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Introduction Lecture

Introduction Lecture. Prepared by Dr. Riham Hazzaa. PETROCHEMICAL DEPARTMENT PE327 chemical process principals. Instructor: Dr. Riham Hazzaa Room:136 e-mail: Riham.hazzaa@pua.edu.eg Assistant: Eng Amira el Gendy Lecture: E ……….. –Sunday from 11:30 to 12:30

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Introduction Lecture

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  1. Introduction Lecture Prepared by Dr. Riham Hazzaa

  2. PETROCHEMICAL DEPARTMENT PE327 chemical process principals Instructor: Dr. RihamHazzaa Room:136 e-mail: Riham.hazzaa@pua.edu.eg Assistant: Eng Amira el Gendy Lecture: E……….. –Sunday from 11:30 to 12:30 –Tuesday from 10:30 to 12:30 Tutorial: E……….. – from …….. to ……… Office hours: Monday from ……… to ……… Tuesday from Thursday from …….. to ……… Prerequisites: BE103 Math 3, BE111 General chemistry

  3. Overall aims of course The main objective of the course is to teach the students the following:- The fundamentals of material balance calculations,Batch and continuous,steady flow and unsteady process,reactive and non reactive systems for single unit and multi unit process,process with recycle and by-pass with or without purge material balance for combustion reactions. the fundamentals of the energy balances and their role in chemical processes. the concepts used in Energy balance calculations with and without chemical reactions

  4. Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs( a- Knowledge and understanding: a1. Recognize units and dimensions-Conversion of units- systems of units-force and Weight. a2. Identify dimensional Homogeneity and dimensionless quantities.  a3. Define Mass and volume Flow rate, Concentration, pressure and Temperature a4. Identify Process Classification, Balances, Material balance calculations, recycle, bypass-Balances on reactive processes and Combustion. a5. Identify the different forms of Energy. a6.define the Law of Kinetic Energy. a7.define the Law of Potential Energy. a8.define the First Law of Thermodynamics for Closed Systems. a9.Define Adiabatic Systems. a10.recognize Steam Tables. a11.Define Sensible Heat and Heat Capacities. a12.State the relation between Heat Capacities at constant pressure and Heat Capacities at constant volume in liquid, solids and ideal gas. a13.Define the Heat of Reaction. a14.Define Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions.  a15.Define the Internal Energy of reaction a16.Define Hess law. a17.Define the Heat of formation and the Standard Heat of formation. a18.Define Heat of Combustion and Standard heat of Combustion.

  5. b- Intellectual skills b1. Categorize different units. b2. Examine the applicability of balancing the equation to be homogenous. b3. Apply the relation between Mass and Volume to convert them to each others. b4. Calculate the concentration of different substances b5. Analyze any system by applying material balance equation b6. Analyze different systems containing bypass. b7. Apply material balance equation to reactive systems. b8.Calculate the Kinetic Energy of a body of mass (m) moving with a velocity. b9.Calculate the Potential Energy of a moving stream at elevation (z). b10.Calculate the amount of heat transferred (Q) in appropriate units. b11.analyze Shaft Work.and Flow Work. b12.Categorize vapor pressure, specific internal energy, specific enthalpy and specific volumes of a saturated steam from saturated steam tables at different temperatures and pressures and at the triple point. b13.Apply both Material and Energy Balances. b14.Calculate the required heat removal rate using heat capacity formulas and specific enthalpies. b15.Calculate the Heat Capacity of a mixture b16.Calculate the Heat of reaction. b17.Calculate the Internal Energy of reaction. b18.Calculate the Heat of reaction by Hess law. b19.Calculation of Heat of reaction from Heat of combustion.

  6. c- Professional and practical skills c1. Perform a dimensionally homogenous equation. c2. Distinguish between mass and weight. c3. Explain the force with the aid of units. c4. Use the data of mass and volume flow rate. c5. Estimate how to prepare solutions with different concentrations. c6. Select the appropriate material balance equation for different non reactive system. c7. Apply the appropriate material balance equation for reactive system. c8. Determine the data required for combustion processes. c9.examine closed system sand open system, isothermal process and adiabatic process. c10.Distinguish the conditions at which each of the five terms in the balanced equation can be neglected. c11. Apply the energy balance equation for a closed system and open system c12.Use the saturated and superheated steam tables c13.Estimate the heat capacity of a liquid or solid using Kopp, s Rule. c14.Calculate Latent Heat of Vaporization. c15.Calculate the Heat of reaction by Hess law. c16.Calculation of Heat of reaction from Heat of formation. c17.Calculation of Heat of reaction from Heat of combustion.

  7. d- General and transferable skills d1-Developing both Communication and Management skills. d2- Developing engineers capability to use of general information technology, d3- work as a team and work independently

  8. 4– Teaching and learning methods 4.1-Lectures. 4.2-Assignments. 4.3-Case study 5- Student assessment methods 5.1-Assignments : to assess student skills. 5.2-Mid-term Exams(9th week): to assess student achievements. 5.3-case study to assess student understanding and skills. 5.4-Final-exam to assess student understanding.

  9. Assessment: Mid-term 20 marks quizzes 15 marks case study 5 marks Home works and attedance 10 marks Final Exam. 50 marks --------- 100

  10. 6- List of references 6.1- Course notes Based on selected chapters collected from text books. 6.2- Textbook: R.M. Felder and R.W. Rousseau “Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes”, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Edition 2005. 6.3- Periodicals, Web sites, … etc

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