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Letter to the Colossians

Letter to the Colossians. Alexandra Foglia. Background Information. Indicates Paul and Timothy to be authors Written between 58 – 62 AD – towards the end of Paul imprisonment in Rome Addressed to the holy and faithful brothers in Colossae Paul stresses the importance of God’s words

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Letter to the Colossians

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  1. Letter to the Colossians Alexandra Foglia

  2. Background Information • Indicates Paul and Timothy to be authors • Written between 58 – 62 AD – towards the end of Paul imprisonment in Rome • Addressed to the holy and faithful brothers in Colossae • Paul stresses the importance of God’s words • Tells to stray from false teachings.

  3. Overall Summary • Paul learns that Christians in Colossae are learning new, outside beliefs • The new “religion” blends elements from many others into one • Pagan religions • Paul warns them not to be fooled • The new religion is not from Christ but from man • Emphasizes traits Christians should follow and not follow.

  4. Chapter 1 Summary • Paul addresses letter to people in Colossae (1:1-2) • Gives thanks to God and for the faith of the Colossian Church (1:3-8) • Teaches about the nature of Christ • Counteracts false teachings • God the father rescued Colossians from the darkness • Some who were once separated from God, but reconciled by God through his death • Explains his role as an apostle: to spread the word of God

  5. Key Verse(s) Chpt. 1 • Colossians (1:15-16) - He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

  6. Chapter 2 Summary • Paul encourages Colossians to believe him, although they do not know him personally • Speaks about the mystery of God • He proves wrong the doctrine of the false teachers • The false religion is from man, not God • Fullness of religion lies in Christ, forgiving their sins • Warns about false rituals

  7. Chapter 2 Summary cont. • Tells them to stray from the worship of angels and visions • Rejection of all teachings of man • None are as value to those of God

  8. Key Verse(s) Chpt. 2 • Colossians (2:8) - See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

  9. Chapter 3 Summary • Paul tells them to resist earthly possessions, evil, and impurity • The wrath of God will come on those who disobey Him • Stresses forgiveness of others, patience, and kindness • Give thanks to the Lord for everything good they do • Tells husbands to love wives and kids, and vice versa • Tells slaves to listen to their masters, b/c in the end, they will get what they deserve from God

  10. Key Verse(s) Chpt. 3 • Colossians (3:12-13) - Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

  11. Chapter 4 Summary • Paul tells them to pray in God always • To be kind and spread the true word to outsiders • He is sending Tychicus and Onesimus to them to give them God’s word • Closes with greetings from other believers • Tells them to read letter in church of Laodiceans

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