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Production Systems and Searching. Solving Problems by Searching. To build a system to solve a particular problem : 1. Define the problem precisely. 2. Analyze the problem. 3. Isolate and represent the task knowledge needed to solve the problem.
Solving Problems by Searching To build a system to solve a particular problem: 1. Define the problem precisely. 2. Analyze the problem. 3. Isolate and represent the task knowledge needed to solve the problem. • Choose the best problem-solving technique and apply it to the problem.
Solving Problems by Searching Why is search necessary? • No model of the world is complete, consistent, and computable. Any intelligent systems must encounter surprises. • Solutions cannot be entirely precomputed; Many problems must be solved dynamically, starting from observed data. • Search provides flexibility to deal with a highly variable environment. • Search can handle local ambiguity in interpretation of perceptual data. Global constraints can provide unambiguous total interpretation.
Define the Problem As a State Space Search Playing chess: • Write a set of rules for each possible move (10120 possible moves). Or. • Write a set of general rules for possible types of moves, I.E. Define the problem as moving around in a state space where each state corresponds to a legal position on the board. Start at initial state, then use a set of rules to move from one state to another, to try to end up at one of a set of final states.
Define the Problem As a State Space Search State space representation corresponds to the structure of the problem: A. It allows for a formal definition of a problem as the need to convert a given situation into a desired situation using a set of permissible operators. B. It permits definition of the process of solving the problem as combination of known techniques (each represented as a rule defining a single step in the space) and search, the general technique of exploring the space to try to find some path from the current state to a goal state.
Water Jug Problem: A State Space Search Water jug problem: you are given two jugs with no measuring marks, a 4-gallon one and a 3-gallon one. There is a pump to fill the jugs with water. How can you get exactly 2 gallons of water into the 4-gallon jug? State space: set of ordered pairs of integers (x, y) such at x = 0,1,2,3, or 4 for amount of water in 4-gallon jug, and y = 0, 1, 2, or 3 for amount of water in the 3-gallon jug. The start state is (0,0). The goal state is (2,n) for any value of n. The operators are shown in list, represented as rules whose left sides are matched against the current state and whose right rules describe the new state that results from applying the rule. Explicit assumptions required: we can fill a jug from the pump, we can pour water out of a jug onto the ground, we can pour water from one jug to the other, and there are no other measuring devices available.
Water Jug Problem: A State Space Search Control structure needed that loops through a cycle in which a rule whose left side matches the current state is chosen, an appropriate change is made to the state as described in the right side of the rule, and the resulting state is checked to see if it corresponds to a goal state.
Formal Description of a Problem • Define a state space that contains all the possible configurations of the relevant objects. Doesn’t have to enumerate all states. • Specify one or more states within that space that describe possible states from which the the problem-solving can start. These states are called the initial states. • Specify one or more states that will be acceptable as solutions to the problem. These are called goal states.
Formal Description of a Problem (Cont’d) 4. Specify a set of rules that describe the actions (operators) available. • What unstated assumptions are present in the informal problem description? • How general should the rules be? • How much of the work required to solve the problem should be precomputed and represented in the rules? • What is the goal test? • What is the path cost for each action?
Formal Description of a Problem (Cont’d) • Measure the performance. • Does it find a solution? • Is it a good solution with a low path cost? • What is the search cost wrt time and memory needs? • Total cost of a search is the sum of the path cost and the search cost.
State-space Representationand Production Systems • Select some way to represent states in the problem in an unambiguous way. • Formulate all actions that can be preformed in states: • Including their preconditions and effects. • == Production rules. • Represent the initial state (s). • Formulate precisely when a state satisfies the goal of our problem. • Activate the production rules on the initial state and its descendants, until a goal state is reached.
