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Detection of SIP BoTnet based on C&C Communications. Mohammad AlKurbi. Overview. Introduction to Botnet Why SIP is useful? Problem Statement. Related Works. Proposed Solution. Preliminary Evaluation. Conclusions & Future Work. Brief Introduction to Botnet. Botnet ?.
Detection of SIP BoTnetbased onC&C Communications Mohammad AlKurbi
Overview • Introduction to Botnet • Why SIP is useful? • Problem Statement. • Related Works. • Proposed Solution. • Preliminary Evaluation. • Conclusions & Future Work. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Brief Introduction to Botnet Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Botnet? • A network of compromised computers controlled by a master to do a correlated tasks [GP+08]. Botnet Master Controller Command & Control Channel: IRC, HTTP, P2P Malicious Activity: Scan, Spam, DDoS (Bot): Compromised host Victim Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Bot life Cycle • Infection: • Initial installation of the botnet malware • By email, accessing infected web sites, or vulnerability exploitation. • Bootstrap: • Join Botnet. • Using preliminary list of bots. • Command and Control (C&C): • To get instructions and send info./feed back • Malicious Activity: Implement instructions • Scan, Spam, DDoS, Maintenance, ..etc • Maintenance to upgrade bot software. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Botnet Models? Centralized model(IRC/HTTP) Distributed model(P2P) Botnet Master Controller Victim Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Botnet History [GZL08] • IRC Botnet: • Centralized C&C structure. • Access to IRC is restricted or limited. • HTTP Botnet: • Centralized C&C structure. • Has better access policy, therefore stealthy. • P2P Botnet: • Distributed C&C structure. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
SIP as a C&C protocol Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Why SIP is a useful C&C Protocol? • SIP has outstanding features [A. Berger et al. (NPSec '09)]: • SIP access would have Less restriction policy than P2P. • SIP infrastructure minimizes management overhead: • Registration, Tracking of clients' status. • Reliable message delivery. • SIP message's structure provides many options: • SIP Instant Messaging, Message standard/user-defined headers, Message body. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Problem Statement • Botnet is one of the most serious and growing security threats [SLWL07, GZL08, YD+10]: • 40% of all computers connected to Internet are considered infected bots [ZLC08]. • 20% of malware will still be able to get into uptodate Internet computers [BK07]. • SIP is even more attractive as C&C protocol after being adopted by 3GPP. • SIP Botnet has not been considered before. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Study & Detection Approaches • Bot’s source code analysis. • Honeynets. • Signature based detections. • Anomaly based detection: • Based on Botnet Malicious Activities: • High volume traffic, such as: DDoS attacks, Scans, Spams, or abnormal traffic. • Based on C&C communications. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
C&C Detection Approach • C&C is the weakest link [GZL08]: • Interrupting C&C channel disarms the Botnet[SLWL07]. • Based on the following observation [GZL08 , GP+08]: • Due to preprogrammed activities, Bots tend to behave in a similar or correlated manner. • Restrict Access to C&C controllers isolates the bots. • No prior knowledge is needed. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (1) • G. Gu et al., “Botsniffer: Detecting botnet command and control channels in network traffic”, NDSS 08, February: • Detect centralized C&C channel (IRC & HTTP). • Monitor crowd density/ homogeneity from clients that connect to the same server: • Events sequence are considered. • Deep inspection: • Protocol-Matcher. • Crowd homogeneity algorithm is vulnerable to encryption. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (2) • G. Gu et al., “BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection”, (Security’08), July: • Protocol & Structure independent: • Captures all TCP/UDP. • Does not consider events sequence. • Two-step X-means Clustering. • Identify hosts that share both similar C&C communication patterns and similar malicious activity patterns. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (3) • X. Yu et al., “Online botnet detection based on incremental discrete fourier transform”, JOURNAL OF NETWORKS, 5(5), May 2010: • Protocol & Structure independent. • Events sequence are considered. • distance(X, Y)=distance(DFT(X), DFT(Y)) [Discrete Fourier Transform] • Less DFT coefficients are required to capture the distance. • Suspected bot’s malicious activities are monitored before confirming its identity. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
The Proposed Solution Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
The Proposed Solution • Developing a system to detect SIP Botnet (i.e. SIP is the C&C protocol): • It is a network anomaly based system. • Based on bots similar behavior. • It does not rely on the events sequence [SLWL07, GP+08]: • Resist random-time evasion technique. • Detect bots at early stages: Before initiating malicious activities, or as early as possible. • By monitoring & analyzing C&C communications (i.e. SIP communications). • Without any prior knowledge. • A suspected bot identity is confirmed as soon as it carries one or more botnet malicious activities. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
The Proposed Solution (Main idea) • Two users are considered similar if they share similar flows more than a defined threshold ( ). • Similar users are considered suspected bots. User-2 User-1 Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
