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The Information is the Store: Mobile Commerce and Mobile Codes

Learn about the importance of data accuracy in mobile commerce and how mobile codes, such as QR codes, can enhance the shopping experience. Discover how Best Buy implemented mobile codes to make their store more interactive and personalized.

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The Information is the Store: Mobile Commerce and Mobile Codes

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  1. THE INFORMATION IS THE STORE Best Buy Co., Inc. April, 2012

  2. Chapters • The Information is the Store • Data Quality • Mobile Commerce • Mobile Codes • Bar Codes • Apps • Good Mobile Code Programs • Mobile Code Trends • Best Buy Case Study

  3. “The data is MORE important than the product.”

  4. What Happens When… • The goods arrive and • Product ID number is missing / wrong • Pack Slip is missing / wrong • Ship Notice is missing / wrong • Item information is missing / wrong • Your product is not an asset – it’s a liability • And, BTW your customer is successfully receiving your competitor’s goods

  5. Data Accuracy Inaccurate data creates a defective product! • Assign GTIN’s correctly • Measure it • According to GS1 Package Measurement Rules • Measure & weigh after you are in production • Round up! • A refrigerator measurement ½” off increased returns by 40%! • A 2009 item given the same GTIN as the 2011 version. • The 2011 version gets sent back with the 2009 End of Life SKU’s instead of selling off the shelf!

  6. Master Data • One Version of the Truth does not mean all the data is in one place; it means one system owns that data point and it can only be changed in that system. • Central versus distributed • My phone numbers are in my phone; my email addresses are in Outlook; my addresses are in an application that prints address labels. They are not in one big data base, but they are correct in their relevant data bases. • Data must be normalized • Spelled the same, same UOM • Battery life in minutes or hours so you can compare side by side

  7. The Information is the Store Channels are blending The store is wherever the data is Bricks Online Mobile Internet TV Your Car Digital Picture Frame…. “Within the next five years more users will connect to the Internet over mobile devices than PCs.” Mary Meeker in 2009!

  8. Mobile Commerce • Mobile Commerce is using your smart phone to access the Information Store wherever you are!

  9. Mobile Is Personal • Get out your mobile device… • Who knew?? • We text • We watch video • We’ll be too busy answering the television to watch the phone The average 13- to 17-year-old sends and receives 3,339 text messages a month. 100 Text Messages a Day

  10. OUR BFO* • It is not Business to Consumer • It’s Consumer to Business • Big Difference • We’d better get it right. * Blinding Flash of the Obvious

  11. What Do Mobile Codes Do? • Best Buy implemented Mobile Codes • You get the best of all worlds • Touch and try in the store • Wealth of data on line • Sales associates there to help • Mobile Codes • Light up every SKU and end cap • Make the Sunday insert bigger & interactive • Point your smart phone at an item, service or promotion and say “Talk to me”

  12. “MOBENIFITS” Customer Makes the store interactive and PERSONAL! Self paced – not just for techno-dweebs Satisfy consumer’s appetite for info • Blue shirt • Delivers a more educated consumer • Buys the Blue Shirt time to get there • Training tool for Blue Shirts • Business • New life for the insert, vendor relations, stores • Better understand demand and in-store activity • Can be deployed internationally • BBY is a technology and innovation playground

  13. What You Need For Mobile Codes • Smart phone • Mobile code • Mobile app • Mobile dot.com experience • Imagination!

  14. What’s a Smart Phone? It’s a mobile device with a camera and internet access Not so smart But a nice personality and a lot of great memories!

  15. What’s a Mobile Code? • It’s a bar code. • Now that smart phones have cameras they are bar code scanners. • BUT remember smart phones are not Great scanners! • To get a high first pass read rate the bar codes themselves have to be Great. • ISO is working on guidelines for bar codes intended for use with mobile phone scanners.

