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Asymptotic Behavior of Heterogeneous TCP Flows and RED Gateway. Peerapol Tinnakornsrisuphap University of Maryland (joint work with Armand M. Makowski and Richard J. La) IPAM Large-Scale Communication Networks Lake Arrowhead, CA September 30 th , 2003. Outline.
Asymptotic Behavior of Heterogeneous TCP Flows and RED Gateway Peerapol Tinnakornsrisuphap University of Maryland (joint work with Armand M. Makowski and Richard J. La) IPAM Large-Scale Communication Networks Lake Arrowhead, CA September 30th, 2003
Outline • Background, motivation and the approach • Model description • The Law of Large Numbers (or why the deterministic models are justified) • The Central Limit analysis (or what the deterministic models cannot capture) • Conclusion & future work
TCP in a nutshell • TCP controls around 90% of Internet traffic • TCP operates in two regimes • Slow-start --- Exponential growth of window • Congestion avoidance --- the additive increase/ multiplicative decrease (AIMD) feedback mechanism
Random Early Detection (RED) • RED signals a TCP flow to back off by randomly dropping or marking incoming packets • The probability of dropping/marking is calculated through a function of the exponentially averaged queue size • Typically, the memory of the average is long, hence consecutive incoming packets are marked with almost identical probability
Modeling TCP and RED • Difficult in realistic situations • Feedback-based and stochastic system • Explosion of state-space (for large # of flows) • Several layers interacting with each other • Session dynamics • Variable round-trips • Qualitative and quantitative results needed in order to understand and control TCP traffic effectively
Typical Modeling Approaches • Too simplistic • Not scalable • Too crude (e.g., ad-hoc approximations) • Enforced average to reduce number of states • Fixed point approximation • Accurate only in certain regimes • Shot noise process (for low congestion networks) models only the slow-start • M/G/1/PS (for heavily congested networks) models only the congestion-avoidance
The Approach • We seek limiting behavior of queue dynamics when large number of TCP sessions, say N going to infinity • The session layer and the variable round-trip delay are explicitly incorporated into the model • Complement the control-theoretic viewpoint and yield better understanding of the roles of random round-trip, file sizes, marking mechanisms
Why Limit? • Networking problem interesting usually under heavy usage. • Simplification usually occurs in the limit, as the redundant details are removed. • Limit theorems are central to the Theory of Probability and hold under very weak assumptions.
Outline • Background, motivation and the approach • Model description • The Law of Large Numbers • The Central Limit analysis • Conclusion & future work
Overview of our model • Session Dynamics • Need to keep track of the remaining packets in the session for an active flow • Session arrivals according to Poisson process • TCP Dynamics • Slow-start and Congestion avoidance window recursion • Slow-start is only for recently-active flows which have never experienced congestion
Overview of our model (cont’d) • Network Dynamics • Update the queue size according to the capacity and packet arrivals • Mark packets with probability according to the queue size • Round-trip Dynamics • Randomly chosen at the beginning of each session • Update congestion window using the delayed information
The model (without variable round-trips) Discrete time with slotted time Duration of the slotted time equals to the round-trip Recursive queue dynamics – similar to Lindley’s recursion N sessions Capacity = NC packets/timeslot Infinite Buffer
Notation • Wi(N)(t) Congestion window size of Flow i (out of N) at the beginning of the timeslot [t, t+1), its value is an integer between [0, Wmax]. • Q(N)(t) Queue size at the beginning of the timeslot [t, t+1). • f (N): R+’[0,1]Marking probability function.
Additional Notation • Xi(N)(t) Remaining workload of the session of user i (out of N) at the beginning of the timeslot [t,t+1) • Si(N)(t) Indicator function indicating whether TCP flow i is in slow-start or congestion avoidance • Ai(N)(t) The amount of traffic user i injected into the network in the timeslot [t,t+1)
Outline • Background, motivation and the approach • Model description • The Law of Large Numbers • The Central Limit analysis • Conclusion & future work
Assumptions • (A1) There exists a continuous function f : R+’[0,1] such that for each N = 1,2,… • (A2) For each N, the dynamics start with initial conditionsfor i = 1,…,N.
