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Reading Strategies for Finding Main Ideas in Paragraphs

Practice identifying main ideas in paragraphs by selecting the statement that best expresses the central theme. Learn how to distinguish main ideas from supporting details through examples. Improve comprehension skills through focused exercises.

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Reading Strategies for Finding Main Ideas in Paragraphs

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  1. Unit 2 Part I Discourse Focus Part II Reading Selection Part III Nonprose Reading Part IV Comprehensive Reading

  2. Part One Discourse Focus In this section, we will practice finding the main idea of a paragraph. Before we begin to do the exercises, firstly let’s look at an example.

  3. Example • Select the statement that best expresses the main idea of the paragraph. • __ a.The Cherokee chief was different in wartime than in peacetime. • __ b.Before the arrival of the Europeans,the Cherokees had developed a well-organized society. • __ c.The Mayans and the Aztecs were part of the Cherokee tribe. • __ d.Several Native American cultures had developed advanced civilizations before Europeans arrived.

  4. Explanation • __ a.This is not the main idea.Rather, it is one of the several examples the author uses to support his statement that the Cherokee people had developed an advanced culture. • _√b.This statement expresses the main idea of the paragraph.All other sentences in the paragraph are examples supporting the idea that the Cherokees had developed an advanced culture by the time Europeans arrived on the continent. • __ c.This statement is false,so it cannot be the main idea. • __ d.This statement is too general.The paragraph describes the social structure of the Cherokee people only.Although the author names other advanced Native American cultures,he does this only to strengthen his argument that the Cherokees had developed an advanced culture.

  5. __ a.People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher ratings to photographs of faces than do people in ugly rooms. __ b.The color and general appearance of a room influence the behavior and attitudes of the people in it. __ c.The University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of a room on people’s behavior. __d.Beautifully decorated,light-colored rooms make people more comfortable than ugly, dark rooms. Paragraph One √

  6. __ a.The author believes that it is not difficult to be a good teacher. __ b.The author believes that every person has the potential to be a teacher. __ c.The author believes that teaching is a professional activity requiring special training. __ d.The author believes that teaching is the flow of knowledge from a higher source to an empty container. Paragraph Two √

  7. __ a.Giacometti believed he had failed to give Picasso good advice. __ b.Giacometti was a major artist of the twentieth century. __ c.Giacometti was a better sculptor than Picasso. __ d.Throughout his life,Giacometti was not convinced he was a true artist. Paragraph Three √

  8. __a.Several different African tribes speak languages with clicks. __ b.Africa is the place where humans probably originated. __ c.The earliest humans may have spoken a click language. __ d.Click languages appear to be Khoisan language. Paragraph Four √

  9. __a.Teotihuacan,once the home of 200,000 people,was the center of a large empire. __ b.Many archaeologists are fascinated by the ruins of a pre-Columbian city called Teotihuacan. __ c.Teotihuacan,once a major metropolitan area,was destroyed by an invasion. __ d.A still unsolved mystery is why the people of Teotihuacan suddenly abandoned their city. Paragraph Five √

  10. Part One: Reading for Different Goals Paragraph Six Write a sentence that expresses the main idea of this paragraph. A summit is a meeting between leaders of enemy Great Powers trying to reach agreements in order to avoid future conflict.

  11. Paragraph Seven Part One: Reading for Different Goals Write a sentence that expresses the main idea of this paragraph. Recognizing that you have choices about what you do will make you feel better.

  12. Poem-Fueled Part One: Reading for Different Goals Write a sentence that expresses the main idea of this paragraph. We seem to appreciate the accomplishments of science more than the miracles of nature.

  13. Part Three: Nonprose Reading: Menu Part III Nonprose Reading: Newspaper Advertisement Classified advertisements, or "want ads," like the ones on the following pages appear in most newspapers. The ads on the following pages come from a university newspaper called The Daily. If you were living in this community, you might use the ads in this newspaper to find a job or to rent an apartment.

  14. Part Three: Nonprose Reading: Menu • Before You Begin • Have you ever tried to use this kind of advertisement? For what purpose(s)? • 2. In what ways does the writing differ from normal prose writing?

