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Introduction to Computer Applications

Introduction to Computer Applications. MIS105. Introductory Session. Instructor: Irfan Ilyas. Agenda. Introducing the Instructor Course Introduction [ Part of Course Syllabus ] Objectives Course Composition (Theory + Practice) Text Books Course Relevant Web Sites Exam Dates

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Introduction to Computer Applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Computer Applications MIS105 Introductory Session Instructor: Irfan Ilyas

  2. Agenda • Introducing the Instructor • Course Introduction [Part of Course Syllabus] • Objectives • Course Composition (Theory + Practice) • Text Books • Course Relevant Web Sites • Exam Dates • Course Policies • Grading Policy

  3. …Agenda • Use of Multimedia Content • Make use of Instructor provided Web content (Tim’s Toolbox at http://www.mhhe.com/oleary/CE05) • Use of online practice Quizzes • Use of cross-word puzzles

  4. Introducing the Instructor Irfan Ahmed Ilyas Lecturer (last 6 years) Master’s Degree from KFUPM (in ICS) - 2000 Bachelor Degree from NED, Pakistan (in COE) -1995 • Office Location: Building 24/ Room 223 • Office Hours: SUMT 10AM – 11AM

  5. Course Related Stuff • Grading Policy: • Exams • First Major Exam 10% • Second Major Exam 15% • Final Exam 20% • Lab Exams: • Use of Microsoft Excel 15% • Use of Microsoft Access 15% • Use of VBA in Microsoft Access 8% • Quizzes 10% • Class Performances 7%

  6. ….Course Related Stuff Lecture Textbook: Computing Essentials 2006AuthorO’ Leary, T. J., et al.,PublisherMcGraw Hill Lab Textbook: Microsoft Exploring Office XPAuthorRobert T. Grauer, Maryan Baber PublisherPrintice Hall

  7. ….Course Related Stuff • Course Exam Dates • • MIS105 Major01 - Wednesday, 21st March– OAB Building 6:30 – 8:00PM • • MIS105 Major02 - Wednesday, 25th April– OAB Building 6:30 – 8:00PM • FINAL EXAM - 7:00 PM June 10, 2007 Sunday

  8. Teaching Methodology • Effective Lecturing

  9. …Class Collaboration Mechanisms • Lab Sessions • Whole Class will be divided into groups of 4 students each • Each group will be sitting together, working on the lab problem • In the first part, Instructor will be delivering: • An exposure to the relevant concepts • A brief problem explanation • The problem is supposed to be solved collaboratively

  10. …Class Collaboration Mechanisms • … Lab collaborations • Minimal Instructor’s help can be sought by the needy group during the session • At the end, the work done will be graded by the instructor on both: • Individual basis: Evaluating each student’s understanding about the solution • Group basis: By affecting each student’s score with the group average

  11. Pictorial View of the Lab Setup Instructor

  12. Teaching Methodology • Group Formation Scheme • Instructor will be forming the groups in the first lab • Student’s computer familiarity / academic performance will be used as a criterion for consistent group distribution

  13. Example: Online Discussions

  14. Use of WebCT • Administered by KFUPM • Available at http://webcourses.kfupm.edu.sa • Requires a login name/ password on the first page [s234875/ your email password] • For every student (Sec01, 06, 07, 08) • Course link for MIS105 will appear • Discussion groups will be arranged by instructor for topic discussions

  15. Multimedia Components • Use of Tim’s Toolbox • Features included • Conceptual Animations

  16. … Multimedia Components • Use of Tim’s Toolbox • Features included • Defining IT positions • …and many more.

  17. … Multimedia Components • Use of online practice Quizzes • Helpful in class quiz/ exam preparation • Test the understandings after finish each chapter

  18. … Multimedia Components • Use of cross-word puzzles • Helpful in class quiz/ exam preparation • Test the understandings after finish each chapter

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