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Explore the intricacies of NP-complete problems, reductions, and the P vs. NP problem. Learn about NP completeness and Boolean circuits.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Yoram Moses Lecture 12 June 10, 2010 http://www.ee.technion.ac.il/courses/046002
Reminder: NP • NP = all polynomial-time verifiable languages. • Language: L {0,1}* • Verification relation for L: R {0,1}* {0,1}* • If x L, then there is a “certificate” y s.t. (x,y) R. • If x L, then there is noy s.t. (x,y) R. • R is polynomially bounded if there is a constant c > 0 s.t. |y| ≤ |x|c for every (x,y) R. • Lis polynomial-time verifiable if it has a verification relation R that is both • polynomially bounded, and • polynomial-time decidable.
Reminder: P vs. NP Lemma: P NP • Biggest open problem of th. computer science: is P = NP? • Two possibilities: • Current belief: P NP P = NP? P = NP NP P
Reminder: NP Completeness • A language L is NP complete if both • L NP and • L is NP-hard • A language L is NP hard if L’≤p L holds for all L’ NP. Lemma: If L1 is NP hard and L1≤p L2, then L2 is NP hard. Lemma: If L1≤p L2 and L2 P, then L1 P. Corollary: If one NP hard language is in P, then NP = P.
NP-Completeness: the Full Recipe • To show that L is NPC: • Prove L NP • Show L is polynomial-time verifiable • Select an NPH problem L’ • Show a polynomial-time reduction f from L’ to L: • Prove that x L’ iff f(x) L • Show a polynomial-time algorithm to compute f
A First NPC Problem We need a “first NPC problem” to start with. Theorem [Cook-Levin]: Circuit-SAT is NP Complete. • Proof: next lecture. Our goal: using reductions, show that many more problems are NP Complete.
Our Reduction Tree Circuit-SAT Homework: Partition k-Coloring, k ≥ 3 Others… SAT 3-SAT Clique Vertex Cover Hamiltonian Cycle Subset Sum TSP
Boolean Circuits • Boolean circuit: • A directed acyclic graph (DAG) • Nodes are also called gates • n input gates(in-degree = 0) • Each input gate is labeled by a distinct Boolean variable(denoted by x1,…,xn). • A single output line • Internal gates are labeled by AND/OR/NOT • AND,OR gates with in-degree ≥ 2 • NOT gate with in-degree = 1
Boolean Circuits: Example x1 x2 output x3 internal gates input gates
Input Assignments • Input assignment: a vector {0,1}n • Assigns a value (i {0,1} ) to each input variable xi in x1,…,xn. • Circuit evaluation: a mapping C: {0,1}n {0,1} • Maps every assignment to an output bit (1or 0). • C() = evaluation of the circuit (output value) on • Evaluation is done in topological order, starting from the input gates.
Circuit Evaluation: Example 1 x1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 x2 1 1 1 output 1 1 1 1 0 x3 1 0 internal gates input gates
Satisfying Assignments • Satisfying assignment: An input assignment for which C() = 1. • Satisfiable circuit: A circuit that has at leastone satisfying assignment. There is a way to make it “output” 1.