  15. Part Three: Nonprose Reading: Menu Skim the classified ads to get a general layout of the pages. Then scan for the answers to the following questions. • If you needed to earn money, under which section(s) would you look? • 2. If you were looking for an apartment, under which sections(s) would you look? • 3. If you were looking for someone to share housing with, under which section(s) would you look? • 4. If you were willing to pay to have a parking place close to campus, under which section would you look? • 5. Where would you look for jobs that prepare you for professional positions? Help Wanted, Help Wanted Over 18, Business Opportunities, Internships, Child-care, Tutoring Furnished Apartments, Unfurnished Apartments, Shared Housing Shared Housing and rooms Parking Internships (Also some Volunteer positions are similar to Internships)

  16. Part Three: Nonprose Reading: Menu Comprehension • If you were looking for a job and liked to teach adolescents and adults, find three job ads you could answer. • 2. If you wanted to work with young children but didn't want to work in someone's home, find three ads you could answer. • 3. If you were looking for a job only for the summer, which ad(s) would you answer? We found six ads. Which three look interesting to you? • 4. Which ad(s) could you answer if you had good telephone skills? SAT Tutors; Teacher/Tutors ESL; High School Freshman Needs. Smart, Energetic, Creative, Teacher and assistant, Seattle Athletic Club Restaurant-Summer Job, SAT Tutors Needed; Summer Job in Seattle, Summer job Food Processing; Trekleader; Student Intern • Telemarketer/ Appointment Setter, Wanted! • Part-Time Telemarketer.

  17. Answers will vary with respect to qualifications • 5. Do you have the qualifications necessary to apply for the valet job? Do you have to be a perfect student? • 6. T / F The Daily ensures that the companies who advertise in the Business Opportunities section are lawful and trustworthy businesses. • 7. If you were interested in a health care career and needed to earn money this summer, would you answer the ad for health care volunteers? • 8. T / F The student intern position in DNA is a volunteer position. • 9. T / F If you are a smoker, you probably shouldn't apply for the Laurelhurst nanny job. F No, it is a volunteer position that doesn’t pay. F T

  18. $ 425, New Building; 1-1/2 blocks to UW; From $260-280; Large Bedroom, Furnished; Summer Rentals • 10. If you're looking for a place to live and are allergic to cigarette smoke, circle two ads you would answer. • 11. If you like a quiet environment, would you answer the Two Bedrooms Available ad? • 12. Which apartment is closest to UW? • 13. Your sister is moving to town and wants to share housing for less than $400 per month. Which ads would you tell her about? • 14. If you have access to the World Wide Web, can you read Daily ads online? We wouldn’t; 10 Bedrooms and “cool roommates” doesn’t sound quiet to us. Probably 0 BLOCKS to UW Female Roommate Wanted (the second one). Yes at www.thedaily.edu

  19. Part Three: Nonprose Reading: Menu Critical reading • If you needed a new computer, would you answer Earn New Computer in the Business Opportunities section? Why or why not? • 2. Under Business Opportunities what do you think is the opportunity offered by the famous millionaire maker? Would you answer this ad? Why or why not? • 3. If you are familiar with Mexico but have no camping experience, would you answer the Trekleader ad? • 4. Are there any job ads that you would want to answer? We wouldn’t. Whenever we read” this offer is going fast,” we are suspicious. But you may be more curious than we are. It seems to be the opportunity to buy the millionaire makers’ information and other tapes. Often this kind of advertiser becomes a millionaire by selling useless tapes. We would not’ It seems you would need some real experience to lead others on an adventure. Answers may vary.

  20. Part Three: Nonprose Reading: Menu Web Activity • Which numbers would you click on to look for apartments? • 2. Which number would you click on to find someone to type your school papers? • 3. What kinds of ads are found under the "personals"? Why might you need to be cautious about meeting someone this way? • 4. You want to submit an ad for the Online Daily • a. How much will it cost to run a 10-word ad for three days? • b. Can you get a refund if you don't want to run the ad for the full three days? • c. What day will your ad appear if you submit it ectronically at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday? • 5. You need a roommate to share your apartment close to campus. Write a 10-word ad in the box "Enter Your Ad." 835, 845 D360 Often these are ads from people who are looking for relationships. Obviously we don’t know these people, they might be dangerous. $ 6.00 NO Friday Your ad depends on the kind of roommate you want.

