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Explore a collection of logos designed by students from I.I.S. P. Sraffa in Crema, Italy, for the 3rd A.TGC Graphic Course. These logos aim to raise awareness about environmental issues.
Presentation of the logos made by the students of the I.I.S. P. Sraffa, Crema (Italy) 3^ A TGC (Graphiccourse)
This logo represents a super hero holding the world. HisnameisJosh. On hissweateritiswritten : “Save the earth!” Alice Cucchetti 3^ A TGC
This logo shows the Europeanflagnear a littleplantthatrepresents the environment. Sara Formenti 3^ A TGC
In this logo thereis a green circle made of leaves, in the centre thereis the word “pollution”. The color of this word isgreyrecalling the smog webreathe. In the upper part there are threeredwords“ Save the environment!” Glenda Minuti 3^ATGC
This logo iscomposedofthree green arrows, symbolofrecycle. On the arrowsthere are written the 3 E ( Environment, Europe and Earth) Roberta Sommella 3^ATGC
This logo represents a tree on the top of the world. An airplaneisflyingarounditwith students on inspection tour! CristianVrahoriti 3^ATGC
In this logo there are twohands and betweenthemthereis the world thatisdividedintotwoparts: the right part of the world representspollution so itisblack and the left part represents the healthy world withoutpollution so itis green. Alessia Cuti 3^ATGC
In this logo thereis a windmill with threesails. On eachsailthereis a word: Environment, Europe and Earth. Oneisbrokenbecause of pollution.On the background there are hills with birds in the sky. Andrea Bettinelli 3^ATGC
In my logo there are twoparts: in the upper part thereis a green tree,behinditthere are mountains and the skyisclean. In the lower part thereis a dead tree and behinditthereis a nuclearpower station thatproducespollution. Cristian Lauria 3^ATGC
In this logo thereis a hand with a thumb up. The handis holding a plasticbag… Welldone! Marika Bergonzi 3^ATGC
In this logo thereis a road signmeaning “stop “ … Stop pollution! Andrea Guerci 3^ATGC
In this logo thereis a heart with some writtenwords : “Love for the environment!!!” On the top of the heartthereis a lamp with a tree inside. Ilaria Balduzzi 3^ATGC
This logo represents the earththatcan’tbreathe and ithasgot a coughbecausethereistoomuchsmokearoundit. The environmentisill! Vanessa Zaccaria 3^ATGC
In this logo there are twoarms holding the world. Itmeansthat people want to protect the earth from environmentdisaster. Under the earththere are a lot of industries with clouds. In the upper part thereis a rainbow, there are birds and trees. Luna Veluti 3^ATGC
In this logo trash isflyingaway from a green basket…Whynot a wastesorting separate collection? Mara Gualina 3^ATGC
This logo represents a big basket containing a littleanimal, some plants, fruit and otherthingsbut on the grassthereis trash everywhere. The writtenwords are: “ No deterioration of the environment” Chiara Cavalli 3^ATGC
In this logo thereis the earthdividedintotwoparts : the right part represents nature, the left part represents the air pollution. Alessia Mauceri 3^ATGC
In this logo there are twohandsthatform a heart. In the centre of the heartthereis the world. I love it! PraphaphanChaina 3^ ATGC
This logo representsItaly and Europe holding a coin… “Don’twastemoney and save the environment!” Brando De Poli 3^ ATGC