Example of an Unsatisfiable Circuit x1 x2 output x3 internal gates input gates
Circuit-SAT Circuit-SAT = language of all satisfiable circuits. Lemma: Circuit-SAT NP. • Proof: • Define a relation R: (C,) R iff • C is a valid encoding of a Boolean circuit, and • is a valid encoding of a satisfying input assignment for C • Fact 1: R is a verification relation for Circuit-SAT: • If C Circuit-SAT, then it has a satisfying assignment ’, and hence (C,’) R for this particular’ • If C Circuit-SAT, then no assignment satisfies C, and hence (C,) R for all • Fact 2: R is polynomially bounded • If is an assignment for C, then || ≤ |C| • Fact 3: R is polynomial-time decidable • Evaluating C on takes linear time
Cook-Levin Theorem Theorem [Cook-Levin]: Circuit-SAT is NP-Hard. • Proof idea: Show that L ≤p Circuit-SAT for every language L NP. • For now, we’ll assume the theorem is true: • Circuit-SATis our “first” NPH problem
Boolean Formulae • Boolean formula: a logical expression with • n Boolean variables x1,…,xn • Logical operators: , , , , , etc. • Parentheses • Ex: = ((x1 x2) ((x1 x3) x4)) x2 • CNF formula: formula of the form: = C1 C2 … Cm, where each clause Cj is an OR of literals. • Literal: a variable xi or its negation xi • Example:(x1 x2 x3) (x1 x4) (x5) • k-CNF formula: a CNF formula in which each clause has exactly k literals. • Example of a 3-CNF formula: (x1 x2 x3) (x1 x4 x5)
SAT • Truth assignment: a vector {0,1}n • Assigns a value to each of the n Boolean variables x1,…,xn. • Formula evaluation: a mapping : {0,1}n {0,1} • Maps every assignment to a bit (1 or 0). • () = evaluation of on • Example: • = ((x1 x2) ((x1 x3) x4)) x2 • = (0,0,1,1) • () = ((0 0) ((0 1) 1)) 0 = (1 (1 1)) 1 = (1 0) 1 = 1 • Satisfying assignment: an assignment s.t. () = 1. • Satisfiable formula: a formula that has at least one satisfying assignment. • SAT = language of all satisfiable Boolean formulae.
SAT is NP-Complete Theorem: SATis NP-Complete. Lemma 1: SAT NP: • Verification relation: R= {(,): is a satisfying assignment for }. Lemma 2: Circuit-SAT ≤pSAT • Need to find a mapping f from Boolean circuits to Boolean formulae s.t. • For every circuit C: C is satisfiable iff = f(C) is satisfiable • f is polynomial-time computable
Reduction from Circuit-SAT to SAT: 1st Attempt Main idea: recursive construction of a formula that represents C • Associate with each gate v C a unique variable xv • Start from the output line o • Set =xo • For each xv s.t. v is an internal gate, let • v1,…,vkbe the in-neighbors ofv • opbe the label ofv • Then replace each xvinby (op(xv1,…,xvk))
Example x1 x2 x3
Example x1 x10 x2 x3 = x10
Example x1 x8 x10 x2 x9 x7 x3 = (x7 x8 x9)
Example x1 x8 x6 x10 x2 x9 x7 x3 = (x7 x8 (x6 x7))
Example x5 x1 x8 x6 x10 x2 x9 x7 x3 = (x7 (x5 x6) (x6 x7))
Example x5 x1 x8 x6 x10 x2 x9 x7 x3 x4 = ((x1 x2 x4) (x5 x6) (x6 (x1 x2 x4)))
Example x5 x1 x8 x6 x10 x2 x9 x7 x3 x4 = ((x1 x2 x3) ((x1 x2) (x3)) ((x3) (x1 x2 x3)))
Circuit-SAT ≤pSAT:1st Attempt • The above mapping is indeed a reduction • C() = () for every assignment • so C is satisfiable iff is satisfiable • BUT - this reduction is not polynomial-time computable • Common sub-formulae are generated again and again. • The formula may have exponential size
Bad Example … x1 nANDgates Corresponding formula: = (x1 x1 … x1) 2n occurrences of x1
Reduction from Circuit-SAT to SAT: 2nd Attempt Main idea: associate each internal gate with one “basic” formula, and take AND over all gates • Associate with each gate vC a unique variable xvand the output withxO • For each internal gate vC let • v1,…,vkbe thein-neighbors of v • opbe the label of v • Thenv=(xv(op(xv1,…,xvk)))
Example x5 x1 x8 x6 x10 x2 x9 x7 x3 x4 = x10 (x4 x3) (x5 (x1 x2)) (x6 x4) (x7 (x1 x2 x4)) (x8 (x5 x6)) (x9 (x6 x7)) (x10 (x7 x8 x9))
Circuit-SAT ≤p SAT: 2nd Attempt • Let C have n input gates and m internal gates. • Then = f(C) has m+n variables and m+1 clauses. Lemma 1: f is polynomial-time computable. Proof: easy
Circuit-SAT ≤p SAT:2nd Attempt Lemma 2: f is a reduction from Circuit-SAT to SAT. • {0,1}n: assignment for C g() = {0,1}m+n: assignment for v = evaluation of v on . • {0,1}m+n: assignment for h() = {0,1}n: assignment for C v v Lemma 3: For any circuit C, • If C() = 1, then (g()) = 1. • If () = 1, then C(h()) = 1. Conclusion: C is satisfiable iff is satisfiable.
