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CHAPTER. 13. Prisons and Jails. Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ101 – Raymond Oberg Unit 9. Welcome to unit 9. Announcements Last Seminar Last day I will accept any work Questions – Concerns?. Creative Project 3: Jails. Assignment

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  1. CHAPTER 13 • Prisons and Jails

  2. Introduction to Criminal JusticeCJ101 – Raymond ObergUnit 9

  3. Welcome to unit 9 • Announcements • Last Seminar • Last day I will accept any work • Questions – Concerns?

  4. Creative Project 3: Jails • Assignment • Write a 3-page paper that answers all 3 of the following questions:   • How does our correctional system punish offenders? • How does our correctional system rehabilitate offenders? • Which method is more effective in reducing crime, punishment or rehabilitation? Explain your choice.    • You are required to use at least 2 references for this paper.  One reference can be your text from this class and the other reference should come from the Kaplan library.  Be sure to list your sources on your reference page.  

  5. The doctrine of lex talionis refers to: • Retaliation • “an eye for an eye” • Both of the above

  6. Correct answer 3. Both of the above

  7. Select the answer that best reflects your opinion: Which of the early punishments do you think we should reinstate TODAY! • 1. flogging • 2. mutilation • 3. branding • 4. public humiliation • 5. workhouses • exile • none (I think this country is too progressive to resort to any of them)

  8. Banishment as punishment might include exile to what location? • The American Colonies • Australia • Older ships (Hulks) parked in a harbor • Devil’s Island • All of the above were used at one time to rid a country of its criminal element

  9. Correct answer 5. All of the above were used at one time to rid a country of its criminal element

  10. The first American penitentiary was a converted jail called the Walnut Street Jail. • Correct • Incorrect

  11. Correct answer 1. Correct

  12. The Auburn System incorporated one of the characteristics of the Pennsylvania System. Which one? • Silence • Congregate cell blocks • Armed guards

  13. Correct answer 1. Silence

  14. What prison era is associated with the Quakers? • Treatment Era • “Just Deserts” Era • Penitentiary Era • Industrial Era

  15. Correct answer 3. Penitentiary era

  16. In the treatment era, the medical model assumed that a criminal was sick and needed therapy to improve. • Correct • Incorrect

  17. Correct answer 1. Correct

  18. The Hawes-Cooper Act and the Ashurst- Sumners Act greatly expanded the use of inmate labor during the industrial era. • Correct • Incorrect

  19. Correct answer 2. Incorrect

  20. According to Rhodes v. Chapman, overcrowding in prisons is not only dangerous but considered cruel and unusual punishment by the courts. • Correct • Incorrect

  21. Correct answer 2. Incorrect

  22. In an ADMAX federal prison the inmates are out of their cell only one hour in a twenty-four period. • In order to shower and exercise • In order to socialize with other inmates and use the law library • In order to attend group counseling and training programs • In ADMAX they do not get out of their cells at all

  23. Correct answer 1. In order to shower and exercise.

  24. There are more people in jail than in prison even though jail is designed to be for “short-term” confinement. • Correct • Incorrect

  25. Correct answer 1. Correct

  26. A regional jail is a new concept because a variety of local jurisdictions could come together to build and run the facility. • Correct • Incorrect

  27. Correct answer 1. Correct

  28. Private prisons house “important” inmates that can afford to pay extra fees for a better environment with less crowding. • Correct • Incorrect

  29. Correct answer 2. Incorrect

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