  16. Linear Mobile Codes • Pros • Public Domain and standardized • We all recognize them • On all consumer packages • Will be popular with FMCG and Grocery • Cons • A little harder to read with today’s phones • Can only carry part number • They are application dependent UPC-A UPC-E EAN EAN-8

  17. Two Dimensional Bar Codes (2D) • Pros • QR Code, DataMatrix and Aztec are in the Public Domain • They work with today’s phones • Can be written so they are not app dependent • Can encode more that GTIN • Cons • They all sort of look alike • No standards on how they are used yet • Some are third party proprietary bar codes that you pay to use • Not all mobile code apps read all symbologies QR Data Matrix Microsoft Tag Aztec Code

  18. Why Did We Pick QR Code? QR is in the public domain It’s an internal BBY application so standards did not come into play We are not asking vendors to put bar codes on their packaging Can create our own bar codes and control where they go QR codes are used in other countries for mobile commerce and starting to be recognized by the public here QR can encode more than the GTIN But the data carrier is not the most important thing; it could change A different two dimensional bar code symbology Near Field Communications (NFC)

  19. There’s An App for That • BBY currently has two apps • iPhone & Android • Get Weekly Deals, Reward Zone, Gamers Club, Special Offers, Compare Feature • Windows Mobile and RIM (Blackberry) can use generic QR readers • Both the BBY App and a generic reader bring back product specifications, ratings, reviews, video and ability to purchase

  20. Generic Mobile Code Readers • Some apps do nothing but read the mobile code. • Some phones have a built in bar code reader. • Not all bar code readers read all types of bar code symbology. • It’s always interesting to know what the app creator is doing with the data you are reading.

  21. Linear Vs 2D • Linear: The app determines what will happen • Select the app on your mobile device first • Wine / Food Paring App • Price comparison based on ??whose?? data • Gluten-free? • 2D: Link in the mobile code determines what will happen • Use any generic mobile code reader or the bar code reader native to your phone • Hybrid: The BBY app contains a QR reader which does more than a generic reader • A generic reader will take you to the product description page • The BBY app will let you do side-by-side comparisons

  22. Medium For Mobile Codes • Paper • Shelf tags • Inserts • Posters • Screens • TVs • Monitors • Computer screens • Other smart phones • Knitting

  23. Mobile Dot Com Pages • Must create mobile pages – it’s not about just making a regular web page smaller • Must be more precise and targeted • Fewer links • What do I want when I’m on the go? • While you are creating your m.dot site, think about your t.dot site • Tablet sites are somewhere between dot com and mobile dot com

  24. Two Ways to Encode a URL • ‘Hardcode” the URL • The end URL is encoded in the bar code • Redirect the URL • The URL in the bar code takes theuser to a mobile code management platform and redirects based on criteria • Always remember: • QR codes have the half life of uranium. • They live forever! • What will you do when the promotion ends?

  25. Hardcode the URL • The reader takes the mobile browser directly to the URL • It can only, always, point to one web page. • You can re-write the web page to deliver a different experience in the future • NEVER allow the user to get a “Page Not Found” error message. Always put something on the page. • Make sure the URL is as short as possible to render a more readable 2D bar code 26

  26. Re-Direct the User • This process requires an application that reads the URL and determines what experience to execute. • The experience could be different for you and for me, for example, based on language preference. • The experience could be different today than yesterday. • Unless you build it into the reporting capabilities to track at the end URL level it can be harder to track metrics. You have to create reports based on date / time windows if you have changed the experience.

  27. “QR Codes? I Tried Them. They’re Boring!” • The consumer has finally decided to try reading one…. • We need to make the experience compelling • It’s a call to action • Appropriate for a mobile device • What makes a bad mobile code campaign? • What makes a good one?

  28. What Makes a Bad Experience • Link to the same web site they could go to on a computer • Provide information but no way to act on it • Drill down more than two levels • Landing on an expired page or offer

  29. Poor Bar Codes or Placement • Bad Code Placement: • In a elevator where the signal is poor • In a subway where the lighting is insufficient • On a billboard on a highway • Behind glaring glass • Bad Bar Codes • Less than 1” x 1” • Contain very long URL’s • “Designer” QR codes • Insufficient X dimension • Poor contrast

  30. Poor Consumer Experience • Code on a ketchup bottle which tells the consumer they missed the promotion • It expired six months ago. • How old is the ketchup? • Scan a menu in a restaurant that takes you to the regular dot com page to fill in your zip code to find the nearest restaurant… • Ummm I think I’ve found the closest restaurant.

  31. It’s Polite to Explain How It Works • Provide simple instructions • Explain how to download a bar code reader from the app store • You may want to suggest one • There are lots! • Do your homework. • Which ones will track your data? • If it’s video you may want some fine print: “Message and data rates apply”

  32. What Makes a Good Experience? • This is “Information To Go”! • Give them a way to act it. • I want to buy it • I want to save it • I want to sign up for it • I want to tell others about it • Give your customers a way to provide feedback. • Offer exclusive content they can’t get on a computer. • Realtors get it – I’m sitting in my car outside a house that’s for sale and I want to see the inside. Scan the code on the For Sale sign and take a tour.

