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The New Deal

The New Deal. Restoring the Nation’s Hope. “The only thing to fear is fear itself” The First Hundred Days RELIEF, RECOVERY, REFORM Fireside chats to reassure Americans Closing the Banks “Bank Holiday” Emergency Banking Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

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The New Deal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The New Deal

  2. Restoring the Nation’s Hope • “The only thing to fear is fear itself” • The First Hundred Days • RELIEF, RECOVERY, REFORM • Fireside chats to reassure Americans • Closing the Banks • “Bank Holiday” • Emergency Banking Act • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

  3. Relief, Recovery, and Reform (Alphabet programs) • Providing Relief and Creating Jobs (public works programs) • Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) • Civil Works Administration (CWA) • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) • Indian Reorganization Act • Helping Hand to Business • National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) • National Recovery Admin. (NRA) • Public Works Administration (PWA) • Federal Securities Act • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) • Federal Reserve Board

  4. Relief, Recovery, and Reform (cont.) • Saving Homes and Farms • Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) • Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) • The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) • Dams, power plants

  5. New Deal Personnel • Women and African Americans in policy-making positions • Federal Council on Negro Affairs • “The Black Cabinet” • Eleanor Roosevelt • Changed the First Lady’s role – more involved, outspoken

  6. The New Deal Falters • Did not bring complete immediate economic improvement • Supreme Court ruled that some programs were unconstitutional

  7. A Second New Deal • New and Expanded Agencies • Works Progress Administration (WPA) • Resettlement Administration, then the Farm Security Administration (FSA) • New Labor Legislation • Wagner Act – right to have labor unions; collective bargaining • National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) • Social Legislation • Social Security Act – retirement $ for elderly

  8. The New Deal’s Critics • The Limits of the New Deal • Women • African Americans • Political Critics • New Deal Does Too Much • New Deal Does Too Little • Other Critics • Father Charles E. Coughlin • Huey Long – Share Our Wealth – tax rich, redistribute

  9. The Court-Packing Scheme • FDR wants more judges on Court • Critics dislike “packing” the courts • Republicans and Southern Democrats unite against FDR

  10. New Deal’s Effects on Culture • Literature • Radio and Movies • WPA and the Arts • Lasting New Deal Achievements • Public works and federal agencies • Social Security • A Legacy of Hope • ***Forever changes role of government

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