  21. Part Two: Reading Selection: Webpage Reading Part Two: Reading Selection: Business Text Generation gap refers to differences between people of different ages. People are shaped by their times. The times in which we grow up influence the way we think about things and the way we make important decisions. Recently, businesses have begun to notice problem caused,at least in part,by miscommunication between workers of different generations.

  22. Part Two: Reading Selection: Webpage Reading 1.What have been the most important world events of your life? 2.Who are the famous people who have influenced your thinking? 3.What would you say are the most important characteristics of people your age? 4.What are the important differences between you and people older than you? 5.What are the important differences between you and people younger than you?

  23. Part Two: Reading Selection: Webpage Reading The book Generations at Work, was written to help businesses deal with cross-generational conflict in the workplace.Skim the following adaptation from the book and take a few minutes to study table 1—Page 34.Then answer the following questions. 1.What are the four generations that the book discusses? 2.What are some of the important events in each generation? 3.Which generation do you belong to? The Veterans, The Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Generation Nexters. Page 32 Probably Generation Nexters

  24. Word Exercises(1—3) • (1) Which word means surprising; amazing? • (1) Which word means faced; met head on; dealt with? • Gulf: • Rift: • (2) Which word means desiring greatly; wanting? stunning confronted Distance, difference Gap, break, disagreement Hungering for

  25. (3)Social demographers: • (3)Cohort: • (3)Dotage: People who study human populations, especially patterns of birth, death, distribution. A group of people united by common interests. Mental infirmity as a consequence of old age.

  26. Para.4--14 • (4) Which word means include? • (4) Which word meansimportant in forming a person’s personality? • (4) Which word meansthose things one likes more than other possible choices? encompass formative preferences

  27. (9)Which word means skilled? • (17) What phrase means made the rules; told someone else how things must be done? • (17)What phrase means putting pressure on me to do something; standing right behind me to make sure I am reaching my goal? adept Lay down the law Breath down my neck

  28. 婴儿潮 baby boom • 在二战之后的1946至1964年间,美国共有7590万名婴儿出生,创造了史上著名的“婴儿潮”。而2007年,美国人口出生率再度创下自1950年以来的最高峰。虽然与上世纪50年代每位女性平均生4个小孩的“盛景”无法相比,但这次的“婴儿潮”却令我们惊讶地发现:未婚妈妈的生育率爆增40%。

  29. Generation X( • 在二战之前出生的美国人较为传统,被称为Silent Generation(沉静的一代)。二战后的美国百废待兴,很多男性从战场返乡,结婚生子,创造了美国史无前例的baby boom(婴儿潮),而在此期间出生的孩子则被称为baby boomer(婴儿潮世代)。人们将战后新生活的希望寄托在baby boomers身上,因此他们从小就受到良好的教育,长大之后在美国诸多领域挑大梁。而目前baby boomers大都面临退休,使社会养老负担加重。 • 而在baby boom之后,接踵而至的是baby bust(生育低谷),在baby bust这段时期出生的孩子被称为Generation X(被遗忘的一代,或X一代,20世纪60年代到70年代初出生的美国人)。这代人成长的过程,恰逢美国社会风气偏向于个人价值的体现和个人幸福的实现,因此他们身上有着不同程度的不负责任、冷漠和物质主义等特点。

  30. 美国战后及20世纪50年代出生的人自称“X”一代,“X”有“寻找未知”、“否定现实”、“反抗社会”等含义。 “GenerationX”指20世纪60年代到70年代初出生的美国人,而这批人身上有着不同程度的不负责任、冷漠和物质主义等特点。这个词是在加拿大作家道格拉斯·库普朗1991年出版的名为《X一代》的书中出现之后流行起来的。美国战后及20世纪50年代出生的人自称“X”一代,“X”有“寻找未知”、“否定现实”、“反抗社会”等含义。 “GenerationX”指20世纪60年代到70年代初出生的美国人,而这批人身上有着不同程度的不负责任、冷漠和物质主义等特点。这个词是在加拿大作家道格拉斯·库普朗1991年出版的名为《X一代》的书中出现之后流行起来的。

