a team to Bolivia that produced the Bohan Report that articulated an economic development model that promoted: --tropical lowlands development --a national highway system --efficiency in the mines

  4. Eisenhower: 1952-1960 !952 Revolution • Land Reform • Political Reform (the vote) • Tin mines are nationalized 1953 Milton Eisenhower goes to Bolivia USOM Successes • Road to the Oriente • Health programs (malaria) • Agriculture programs: corn, livestock, sugar, rice • Education Programs: Teacher training, curriculum development, construction of schools

  5. JFK and the Alliance for ProgressVERSUSChe Guevara’s Wars of Liberation • The Alliance for Progress: U.S. pursues a development path that pits capitalism against communism. -- Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth: A non-Communist Manifest -- Title 9 in support of the 1952 Revolution • Che: A War of Liberation


  7. DEMOCRACY & GOVERNANCE SUCCESSES • Electoral Reform • Judicial Reform • Municipality Reform • Community development re: democratic practice by campesinos reaching back to the 1960s & 1970s These reforms of good governance and democratic practice contributed to anchoring the economic, social, and political gains. • Health: widespread positive impact on infant mortality and adult morbidity. (health outreach program--20+ year effort) • Agriculture: production increases in the Oriente and coca producing areas. • Environment: Tropical Forest Protection

  8. There will come a time when she [the United States] is a giant, a colossus even, much to be feared in those vast regions. Then, she will forget the benefits she received from others and think only of aggrandizing herself. Count of Aranda to King Carlos III, 1783 Titanic in its concentration of will (the United States of America), with unprecedented triumph in all spheres of material aggrandizement, its civilization yet produces as a whole a singular impression of insufficiency, of emptiness.Ariel, José Enrique Rodó 1871-1917 I believe only in the power of the people. Evo Morales, 2005 Nothing is built on rock: for all is built upon sand, but let each man build as if the sand were rock. Jorge Luis Borges, 1899-1986 Left unsung, a deed well done will perish. Pindar, 522-443 BC

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