The Weak Law of Large Numbers Assume (A1)-(A2). Then, for each t=0,1,… there exist a (non-random) constant q(t) and rvs (W(t),X(t),S(t)) such that • The convergence takes place;
WLLNs (cont’d) • For any integer I = 1,2,…, the rvs {(Wi(N)(t),Xi(N)(t),Si(N)(t)), i=1,…,I} becomes asymptotically independent as N becomes large • For any bounded function g: IN+3’IR, • Simplified recursions for q(t) and (W(t),X(t),S(t)), t = 0,1,… (closely related to the single flow model)
Implications:The weak law of large numbers • Queue dynamics can be approximated by a simple recursion, i.e.,The deterministic recursion for q(t) does not depend on N, hence the model is scalable. It is also more accurate as N becomes large. • The dependency between each session becomes negligible as N becomes large, i.e., “RED breaks global synchronization when the number of sessions is large”
Comparison to other models Assume • (A3) The marking function is monotonically increasing with Then • For C!1,the model is similar to the time-reversed shot-noise model, i.e., the slow-start mechanism dominates • For C¼0, the queueing behavior approaches that of M/G/1/PS model
A Steady-State Analysis • (A4) for some non-random q* and rvs W*, X*, S*which immediately implies the steady-state marking probability f(q*). • (A5) Average workload is large comparing to the average window size, i.e.,
Steady-state Analysis (cont’d) • Simple relationship between model parameters and the queue length • Numerical examples show that the formula provides a reasonable approximation at the steady-state
Model w/ variable round-trips • Duration of the slotted time equals to the greatest common divisor of the round-trips • Congestion window update uses information which is delayed by a round-trip • Connection transmits once per round-trip (all packets aggregated into one timeslot) • Bursty behavior --- ACK compression • Provide upper bound on the fluctuation • Have minimal effect with queue averaging
With variable round-trips… • Similar WLLNs can be derived • The steady-state analysis suggests that only the mean round-trip delay affects the mean steady-state queue level • BUT the magnitude of queue fluctuation will be larger for random round-trips with higher variance • This will be established rigorously in the CLT
Outline • Background, motivation and the approach • Model description • The Law of Large Numbers • The Central Limit analysis • Conclusion & future work
N1/2 L(t) Nq(t) A Central Limit Analysis • Since we have ,does there exist a rv L(t) s.t. • Sharper approximation in the formon the queue distribution.
A Central Limit Theorem • Assume (A1)-(A2) to hold with f being continuously differentiable. Set Then, for each t = 0,1,…, there exists a R2-valued rv L(t) s.t.
CLT (cont’d) Moreover, the distributional recurrenceholds, where K(t) is the residual capacity per user in the limit.
f(x) 1 x maxthresh By product of the theorem.. for some constant c(t) and rv x(t).The magnitude of the queue fluctuation increases as f’ increases.This agrees with observation in [Firoiu, INFOCOM’00].
Why ? • The only feedback information from RED is f(N)(Q(N)(t)) • This feedback info also fluctuates around its limiting mean f(q(t)) • The Delta Method: Iff is continuously differentiable, thenimplies
Sources of queue fluctuations • Fluctuation in feedback information (through the delta method) • Limited granularity in feedback info (through binary marking scheme in ECN) • Properly scaled and centered file sizes and round-trips – also converges weakly to Gaussian rvs • Overall fluctuation is well approximated by a Guassian rv – combined 1-3 through the protocol structure
Discussion • Two types of fluctuations • Deterministic – Oscillation predictable by control-theoretic models • Random – Established in the CLT analysis • How to distinguish between the two? • How to reduce the random component in the fluctuation? • Select f(.) carefully • Increase the number of ECN bits
Effects of f(x) ‘Shallow’ f(x) ‘Steep’ f(x)
Effects of variable round-trips Uniform round-trip Bimodal round-trip
Conclusions • A large number of TCP flows leads to a simpler modeland a better understanding of the dynamics • Deterministic models are fine for the average behavior, but the CLT yields a more precise dynamics • RED breaks global synchronization and provides a control of TCP traffic, but the feedback function has to be chosen with care • Steady-state behavior is simple to analyze. TCP flows are “decoupled” from the network in the asymptotic regime
Future work • Selection of f(x) • Low queueing delay needs a steep function • Small fluctuation needs a flat function • Optimization problem • Extension to other AQMs and congestion control mechanisms • Provide a simple, unified framework to analyze and compare different AQMs • Multiple Bottlenecks