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Web Design

Web Design. Tips for designing a web page. Purpose of Website. To inform To persuade To market/sell To entertain To advocate KNOW YOUR PURPOSE!. Content . Easy to read Eye-catching Easy to scan No text in images or over images. Emphasize important points Bold Colored font

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Web Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web Design Tips for designing a web page

  2. Purpose of Website • To inform • To persuade • To market/sell • To entertain • To advocate • KNOW YOUR PURPOSE!

  3. Content • Easy to read • Eye-catching • Easy to scan • No text in images or over images • Emphasize important points • Bold • Colored font • Lists –bullets or numbers

  4. Design Principles • Alignment • Proximity • Repetition • Contrast • Grammar/Spelling

  5. Alignment • Items on the page are lined up with each other • 2 types of alignment • Horizontal • Vertical • Choose 1 type of each • Use tables with invisible borders • Professional look • Keeps elements aligned correctly • BE CONSISTENT!

  6. proximity • Relationships which develop when items are close to each other • Examples: • Title/Subtitle • Picture/Caption • Heading (article title)/Article • Group items together which are related

  7. Repetition • Some elements must be the same on every page • Use the same layout on every page • Repetition of elements give a unified, smooth look and transition from page to page • Navigation buttons • Colors • Style • Illustrations • Format • Layout • Typography

  8. Contrast • What draws the eye onto the page • Designs to consider • Style • Colors • Arrangement • Graphics • Create a focal point

  9. Design tips • FONTS • Serif (Times New Roman) *with tails* • vs • Sans Serif (Verdana) *no tails • Sans serif is easier to read on screen • Use a font scheme of no more than 3 fonts throughout pages • Font size 8-14 • Left align is best (except titles) • Don’t underline text-hyperlinks are underline • Use same color for titles and text throughout • ALL PAGES SHOULD BE THE SAME

  10. Design tips • COLORS • Use complementary colors – no more than 3 colors • Think of a house- 3 colors: • Main house • Trim • Accent color – doors & shutters • Light backgrounds with dark fonts is best • Stay away from bright colors and colors which are difficult to read such as RED and YELLOW

  11. Design tips • Navigation • Where am I? • Where have I been? • Where can I go? • Should answer all 3 questions • Should be the same on every page

  12. Design tips • White Space • Page should be evenly distributed • Allow some space between graphics and text so the page doesn’t look cluttered • Use squint test • Stand back, squint eyes and see how it looks from that view for layout and white space

  13. Design tips • Have a paper plan! • Apply KIS principle (Keep It Simple!)

  14. Grammar & spelling • PROOF, PROOF, PROOF… • REVISE, REVISE, REVISE … • Good Luck!!

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