System Overview Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
System Components (1) • Monitoring Engine: • Logs SIP/Malicious traffic to a central DB server. • Based on snort (open source intrusion detection system): • with a customized set of rules to capture SIP traffic. • Set of activated plug-ins to capture malicious activities. • Installed where the designated traffic pass by, such as network gateways. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
System Components (2) • Correlation Engine: • Developed in Java. • Input: • SIP/Malicious traffic that has been logged into the Central DB. • Function: • detect bots and C&C controllers. • It can be installed any where as long as it has access to the central DB server. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Correlation Engine (How it works) • Feature Vector (FV): • A flow is transferred to a feature vector. • FV Consists of flow attributes, such as: • Duration (seconds), size (bytes), No. of packets. • bps (bytes per sec.), bpp (bytes per packet). • Feature Stream (FS): • User flows are represented by a feature stream. • A column represents a Feature Vector. Time window (w) Duration Size #Packets Bps bpp Duration Size #Packets Bps bpp Duration Size #Packets Bps bpp User Feature Stream FV1 Flow1 FV n Flow n FV2 Flow2 Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Correlation Engine (How it works) • Two flows [a , b] are similar if distance: • d(a,b) = , f: no. of features • Two users (A , B) are considered similar if distance: • distance d(A,B) = • A/B Feature Stream of user A/B. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Experimental Evaluation Calculate False Positive & Negative Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Input Data Set (Users’ traffic) • Network traces has been generated using two tools developed by A. Berger et al. [BH09]: • Autosip: • Emulate a realistic behavior of a regular users calls: • Number of online users varies with time. • Calls duration is modeled based on μ (Mean value) and σ (S. deviation). • A user calls a friend with probability (α) and others with probability (1 − α). • A user makes in average C calls/hour: Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Autosip Components • Manager: • Set call parameters to clients. • Control the number of active users during day. • Client (SIP users): • Connect to the manager. • Call each others according to parameters setting. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Input Data Set (Malicious traffic) • Sipbot: • Generate SIP Botnet traffic. • Based on P2P Stormbotnet: • OvernetProtocol has been replaced by SIP. • Send “603 Decline” response for SIP INVITE message. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Test bed Network Design @ NSL cluster: Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Preliminary Result Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Conclusion / Future Work / Challenges Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Conclusion • Botnet is a serious growing threat: • It needs more researches. • Detecting bots based on C&C channel is efficient: • It allows us to detect bots at early stages. • SIP is a promising C&C protocol. • A system is provided to detect SIP botnet with a very low False Negative (~0) & a reasonable False Negative. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Future Work • Improve similarity algorithm to decrease False Positive. • Implement larger scale evaluation experiments. • Integrate Malicious activity handler component. • Extracting C&C controllers. • Try to : • Reduce time complexity. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Challenges • Resilience to evasion: • A very long Response Delay (Larger than the time window): • botnet utility is reduced or limited because the botmaster can no longer command his bots promptly and reliably [GZL08]. • Random session’s size/duration. • Random noise packets. • A pool of random SIP options. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
End Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Appendix Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Centralized C&C Model Master C&C Botnet Master C&C Controller Communicator C&C Command & Control Channel: IRC, HTTP, P2P C&C Zombie Zombie Zombie Malicious Activity: Scan, Spam, DDoS (Bot): Compromised host Victim Victim Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Distributed C&C Model Master C&C (P2P) C&C Communicator C&C C&C Zombie Zombie Zombie Victim Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Detection Approaches • Most of the current botnet detection approaches [7,17,19,20,26,29,35,40] work only on specific botnet command and control (C&C) protocols (e.g., IRC) and structures (e.g., centralized), and can become ineffective as botnets change their C&C techniques [GP+08]. • Some approaches [4, 6, 12, 18] have been proposed [YD+10]. • [BCJ+09, ZLC08] Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
