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Tobacco Use Trends Among Florida’s Youth, 1998-2002

Tobacco Use Trends Among Florida’s Youth, 1998-2002. Zhaohui Fan, MD, MPH, Youjie Huang, MD, DrPH, MPH, Marie Bailey, MA, MSW Chronic Disease Surveillance & Epidemiology Section, Bureau of Epidemiology, Florida Department of Health. Introduction. Florida Pilot Program on Tobacco Control

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Tobacco Use Trends Among Florida’s Youth, 1998-2002

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  1. Tobacco Use Trends Among Florida’s Youth, 1998-2002 Zhaohui Fan, MD, MPH, Youjie Huang, MD, DrPH, MPH, Marie Bailey, MA, MSW Chronic Disease Surveillance & Epidemiology Section, Bureau of Epidemiology, Florida Department of Health

  2. Introduction • Florida Pilot Program on Tobacco Control • Youth-focused tobacco control program in Florida • To prevent initiation of tobacco use • To reduce tobacco use • To protect youth from exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) • Initiated in 1998 • Florida Youth Tobacco Survey (FYTS) • To track indicators of tobacco use and exposure to SHS • To provide data for monitoring and evaluating progress of tobacco control program • Has been conducted annually since 1998

  3. Purpose • Overview the trends of tobacco use among Florida’s youth from 1998-2002. • Examine intention of future tobacco use among smokers and non-smokers. • Compare the status of staying off cigarettes temporarily between regular smokers and non-regular smokers.

  4. Definitions • Committed never-smokers:Students who have never tried a cigarette (even one or two puffs), and will “definitely not” try a cigarette soon in the future, or if a best friend were to offer one. • Current smokers:Students who had smoked cigarettes on one or more of the past 30 days prior to the survey. • Regular smoker:Students who had smoked at least one cigarette each day for a month prior to the survey. • Non-regular smoker:Students who had smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days, but not everyday. • Smokeless tobacco:Chewing tobacco, snuff or dips • Any tobacco:Cigarette, smokeless tobacco or cigar

  5. Methods • Data source: FYTS • Surveys Florida public middle & high school students • A two-stage cluster probability sample • An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey • Statistical methods: • Statistical Analysis System (SAS) • Weighted data to represent state level information • 95% confidence interval used because of the sample error • Adjusted by gender, age, race, and education level when necessary

  6. School, student and overall response rates for the Florida Youth Tobacco Survey, 1998-2002

  7. Figure 1. Percent of Florida Public Middle and High School Students Who Had Ever Smoked Cigarettes, 1998-2002

  8. Figure 2. Percent of Florida Public Middle and High School Students Who Were Committed Never-Smokers, 1998-2002

  9. Figure 3. Percent of Florida Public Middle and High School Students Who had Smoked Cigarettes on One or More of the Past 30 days (Current Smokers), 1998-2002

  10. Figure 4. Percent of Florida Public Middle and High School Students Who had Used Smokeless Tobacco on One or More of the Past 30 days, 1998-2002

  11. Figure 5. Percent of Florida Public Middle and High School Students Who had Used Cigar on One or More of the Past 30 Days, 1998-2002

  12. Figure 6. Percent of Florida Public Middle and High School Students Who had Used Any Tobacco Products on One or More of the Past 30 Days, 1998-2002

  13. Summary Changes from1998-2002 M-Middle school students, H-High school students

  14. Quit Smoking Among current smokers (FYTS 2002): • 55.2% wanted to stop smoking completely • 34.2% were seriously thinking of quitting smoking within 6 months • 63.5% tried at least one time to quit smoking

  15. Tendency to Smoke in the Future

  16. Stay Off Cigarettes Temporarily

  17. Summary • Tobacco use among Florida youth has decreased dramatically. • More non-current smokers would not smoke in the future than would current smokers. • More non-regular smokers would stay off smoking than regular smokers.

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