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Self Confidence

Self Confidence. Self-confidence is an essential entrepreneurial aptitude for success. Self-confidence refers to how a person feels about his or her abilities.

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Self Confidence

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  1. Self Confidence Self-confidence is an essential entrepreneurial aptitude for success. Self-confidence refers to how a person feels about his or her abilities. A successful entrepreneur believes in his abilities. He/she is not scared to explore unarmed territories, take risks and make difficult decisions. Self confidence is a key entrepreneurial skill for success.

  2. What is Self-Confidence? Confidenceishaving a sense of assurance. If you trust your abilities or actions, you are self-confident. Self-confidenceisthebeliefthatyoucanaccomplishvarioustasksevenduringpossiblesetbacks or in stressfulsituation. For example, sayyou start a new job tomorrowanddon’treallyunderstandexactlyhowto do the job, but you are sure youcanperformthe job becauseyoubelievetheywouldn’thavehiredyou in thefirst place it theydidnotbelieveyoucould do it. Thisisthe perfect example of self-confidence, becausepeoplewhodon’thane self-confidencewillworryabout it andthinktheiremployershiredthewrongperson for the job beforetheyeven got started. Peoplewholack self-confidencegenerallylack self-esteem, as well.

  3. Cultivating a Good Attitude • Turn your negative thoughtstopositivethoughts • Refuseto focus on negative thoughts more oftenthanpositivethoughts • Maintain a positivesupportnetwork • Eliminate reminders of yournegativity • Identifyyourtalents • Take pride in yourself • Look in themirrorandsmile

  4. Dealing with Emotions • Be comfortablewithfear • Be patientwithyourself • Strive for balance • Stop comparingyourselftoothers • Recognizeyourinsecurities • Bounce back fromyourmistakes • Avoidperfectionism

  5. Self-Confidence: The Key To Entrepreneurial Success • StayFocused On You • ProtectYour Energy • IdentifyYourStrengthsandWeaknesses • ChallengeYourself • DevelopPositiveAttitude • Be Decisive • Set Realistic GoalsandTrumpetYourSuccesses • Monitor YourSuccesses • Get Testimonials • KnowthatYouCouldFeelThreatened At Times • ClosingThoughts

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