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Grid and High Energy Physics. Artist’s view on Grid, by Ursula Wilby, Sydsvenskan 10.2.2002. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002. High Energy Physics and Grid. (10 8 events=3.5 PetaBytes)/year. High Energy Physics Computing. High Throughput Computing Data consists of independent events
Grid and High Energy Physics Artist’s view on Grid, by Ursula Wilby, Sydsvenskan 10.2.2002 Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
High Energy Physics and Grid (108 events=3.5 PetaBytes)/year Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
High Energy Physics Computing • High Throughput Computing • Data consists of independent events • Computing in parallel – not parallel computing • Use inexpensive mass market components • Use nationally available resources • Need inexpensive, distributed, scalable systemGRID • A fully operational GRID-system has to work when the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, starts in 2007 Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Computing Model for LHC data processing Data Grid concept in high energy physics applications Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
What is Grid? • A technology to join together computers at different locations, and to provide easy access to this capacity. • User can get access to computer capacity anywhere in the Grid. • World-wide-webaccess to information • World-wide-gridaccess to PC capacity • Initiated in the end-90’s in the US by physicists who wanted to connect together the US supercomputer centers. • Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, July, 1998: The GRID; Blueprint for a new Computing Infrastructure Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Who are interested in Grid? • All areas of basic research which deal with large amounts of data and/or large computing requirements, for example biomedicine, earth sciences, space/astrophysics, particle physics, etc. • All areas of applied research which deal with large amounts of data and/or large computing requirements, for example analysis of financial markets, industrial process optimization, industrial design, etc. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Huge commercial interests: film animation, electronic commerce etc. IBM, Sun, Compaq, Platform Computing are some of the companies which have joined the Grid development IBM: Grid-enable the company’s entire product portfolio. Close cooperation with the open source Globus development. Platform Computing: Recently acnnouned the first commercial Grid software, the Platform Globus. Who are interested in Grid? Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Swedish HEP Grid activities • March 2000 Lund workshop: first discussion on using Grid for basic research in particle physics • During 2000: CERN-EU DataGrid and Nordic NorduGrid projects are formed. Lund group (Elementary Particle Physics, EPF, at the Lund University) active in both projects. • Testbeds: building, testing and developing Grid in the framework of DataGrid and NorduGrid. Generic research in Grid-systems. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
NorduGrid NorduGrid – NordicTestbed for Wide area Computing and Data Handling www.nordugrid.org The pioneering Grid project in the Nordic countries Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
NorduGrid objectives • Introduce the Grid to the Nordic countries • Create a Grid infrastructure in Nordic countries • Survey and develope current Grid technologies • Operate a functional Testbed • Expose the infrastructure to end-users of different scientific communities Sites: Lund, Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Uppsala, Stockholm, Helsinki Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
NorduGrid project • The project was initiated by the Nordic High Energy Physics community • LHC data challenge of CERN (several Petabytes / year) • Operates as part of the CERN-EU DataGrid Testbed • Physicists are among the driving forces of the World Wide Grid developement • The project is financed via the Nordunet2 programme. Project duration Jan 2001 - Nov 2002. • Continued NorduGrid is being planned under NOS-N. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
NorduGrid progress • Hardware: dedicated test clusters at 5 sites (3-5 machines), separate test machines at 2 sites: 7 Grid-connected sites • Manpower: 5 full time researchers (O. Smirnova & B.Kónya Lund, A. Wäänänen Copenhagen, M. Ellert Uppsala, A. Konstantinov Oslo) • Design and implementation of the NorduGrid Middleware Architecture • Deployment & evaluation of the first release of the CERN-EU DataGrid Middleware (Information index, Job submission interface, Broker) Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Grid-services which are now fully functional: Certification Authority, NorduGrid Information System browser NorduGrid Virtual Organization, Grid Data Mirroring Package GDMP and Data Replication Catalog GridFTP. Stable software releases and documentation Based on the Globus Toolkit™ A new jobmanager is written A User Interface is added The appropriate information schema is deployed Extensions to the Globus Resource Specification Language are made March 28, 2002: first REAL job is submitted from Lund to Oslo and successfully returned all the expected output NorduGrid status April 2002 Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
CERN-EU DataGrid • Swedish participation in the EU DataGrid project: VR (SWEGRID) is an associate partner to CERN. • WP2 Data Management (PDC), WP6 Testbeds (NorduGrid), WP8 HEP Applications (NorduGrid), WP10 Biology Applications (KI), • In total EU-IST funds different Grid projects (DataGrid, CrossGrid, DataTag, EGSO, Gridlab,…) – ranging from applications to middleware to infrastructure – for 36 MEuro Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Planned future: Nordic Data Grid Facility • In 2004 it is foreseen that a Nordic Data Grid Facility will be created. • The Nordic Facility will be a so-called Tier-1 Centre with a capacity of about 1700 x (Dual 1 GHz Intel PIII) plus fileservers and tape robots. • Financial scope 150 MSEK (16MEuro). • The Facility will serve all interested fields of science. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Nordic Data Grid Facility • Working paper by a NOS-N working group (April 4, 2002): road map towards the Nordic Grid Facility Prorotype period 2002-2004: continued NorduGrid. Scope 0.54 MEuro. Capacity building 2004-2007: Scope 15 MEuro. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002
Planned future: Sweden • Continued NorduGrid 2002-2004: build-up of competence in Lund-EPF and elsewhere. • Build-up of resources: multidisciplinary project for Development of GRID testbed in Sweden in preparation. • Includes biomedical science, earth sciences, space/astrophysics, high-energy physics (incl. Lund-EPF), information sciences, computer centers (incl. Lunarc). • Could become part/first phase of the Nordic Data Grid Facility. Paula Eerola Lunarc, 19.4.2002