Next: 3SAT is NP-Complete Theorem: 3SATis NP-Complete. Lemma 1:3SAT NP: • Verification relation: (y,), where is a satisfying assignment for y. Lemma 2: SAT ≤p3SAT • Need to find a mapping f from general Boolean formulae to 3CNF Boolean formulae s.t. • For every general formula , is satisfiable iff = f() is satisfiable • f is polynomial-time computable
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Step 1: Generate a binary parse tree for . = ((x1 x2) ((x1 x3) x4)) x2 x2 x2 x1 x4 x1 x3
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Step 2: Add a variable for each internal node in the tree = ((x1 x2) ((x1 x3) x4)) x2 y1 y2 x2 y4 y3 y5 x2 x1 y6 x4 x1 x3
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Step 3: For each internal node v, create a clause Cv: Let • opbe label(v) • zbe var(v) • v1,…,vkbe children(v) (k ≤ 2) • z1,…,zk be var(v1),…,var(vk) • Then Cv=(z op(z1,…,zk))
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: • Step 3: For each internal node v, create a clause Cv • C1 = (y1 (y2 x2)) • C2 = (y2 (y3 y4)) • C3 = (y3 (x1 x2)) • C4 = (y4y5) • C5 = (y5 (y6 x4)) • C6 = (y6 (x1 x3)) = ((x1 x2) ((x1 x3) x4)) x2 y1 y2 x2 y4 y3 y5 x2 x1 y6 x4 x1 x3
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Step 4: Add a clause C0 = y1 and AND all clauses. = y1 (y1 (y2 x2)) (y2 (y3 y4)) (y3 (x1 x2)) (y4y5) (y5 (y6 x4)) (y6 (x1 x3)) = ((x1 x2) ((x1 x3) x4)) x2 y1 y2 x2 y4 y3 y5 x2 x1 y6 x4 x1 x3
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Step 5: Transform each clause Ci into CNF. • Write the truth table of Ci. • Note: the truth table has at most 8 rows • Write the DNF of Ci. • DNF: D1 … Dm, where each Dj is an AND of literals • Take OR on the “0” entries of the table • Each clause has at most 3 literals • Use De-Morgan’s law to obtain CNF of Ci. • At most 8 clauses • Each clause has at most 3 variables
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Example: C1 = (y1 (y2 x2)) C1= (y1 y2 x2) (y1 y2 x2) (y1 y2 x2) (y1 y2 x2) C1= (y1 y2 x2) (y1 y2 x2) (y1 y2 x2) (y1 y2 x2)
Reduction from SAT to 3SAT: Step 6: Transform each clause Ci that has < 3 literals into a clause with 3 literals. • Use two dummy variables p and q. • If Ci = (z w) (z,w: literals), then replace Ci by: Ci,1 Ci,2, where • Ci,1 = (z w p) andCi,2 = (z w p) • If Ci = (z) (z: a single literal), then replace Ci by: Ci,1 Ci,2 Ci,3 Ci,4 , where • Ci,1 = (z p q) and Ci,2 = (z p q) and • Ci,3 = (z p q) and Ci,4 = (z p q)
SAT ≤p 3SAT • Suppose that has n variables • Parse tree has m≤2n – 2 internal nodes • has at most 4 8 (m + 1) =O(n) clauses • has m + n = O(n) variables Lemma 1: f is polynomial-time computable Proof: easy Lemma 2: f is a reduction Proof: exercise Conclusion: If SAT is NPC, then so is 3SAT