  33. So What? • It sounds kinda mean – but it works. • When you create • A web page • Marketing collateral • A proposal • Your resume • Read a line and with your inside voice yell “SO WHAT?!” • Because that’s what your readers are asking.

  34. More People Recognize Mobile Codes

  35. Who is Reading Mobile Codes?

  36. Smart Phone Use • There are 5.2 billion mobile subscribers (77% of the world) • 2012 - Smartphone sales will overtake computers • 2013 - More people will access the web on their mobile device than on a computer • 2015 - Mobile broadband could be 3-4 times faster than fixed line broadband in many countries • 79 percent of U.S. consumers use a Smartphone to help with their shopping • On average, people look at their phones 150 times per day Source: http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/using-mobile-to-drive-business-in-germany/

  37. Mobile Codes Are Trending Up in Google Trends

  38. How We Rolled Out… • Had a core team of enthusiasts • Determined strategy and basic tenets • Reached out to the enterprise • Cards, video, newsletters, one hundred meetings • ‘Soft launch’ in April ‘10 in four stores • QR codes on all fact tags (~6 million) in August • Because we had an m.dot site and were already redesigning the signs startup costs were low ~100K • Automated the request process • Found a business owner

  39. Our Basic Tenets • Mobile codes should work with as many smart phones as possible, not just new ones • Easy for everyone to use • Our mobile app should read all 2D mobile codes • Our mobile codes could be read by all 2D reader apps • Don’t fully bake it – listen to the consumer about what they want our app to do • We are not replacing the Blue Shirt, just helping them educate the consumer

  40. What We Learned --Emerging Technology • Emerging technologies competewith the next emerging technology • We have to educate the consumers • It touches almost every department in the enterprise • At some pivotal point you are no longer asking for permission – you are asking for help to deploy • Mobile codes are hard to explain in writing – it took a lot of face to face meetings

  41. Not all phones are created equal Handsets Cameras and keyboards are configured differently Cameras Old, scratched, not tied to OS Operating systems Register and download apps differently iPhone, Android, RIM, Windows Mobile, Palm May require an upgrade to the OS Local WiFi might affect the experience Black or white listed sites (prohibited / permitted) Fewer characters in the QR means a higher first pass read rate What We Learned –Technical Technology

  42. What Have We Done So Far? • Mobile codes automatically print on fact tags in all stores • Lowered the cost of entry with a tool that creates free QR codes and free mobile landing pages • Create a dashboard that provides immediate and up to the minute metrics on mobile code use

  43. How We Use Mobile Codes • Six million mobile codes on shelf tags in the stores • Mobile codes in our inserts • Promotions • Services • Movie Trailers • Game videos • Mobile codes at Target Field, The Best Buy Theatre in NYC, on our NASCAR and on movie posters.

  44. Brian Has One on the Back of His Business Card!

  45. We Use Mobile Codes to Compare SKUs • Start the BBY app • Use the scan function • Scan the code on the first TV • Hit “Scan more to compare” • Scan the second one • Hit “View items” • Scroll down to compare! “Store uses the side by side compare feature to help customers decide which computer to buy” –Omar, San Carlos CA Store

  46. 2011 Black Friday Insert Used a mobile code to announce our On Line Door Buster Prices

  47. BBY Mobile Code Use Is Increasing Currently at 5,809,280 Scans. 28%of the scans since we started have occurred over the last 90 days

  48. BY THE NUMBERS 5,809,290 + Total Scans since we started in 2010 New BBY app downloads Labor Day 2010 due to QR codes 33,000+ Scans between Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 463,000+ Sales the first nine months $1.67M Opportunities per STORE to connect with a customer 6,000

  49. Winner of the Best Buy 2011 Chairman’s Innovation Award • “(Awarded for) the creation of Mobile Codes as a new way for Best Buy to directly interact with customers via QR Codes exemplifies the key elements of the Chairman’s Innovation Award: using a disciplined process to create a new approach that ultimately meets the needs of customers and generates value for the company. We appreciate your passion in the arena of new technology, (and) your desire to serve the customer in the moment….” • Brian Dunn, CEO, Best Buy

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