  31. Generation Y • Generation Y(Y一代)是在Generation X之后出生的美国人,他们出生于20世纪七八十年代,伴随着计算机以及互联网的成长而成长。有人认为Y一代有着更开放的文化价值观,和新的消费方式和行为方式,而也有些人认为他们更加以自我为中心,缺乏同情心和责任感。

  32. 美国建国以来出生的第13代青年(1961—1981期间出生)为“Y”一代。“Y”一代对父辈的人生意义从怀疑到讽刺,不再相信世界上还有什么值得“寻找”的意义。“Y”一代是放弃了寻找的一代,是所谓“clueless(没有任何头绪)”的一代。“Y”,让人联想到不断地追问“Why(为什么)?”因为他们不能理解这世界上发生的任何事情,在他们看来,这个世界是没有意义的世界。美国建国以来出生的第13代青年(1961—1981期间出生)为“Y”一代。“Y”一代对父辈的人生意义从怀疑到讽刺,不再相信世界上还有什么值得“寻找”的意义。“Y”一代是放弃了寻找的一代,是所谓“clueless(没有任何头绪)”的一代。“Y”,让人联想到不断地追问“Why(为什么)?”因为他们不能理解这世界上发生的任何事情,在他们看来,这个世界是没有意义的世界。

  33. 其共性为:极具乐观态度和特权感。这代人压根就不知道何为艰难岁月,大学一毕业就指望拥有一份既有意思、薪水又高、并富有刺激性的工作,在通向财富、个人享受的大道上一路顺风并长久幸福。就我国80年代后出生的人而言,他们伴随着“计划生育”、经济特区、麦当劳、可口可乐、家庭“中心”等极具变化和高水准的生活环境中发育生长,得到过于充足的“关照”。他们具有:天生的优越感、专心和注重个人化、自我意识特强(就连言谈话语中也少不了“我”)、收入高、花钱如流水的特点。同时,信息技术的迅猛发展并广泛而深入地扎根于这个时代。因此,“Y代人”满脑子的e-mail、QQ、ICQ及MSN(也有人称这代人为“E代人”)。其共性为:极具乐观态度和特权感。这代人压根就不知道何为艰难岁月,大学一毕业就指望拥有一份既有意思、薪水又高、并富有刺激性的工作,在通向财富、个人享受的大道上一路顺风并长久幸福。就我国80年代后出生的人而言,他们伴随着“计划生育”、经济特区、麦当劳、可口可乐、家庭“中心”等极具变化和高水准的生活环境中发育生长,得到过于充足的“关照”。他们具有:天生的优越感、专心和注重个人化、自我意识特强(就连言谈话语中也少不了“我”)、收入高、花钱如流水的特点。同时,信息技术的迅猛发展并广泛而深入地扎根于这个时代。因此,“Y代人”满脑子的e-mail、QQ、ICQ及MSN(也有人称这代人为“E代人”)。

  34. 他们对前辈所处的没有手机、互联网、电脑、电子游戏机、收音机、音响等家用电器的时代难以想像。(相反,“X代人”对“Y代人”为何能在电脑前一坐就是一整天也不理解。)他们对前辈所处的没有手机、互联网、电脑、电子游戏机、收音机、音响等家用电器的时代难以想像。(相反,“X代人”对“Y代人”为何能在电脑前一坐就是一整天也不理解。) • 卡罗林·梅金(Carolyn Makin)与布鲁斯·图尔根(BurceTulgan)在其合著的《管理Y代》(Managing Gen-eration Y)一书中描述到“自信、乐观、十分自尊的新一代。”(A generation of new confidence,upbeat and full of selfesteem.) 但人们普遍认为,“Y代人”由于生长在现代信息、高科技时代,他们有丰富的技术知识、有超越前辈的领悟能力(The Gen Y‘ers aregenerally thought ofas positive,motivated,education focusedand knowledgeableabout the latest technology.)。 • 因此,我们有理由相信“Y代人”定会用他们的聪明才智使世界变得更精彩。

  35. Generation Z • Generation Z is a proposed generational name for the children born after Generation Y, though the danger is, of course, running out of letters: do we go back ot A? This name is somewhat controversial as this generation is still too young to have exhibited any common characteristics or to have lived through any common experiences that could be the basis for a generational name or identity. • ""Generation Fat"" is a name that has recently been suggested based on the activities, diet, and habits already emerging in these children of Generation X. Many cultural critics prefer the term iGeneration to denote those born since the mid to late 1990s.

