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尊神的名為聖 (2-1). 耶和華以勒 (Yireh) 耶和華必預備 (創 22 : 8-14 ) 耶和華拉法 (Rapha) 耶和華是醫治你的 ( 出 15 : 26 ) 耶和華尼西 (Nissi) 耶和華是我旌旗 (出 17 : 15 ) 耶和華沙龍 (Shalom) 耶和華賜平安 (士 6 : 24 ) 耶和華羅伊 (Raah) 耶和華是我的牧者 (詩 23 : 1 ) 耶和華齊根努 (Tsidkenu) 耶和華是我們的義 (耶 23 : 6;33:16 ) 耶和華沙瑪 (Shammah) 耶和華的所在 (結 48 : 35 )
尊神的名為聖(2-1) 耶和華以勒(Yireh)耶和華必預備(創22:8-14) 耶和華拉法(Rapha)耶和華是醫治你的 (出15:26 ) 耶和華尼西(Nissi)耶和華是我旌旗(出17:15 ) 耶和華沙龍(Shalom)耶和華賜平安(士6:24) 耶和華羅伊(Raah)耶和華是我的牧者(詩23:1) 耶和華齊根努(Tsidkenu)耶和華是我們的義 (耶23:6;33:16) 耶和華沙瑪(Shammah)耶和華的所在(結48:35) 耶和華麥加底西肯(Maccaddeshem) 耶和華是叫你們成為聖的(出31:13)
尊神的名為聖(2-2) 耶和華撒巴俄(Sabbaoth)萬軍之耶和華(撒上1:3;17:45) 耶和華伊利格摩拉(El Gemolah) 耶和華是施行報應的神 (耶51:56 ) 耶和華納可(Nakeh)耶和華是擊打者(結7:9) 耶和華以羅欣(Elohim)耶和華大能者(士5:3;賽17:6) 耶和華伊利伊約(El Elyon)至高神(創14:18;民24:16) 耶和華伊勒沙代(El shaddai)全能神(創17:1-20) 耶和華伊利俄蘭(El Olam)永生(恆)神(創21:33;賽40:28) 耶和華(Jehovah)自有永有(出3:14-15) 主(Adonai)主宰者(出4:10-12;書7:8-11)
天地萬物歌頌讚美All of creation shout His name萬國傳祢奇妙作為All of the nations sing His fame 24.035 與耶穌同行
雙膝跪拜雙手舉起On bended knees with hands up raised來歡呼 耶穌We’re singing, Jesus
再沒有愛與祢相比No other love could be the same因祢十架使我潔淨coz with the cross He took the blame
我得釋放And now I’m free我與耶穌同行(X2)I’m walking with Jesus
我得釋放And now I’m free我與耶穌同行(X2)I’m walking with Jesus
我被賦予權柄能力I am empowered to succeed在我裡面復活生命The greater one lives inside me.
我的信心勝過世界Our faith has over come the world來歡呼 耶穌We’re singing, Jesus.
再沒有愛與祢相比No other love could be the same因祢十架使我潔淨coz with the cross He took the blame
我得釋放And now I’m free我與耶穌同行(X2)I’m walking with Jesus
祢是我喜樂泉源You are my fountain of joy祢使我歡欣跳躍You set my feet to dancing 喜樂泉源 18.130
祢使我自由飛翔You let me soar like eagles不再被罪惡捆綁 You gave me perfect freedom
祢是我永生盼望You are the hope of my life祢愛有無比力量Your love is great beyond words
從今時直到永遠Your promise never changes祢應許不會改變From now to forevermore
祢的寶血有能力It was Your blood that gave me pow’r能醫治一切的傷口To heal the sickness and disease
祢的復活能改變It was Your life that let me live一切的咒詛成為祝福The life of blessing free from the curse
我們要高舉祢聖名We lift Your Holy name on high祢配得所有最大的讚美You’re worthy to receive our highest praise
我們要用全心和全意With all my heart and soul, mind and strength來敬拜祢We worship You
我們要歡迎祢來臨We lift Your Holy name on high願祢來設立寶座在這裡Your name is lifted high above all names
我們要張開口So come and build Your throne不停讚美祢You’re the King of kings
我們要張開口So come and build Your throne不停讚美祢You’re the King of kings
耶穌 祢能使瞎眼看見Jesus, You can make the blind man see耶穌 祢能醫治傷心人Jesus, You can heal broken hearts 18.231 唯有耶穌
耶穌 祢有權柄釋放Jesus, You can set captives free叫不可能變為可能You make all things possible
唯有耶穌掌管天地萬有You reign on high in heaven and on earth唯有耶穌能使水變成酒You turn water into wine
叫狂風巨浪平息You are the One who calms the raging seas大能赦罪行神蹟You do miracles in life
唯有耶穌掌管天地Jesus who reigns upon the earth無人與祢相比no one compares to You