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Connections between Theta-Graphs, TD-Delaunay Triangulations, and Orthogonal Surfaces

Connections between Theta-Graphs, TD-Delaunay Triangulations, and Orthogonal Surfaces. Nicolas Bonichon, Cyril Gavoille Nicolas Hanusse, David Ilcinkas. LaBRI University of Bordeaux France. WG 2010. H. G. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 3. 3. 4. Spanner. a. Let G be a weighted graph, and

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Connections between Theta-Graphs, TD-Delaunay Triangulations, and Orthogonal Surfaces

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  1. Connections between Theta-Graphs, TD-Delaunay Triangulations, and Orthogonal Surfaces Nicolas Bonichon, Cyril Gavoille Nicolas Hanusse, David Ilcinkas LaBRI University of Bordeaux France WG 2010

  2. H G 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 4 Spanner a Let G be a weighted graph, and let H be a spanning subgraph of G. H is an s-spanner of G if, for all u,v dH(u,v) ≤ sdG(u,v) s is the stretch of H b e c d a 4 4 b e Ex: dG(b,d)=5, dH(b,d)=7 dG(b,e)=4, dH(b,e)=8 H is a 2-spanner of G. 3 3 c d 4

  3. Geometric Spanners Let (E,d)be a metric space. Let S be a set of points of E. G(S)is the complete graph. The length of (u,v) is d(u,v). In this talk (E,d)is the Euclidean plane Goals: Small stretch s Few edges Small max degree Routable Planar … www.2m40.com Accidents: - 26 in 2009 - 10 in 2010 - Last one: June 22nd

  4. Delaunay Triangulation Voronoï cell: Delaunay triangulation: si is a neighbor of sj iff [Dobkin et al. 90] Delaunay T. is a plane 5.08-spanner [Keil & Gutwin 92] Delaunay T. is a plane 2.42-spanner Stretch > 1.414 for any plane spanner [Chew 89] Stretch > 1.416 for Delaunay triangulations [Mulzner 04]

  5. Triangular Distance Delaunay Triangulation Triangular “distance”: TD(u,v) = size of the smallest equilateral triangle centred at u touching v. [ TD(u,v) ≠ TD(v,u) in general ] v u TD(u,v) [Chew 89] TD-Delaunay is a plane 2-spanner

  6. θk-graph[Clarkson 87][Keil 88] Vertex set of θk-Graph is S Space around each vertex of S is split into k cones of angle θk = 2/k. Edge set ofθk-Graph: for eachvertex u and each cone C, add an edge toward vertexv in C with the projection on the bisector that is closest to u. No bounds on the stretch are known to be tight.

  7. Half-θk-graph Half-θk-Graph(S): Like a θk-Graph(S) but one preserves edges from half of the cones only. For k=6: Theorem 1: Half-θ6-Graph(S) = TD-Delaunay(S) Corollary: • Half-θ6-Graph(S) is a plane 2-spanner • θ6-Graph(S) is a 2-spanner (optimal stretch)

  8. Proof: contact between 2 triangles • Whenever two triangles touch, it’s a tip that touches a side. • v touches north tip of u’s triangle iff v belongs to the north cone of u. • Let v be a vertex in the north cone of u. The time when both triangles touch is y(v)-y(u). • There is an edge between u and v iff v’s triangle is the first to touch the tip of u’s triangle. QED v u

  9. z y x Orthogonal Surface[Miller 02] [Felsner 03] [Felsner & Zickfeld 08] Coplanar if all points of S are in (P): x+y+z=cste General position: no two points with same x,y, or z.

  10. Geodesic Embedding[Miller 02] [Felsner 03] [Felsner & Zickfeld 08] Properties[Felsner et al.] : The geodesicembedding of every orthogonal surface of coplanar point set Sis a plane triangulation. Every plane triangulation is the geodesicembedding of orthogonal surface of somecoplanar point set S. Theorem 2: TD-Delaunay(S)  GeoEmbedding(S) Corollary: Every plane triangulation is TD-Delaunay realizable

  11. TD-Voronoï  Coplanar Orthogonal Surface Proof: growing 2D triangles viewed as 3D cones

  12. TD-Delaunay  Geodesic Embedding

  13. Delaunay Realizability • A graph G is Delaunay realizable if there exists S such that G=Delaunay(S). • [Dillencourt & Smith 96]: some sufficient conditions, and some necessary conditions. No characterization known. Decision problem: in PSPACE, NP-hard? • But, trivial for TD-Delaunay realizability: Every plane triangulation is TD-Delaunay realizable (S constructible in O(|V(G)|) time). Graphs that are non Delaunay realizable

  14. Thank You!

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