AI uses state space search to find solutions to problems • State space search uses state space graphs to represent problems • This representation may be used instead of or in addition to representation in predicate calculus • Graph theory allows us to analyze the structure and complexity of problems and search strategies
A graph is a set of nodes and a set of arcs that connect pairs of nodes • In state space search, a node in a graph represents a state of the world or a state in the solution of a problem • An arc represents a transition between states • A chess move (arc) changes the game board from one state to another • A robot arm moving a block (arc) changes the blocks world from one state to another • A rule (arc) like “if it’s raining, take an umbrella,” changes the state of the known world
BLIND Search Methods • Depth-first • Breadth-first • Non-deterministic search • Iterative deepening • Bi-directional search
Depth-first Search Let L be a list of start states (the frontier) - initialised to root state While L is not empty do Let N be the first state in L If N is a goal state then return success Else remove N from front of L Add all states reachable from N to the front of L Return failure
Time complexity == bd +bd-1 + … + 1 = bd+1 -1 Thus: O(bd) b - 1 Speed (Depth-first) • In the worst case: • The (only) goal node may be on the right-most branch, d b G
... QUEUE contains all nodes. Thus: 7. In General: ((b-1) * d) + 1 Order: O(d*b) Memory (Depth-first) • Largest number of nodes in QUEUE is reached in bottom left-most node. • Example: d = 3, b = 3 :
Breadth-first Algorithm: 1. QUEUE <-- path only containing the root; 2. WHILEQUEUE is not empty AND goal is not reached DO remove the first path from the QUEUE; Create new paths (to all children); Reject the new paths with loops; Add the new paths to back of QUEUE; 3. IF goal reached THEN success; ELSE failure;
Completeness (Breadth-first) • Would even remain complete without our loop-checking. • Note: ALWAYS finds the shortest path.
m d b G Speed (Breadth-first) • If a goal node is found on depth m of the tree, all nodes up till that depth are created. Thus: O(bm) note: depth-first would also visit deeper nodes.
m d b G QUEUE contains all and nodes. (Thus: 4) . In General: bm This usually is MUCH worse than depth-first !! G Memory (Breadth-first) • Largest number of nodes in QUEUE is reached on the level m of the goal node.
Assessing Search Performance • Both strategies are blind. • The list L contains all states generated but not yet expanded. On average, how long will L be? • If the length of L exceeds the available memory, the search fails, even though the goal is reachable. • Each "move" takes a finite amount of time to generate. On average, how many states will we expand? • For effective performance, we must be able to return an answer in good time.
Depth- and Breadth-first : Comparison • Breadth-first and depth-first take, on average, approximately the same time • Depth-first requires considerably less space for large trees • Depth-first is even better if the first node is bottom left of the tree
Depth- and Breadth-first : Comparison • Breadth-first is better if there is a node top right • Breadth-first will always find solution with smallest number of moves
Traveling Salesman Problem • List of cities to visit • Must visit all cities exactly once • The route to follow for the shortest possible round trip
Heuristic Search • A heuristic is a technique that improves the efficiency of a search process, possibly by sacrificing claims of completeness • Example Nearest Neighbor heuristic
Problem Characteristics • Is problem Decomposable into a set of nearly independent smaller or easier sub problems? • Can solution steps be ignored? • Universe predictable? • Is good solution obvious? • State or path? • Role of Knowledge • Interaction between user and computer
Production System Characteristics • A monotonic production system is a production system in which the application of a rule never prevents the later application of a rule that could also have been applied at the time the first rule was selected • A partially Commutative system has the property that if the application of a particular sequence of rules transforms state x into state y then any permutation of those rules also does so
Informed Search • Improving search by counting the cost of each move (i.E. The cost from the start) • Hill-climbing • Best-first
Informed Search • Improving search by estimating the cost of getting to the goal • Greedy search methods • A* - an optimal search strategy
Hill Climbing Search Similar to depth-first, but now ordering the children of the current node by their cost from start - nearest first. Let L be a list of start states (the frontier)- initialised to root state. While L is not empty do. Let N be the first state in L. If N is a goal state then return success. Elseremove N from front of L. Obtain C, all states reachable from N. Order C by cost from start to get C1. Add C1 to the front of L. Return failure.
Best-first Search Similar to hill-climbing, but now inserting the children into the list in order of cost. Let L be a list of start states (the frontier)- initialised to root state. While L is not empty do. Let N be the first state in L. If N is a goal state then return success. Elseremove N from front of L. Obtain C, all states reachable from N. Insert C into L in order of cost from the start. Return failure.
Estimating the Remaining Cost • Hill-climbing and best-first search still have problems: • Hill-climbing is still just depth-first search, and often gets lost searching branches which will never lead to the goal. • Best-first is a combination of depth-first and breadth-first, but still prefers states which are closest to the start state, without concern for how close they are to the goal.
Estimating the Remaining Cost • What we need to do is incorporate an estimate of how expensive it will be to get to the goal from a new state, and use that to decide on the order in which we expand states.
Estimating the Remaining Cost • This estimate is called a heuristic. • A large part of the art of applying search methods to problems is devising appropriate heuristics.