  36. Part Two: Reading Selection: Webpage Reading Comprehension 1.Why do the authors claim that today's workforce is unique? 2.T/F Problems between generations will heal themselves. 3.What are some of the important forces that shape generations? 4.T/F As they acquire their own values, children pay more attention to their friends than to their parents. Because of the diversity in terms of age, race, gender, ethnicity. √ Economy; Political and social circumstances. √

  37. Part Two: Reading Selection: Webpage Reading √ 5.T/F Of the four generations,the Veterans are the most likely to favor traditional roles for Women. 6.T/F The war that most shaped Boomer attitudes was World War II. 7.T/F Xers have experienced so much change in their lives that they no longer master change. 8.T/F Nexters are the youngest of the generations. 9.T/F You can often tell which generation someone is from by the music he or she listens to. 10.T/F Most people are unaware of their own place in history. √ √ √ √ √

  38. Part Two: Reading Selection: Webpage Reading • Each of the statements below is a generalization that describes a characteristic of one of the generations discussed in the selection you just read.For each statement,decide which generation best fits the generalization.Put a V (Veteran),B (Boomer),X (Xer),or N (Nexter) in the space. • a._____ believes that men make the best bosses • b._____ prefers Bon Jovi to the Spice Girls • c._____ has always been online • d._____ considers JFK a role model V X N B

  39. Discussion and composition • This is part is open for discussion, and there is no definite answers.

  40. Vocabulary from Context---Exercise 1 • Diversity • Realization • Generational • Coincidence • Resentment • Difference, usually concerning race or religion • Understanding, insight, discovery • Of the same age, use to describe people in the same age • Something that happened by accident, by chance. • Anger, unhappiness that stays with a person.

  41. Vocabulary from Context---Exercise 1 • Enmity • Alliances • Prosperity • Scarcity • Harmony • Anger, prolonged hatred • Groups with common interests, close relationships • Good fortune, wealth • insufficient supply, not enough for something • Agreement, happiness, feeling of good will and cooperation

  42. Vocabulary from Context---Exercise 2 • Surprising, amazing • Include • Important in forming a person’s personality • Skilled • stunning • Encompass • formative • adept

  43. Vocabulary from Context---Exercise 3 • Gulf • Rift • Social demographers • Cohort • Dotage • Distance, difference • Gap, break disagreement, distance • People who study human populations, especially patters of birth, death, distribution. • A group of people united by common interests • Mental infirmity as a consequence of old age.

  44. Dictionary Use • Pitted against • Causes • Anchored • A • C • B

  45. Figurative language and Idioms • 1.(1) Which word means faced; met head on;dealt with? • 2.(2) Which phrase means desiring greatly; wanting? • 3.(4) Which word means those things one likes more than other possible choices? • 4.(17) What phrase means made the rules; told someone else how things must be done? • 5.(17) What phrase means putting pressure on me to do something;standing right behind me to make sure I am reaching my goals? • Confronted • Hungering for • Preferences • Laid down the law • Breathing down my neck

  46. Part Four: Comprehensive Reading Part Four: Comprehensive Reading

  47. Part Four: Comprehensive Reading Vocabulary predominantly adv.卓越地 potent adj.有力的 reign n.优势 exasperating adj.激怒人的 diminish v.减少 patriotism n. 爱国精神 vicious adj.恶意的diversity n. 差异 vent v.发泄感情 profanity n. 咒骂 satire n.讽刺 anecdote n.轶事,趣闻 taboo n.禁忌 exhilarating adj.爽快的

  48. Part Four: Comprehensive Reading Translation 1.a world championship gold 2.threaten the future of the game 3.push through a resolution 4.diminish the fun of sport 5.the verbal weapons of wit, humor and satire 世锦赛金牌 威胁此项运动的未来 通过一项决议 减少运动的乐趣 智慧、幽默、讽刺的语言武器

  49. Part Four: Comprehensive Reading Translation 6.逻辑上有错误的论点 7.降低竞争性 8.在公众论坛上 9.传播恶性谣言 10.世界范围内赛事的推广 a vicious argument reduce the competitiveness in public forums spread vicious rumors promotion of the game worldwide

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