C&C Detection Approach • C&C is the weakest link [GZL08]: • Interrupting C&C channel disarms the Botnet[SLWL07]. • Based on the following observation [GZL08 , GP+08]: • Due to preprogrammed activities, Bots tend to behave in a similar or correlated manner. • C&C controllers are usually much less than bots: • Restrict access to them is easier, safer, and more efficient. • No prior knowledge is needed. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (1) • G. Gu et al., “Botsniffer: Detecting botnet command and control channels in network traffic”, NDSS 08, February: • Detecting centralized C&C channel (IRC & HTTP). • Analyzing bots response (Message, Activity) to Botmaster’s commands. • Looking every time window (t) for a response crowd from clients that connect to the same server: • Crowd Density (>%50). • Crowd homogeneity • A number of rounds are required before confirming a crowd is a botnet. • Deep inspection: • Protocol-Matcher. • Implemented Crowd homogeneity algorithm is vulnerable to encryption. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (2) • G. Gu et al., “BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection”, (Security’08), July: • Protocol & Structure independent: Captures all TCP/UDP. • Does not consider events sequence. • Identify hosts that share both similar C&C communication patterns and similar malicious activity patterns. • Aggregate related flows during epoch time (E ~ one day) into the same C-Flow. • Transfer C-Flows into equal pattern vectors length, by a Quantilebinning technique. • Two-step X-means Clustering. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (2) • G. Gu et al., “BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection”, (Security’08), July: • Protocol & Structure independent. • Does not consider events sequence. • Aggregate past epoch (E~ one day) related flows into one flow. • To standardize feature’s vector length, discrete distribution is approximated by binning technique (computing quartiles). • Two-step X-means Clustering. • Identify hosts that share both similar communication patterns and similar malicious activity patterns: • A host receives a high score if it has performed multiple types of suspicious activities, and if other hosts that were clustered with also show the same multiple types of activities. • If two hosts appear in the same activity clusters and in at least one common C-cluster, they should be clustered together. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (3) • X. Yu et al., “Online botnet detection based on incremental discrete fourier transform”, JOURNAL OF NETWORKS, 5(5), May 2010: • Protocol & Structure independent. • Events sequence are considered. • Online Detection. • User flows are represented by a feature stream. • Similarity is measured by an average Euclidean distance. • distance(X, Y)=distance(DFT(X), DFT(Y)) [Discrete Fourier Transform] • Less DFT coefficients are required to capture the stream. • Incremental DFT coefficients to avoid recalculation when a new value arrives (Minimize processing time further). • Suspected bot’s malicious activities are monitored before confirming its identity. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (3) • X. Yu et al., “Online botnet detection based on incremental discrete fourier transform”, JOURNAL OF NETWORKS, 5(5), May 2010: • Online Detection. • Protocol & Structure independent. • A flow is represented by a feature stream. • Similarity is measured by average Euclidean distance. • distance(X, Y)=distance(DFT(X), DFT(Y)). • DFT needs fewer feature streams. • Incremental DFT coefficients to avoid recalculation when a new feature stream arrives (Minimize processing time further). • Suspected bot’s malicious activities are monitored before confirming its identity. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works (4) • H. Zeidanloo and A. Abdul Manaf, “Botnet detection by monitoring similar communication patterns”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 7(3), March 2010: • General framework: • Focuses on P2P based and IRC based Botnets. • Similar users have similar graphs: • User Feature Streams Graph [(X, Y)= (bpp, bps)]. • Exact method has not been provided. • They did not provide evaluation. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Related Works () • W. Strayer et al., “Botnet detection based on network behavior”, Vol. 36 of Advances in Information Security. Springer, October 2007: • Detect IRC Botnets (Centralized): • Prompt C&C mechanism. • Does not consider events sequence. • Filtering phase assumes prior knowledge: • Pass only what it can be a C&C traffic. • Filter out any traffic that does not comply with some specific semantics. • It does not examine content nor port. • Looking for C&C servers: • Topological analysis: Highest in/out-degree in a directed graph of similar flows. • Flow characteristics: bandwidth, packet timing, and burst duration. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
The Proposed Solution • Developing a system to detect SIP Botnet (i.e. SIP is the C&C protocol): • It is a network anomaly based system. • Based on bots similar behavior concept. • It does not rely on the events sequence [SLWL07, GP+08]: • Resist random-time evasion technique. • Detect bots at early stages: Before initiating malicious activities, or as early as possible. • By monitoring & analyzing C&C communications (i.e. SIP communications). • Without any prior knowledge. • A suspected bot identity is confirmed as soon as it carries one or more botnet malicious activities. • A further analysis can be applied to extract C&C controllers. Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
The Proposed Solution (Main idea) • Two users are considered similar if they share similar flows more than a defined threshold ( ). • Similar users are considered suspected bots. • Bot identity is confirmed when it commits any malicious activity. User-2 User-1 Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications
Input Data Set • Network traces has been generated using the following tools developed by A. Berger: • Autosip: • Emulate a realistic behavior of a regular users calls: • Number of online users varies with time. • Calls duration is modeled with a log-normal distribution [BC+05]. • A user calls a friend with probability (α) and others with probability (1 − α). • A user makes in average C calls/hour: • Uniform call probability per minute ( ). Detection of SIP Botnet Based on C&C Communications