Greedy Hill-climbing Search Similar to hill-climbing, but now ordering the children by their estimated cost of getting to the goal. Let L be a list of start states (the frontier)- initialised to root state. While L is not empty do. Let N be the first state in L. If N is a goal state then return success. Elseremove N from front of L. Obtain C, all states reachable from N. Order C by estimated cost of getting to the goal to get C1. Add C1 to the front of L. Return failure.
Greedy Best-first Search Similar to best-first, but now ordering all states by the estimated cost of getting to the goal. Let L be a list of start states (the frontier)- initialised to root state. While L is not empty do. Let N be the first state in L. If N is a goal state then return success. Elseremove N from front of L. Obtain C, all states reachable from N. Insert C into L in order of estimated distance from the goal. Return failure.
Combining the Informed Methods • Greedy search methods can be misled by the heuristic. • The main problem is that they forget the work they have done to get to the current state, and are only able to look ahead. • What we need to do is combine the two methods.
Combining the Informed Methods • Let g(n) be the true cost of getting from the start to the state N. • Let h(n) be the true cheapest cost of getting to the goal from the state N.
Combining the Informed Methods • Let h'(n) be the estimated cost of getting to the goal from the state N. • Then f(n) = g(n) + h'(n) is our estimate of the cheapest path from the start to the goal which visits N.
A* Search • Similar to best-first, but now ordering all nodes by the estimated total cost of getting from start to goal. Let L be a list of start states - initialised to root state. While L is not empty do. Let N be the first state in L. If N is a goal state the return success. Elseremove N from front of L. Obtain C, all states reachable from N. Obtain total estimate for all states in C by adding cost from start to estimated cost to goal. Insert C into L in order of estimated total cost. Return failure.
A* Finds the Cheapest Path Theorem. • If h'(n) h(n) for all N, then A* will always return the lowest cost path to the goal, i.E if the distance measure is an underestimate. Proof: • Let G be the lowest cost goal state. • Let G' be a higher cost goal state . • For all goal states, h(g) = 0. • Lower cost means g(g) g(g'), so f(g) f(g'). • Suppose A* has G' at the front of its list L - i.E. G' is the state we will take next (and therefore choose a higher cost state). • Suppose G itself is in L. • If this were so, then G would be in front of G’ (since f(g) < f(g')). • So G can’t be on L.
A* Finds the Cheapest Path Start L (frontier) N G’ G
A* Finds the Cheapest Path Proof (ctd.): • Let N be any state on the path to G. • For any states N and N.' • G(n) + h(n) = g(n') + h(n') = g(g) + h(g). • F(n) = g(n) + h'(n) g(n) + h(n) = g(g) + h(g) = f(g). • H'(n) h(n). • H(g) = 0. • So f(n) f(g). • But if G' is at the front of the list, then f(g') f(n). • Therefore f(g') f(g) - contradiction. • Therefore, A* can never have G' at the front of its list. • Therefore, A* can never return a higher cost goal.
The Benefits of A* • A* is complete • If every state has a finite number of successors and there is no path of infinite length but finite cost, then A* will return a solution. • A* is optimal • A* will return the cheapest solution • A* is optimally efficient • No other optimal search method which works by expanding a path from the start state is guaranteed to expand fewer states than A*
But ... • A* is not the answer to all search problems. • As the path to the best solution gets longer, A* takes exponentially longer to get there. • A*'s memory requirement grows exponentially. • For many real problems, systematic search of this sort is infeasible. To make progress we need to consider non-systematic techniques, or, more fundamentally, we need to incorporate more knowledge and experience about the problem domain.
Prepositional Calculus • The prepositional calculus is based on statements which have truth values ( true or false). • The calculus provides a means of determining the truth values associated with statements formed from ``atomic'' statements. An example: • If p stands for ``fred is rich'' and q for ``fred is tall'' then we may form statements such as:
Note that the first 4 are all binary connectives. They are sometimes referred to, respectively, as the symbols for disjunction, conjunction, implication and equivalence. Also not is unary and is the symbol for negation. • If prepositional logic is to provide us with the means to assess the truth value of compound statements from the truth values of the `building blocks' then we need some rules for how to do this. • For example, the calculus states that p q is true if either p is true or q is true (or both are true). Similar rules apply for all the ways in which the building blocks can be combined.
First Order Predicate Calculus • The predicate calculus includes a wider range of entities. It permits the description of relations and the use of variables. It also requires an understanding of quantification. • The last two are known as quantifiers. • The non-logical constants include both the `names' of entities that are related and the `names' of the relations. For example, the constant dog might be a relation and the constant fido an entity.