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BEST PRACTICES ON MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND DISSEMINATION. Prof. Cherif SAMMARI Cherif.sammari@instm.rnrt.tn www.instm.rnrt.tn. INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LA MER. 28 rue 2 mars 1934 2025 Salammbô, Tunisia.
INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LA MER 28 rue 2 mars 1934 2025 Salammbô, Tunisia Lisbonne, November 9
HISTORICAL Tunisia has a strategic place in the Mediterranean region. The oceanographic research in Tunisia has begun since the end of the 19th century and it has accompanied the world oceanographic research since the beginning of its development in Mediterranean (1875). Lisbonne, November 9
To exchange our data and marine informations, we need to have the data first and to do so we need to establish research programs that produce informations and data Lisbonne, November 9
Having data makes no sense if there is no clear data exchange policies In our case (INSTM), we haven’t yet a clear policies regarding oceanographic data and marine informations exchange. But we are working on. Lisbonne, November 9
Since 1995 we are very active in this area. We have performed more than 1000 CTD stations Lisbonne, November 9
CTD Profiles and Waters samples Lisbonne, November 9
HYDROBASE Lisbonne, November 9
Quality Control Lisbonne, November 9
All our hydrological data have gone through quality controls (QC: Medar/MedAtlas) Lisbonne, November 9
Édition de données Données historiques Base de Données Phytoplantoniques Lisbonne, November 9
We have analyzed our data … April, 2001 July, 2005 September, 2006 Lisbonne, November 9 March, 2007
… and we have also integrated the data related to the biological parameters (Ch-a). Lisbonne, November 9
We have also been preparing an Atlas in which we are going to put all our data. In this Atlas, we are going to compare the observations and the models (Med16 and Psy2v2) outputs. Sicily: 02/08/2006: SALINITYin-situ med16 Psy2v2 Lisbonne, November 9
Gulf of Gabes: 02/08/2006 SALINITYin situ med16 Psy2v2 Lisbonne, November 9
We have also times series related to the sea level. Lisbonne, November 9
Recently we have deployed three ADCP and we are going to keep them as long as possible Lisbonne, November 9
In order to use an efficient tool to communicate easily and efficiently between stakeholders and scientists, we implemented all our data previously created in GIS, into GeoNetwork Lisbonne, November 9
How to put in place a clear and efficient data and marine information’s policies in the south part of the Mediterranean Sea? Lisbonne, November 9
TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Lisbonne, November 9
The gulf of Gabes is a particular ecosystem which we are interested everywhere La maille adaptée pour le golfe de Gabès Bathymétrie du golfe de Gabès Lisbonne, November 9
GABES MODELLING AVAILABE : A nesting-zooming system for the gulf of Gabès : 1. A Mediterranean model forced by Atmospheric fluxes. 2. A regular grid ocean model for the Tunisia area nested into the Med. model. 3. A zoomed model over the gulf of Gabès area restarted from the last one. This system is currently run in the frame of CIRCE project with 3X10-year time slices (1860-1969 ; 1991-2000 ; 2050-2059). The forcing is the LMDZ-IPSL-IPCC. • CANTICO : • Force the model with outputs from ARPEGE-ALADIN-Climate : • -30 years or more within EAR4 period. • -For the scenario, force with 10-year time slices (SRES-A1B). • Compare with results from the LMDZ-IPSL-IPCC forcing. • Participate to the downsclaing to a marine ecosystem. Lisbonne, November 9
GRIDS Med grid Gulf of Gabès zoom grid Nested model Regular grid Lisbonne, November 9
SEA LEVEL winter year 5 Med. Model Zoom model Nested model Lisbonne, November 9
SALINITE DE SURFACE Regular grid model Zoom model Lisbonne, November 9
We have already published this data analysis. Lisbonne, November 9