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AdS/CFT Correspondence and Some Applications. An amateur’s point of view Hai-cang Ren ( Rockefeller & CCNU ). Contents. I. AdS/CFT correspondence II. Some applications III. Remarks. I. AdS/CFT correspondence The inversion invariance of a massless field theory in 4D :. scalar field :.
AdS/CFT Correspondence and Some Applications An amateur’s point of view Hai-cang Ren (Rockefeller & CCNU)
Contents I. AdS/CFT correspondence II. Some applications III. Remarks
I. AdS/CFT correspondence The inversion invariance of a massless field theory in 4D: scalar field: vector field: spinor field:
The conformal group in 4D: Poincare transformations 10 generators: Dilatation = Inversion x inversion 1 generators:D Special conformal transformation = inversion x translation x inversion: 4 generators: Lie algebra of the 15 generators: other commutators vanish.
Under the conformal group: The conformal symmetry at quantum level requires since
The conformal group and O(2,4) O(2,4) = rotation group of M(2,4) M(2,4) = 6D Minkowski space of signature (-, -, +, +, +, +): Introduce 4D Lorentz transformation: O(1,3) subgroup among ’s 4D Dilatation: O(2) rotation 4D Translation (infinitesimal): O(2,4) transformation 4D Special conformal transformation (infinitesimal): O(2,4) transformation
AdS5: A hyperboloid in M(2,4) Throughout this lecture, we set the AdS radius L=1. Isometry group: O(2,4) Metric: or where Space of a constant curvature
AdS5-Schwarzschild A black hole at Hawking temperature (Plasma temperature) Curvature: The same Ricci tensor and curvature scalar as AdS5
The metric: The isometry group: O(2,4) X O(6) ------- O(6) is isomorphic to SU(4), the symmetry group of the R-charge of N=4 SUSY YM ------- A superstring theory can be established in
Large Nc field theory:t’Hooft Power counting of a Feynman diagram at large Nc: Dominated by the diagram with lowest g, -------- the planar diagram ~ a string world sheet
Large Nc field theory: A planar diagram A handle free world sheet A non-planar diagram A world sheet with a handle
Maldacena conjecture: Maldacena, Witten ------ Euclidean signature, generalizable to Minkowski signature
N_c 3branes AdS_5 X S^5 bulk z AdS boundary z=0 Matching the symmetries
For most applications: The role of the Gibbons-Hawking term Minkowski signature:
Example: Recipe for calculating stress tensor correlators: --------- Write --------- Solve the 5d Einstein equation subject the boundary condition Near the black hole horizon: --------- Expand in power series of --------- Extract the coefficients.
II Some applications to N=4 SUSY YM Plasma: Equation of state in strong coupling: Plasma temperature = Hawking temperature Near Schwarzschild horizon Continuating to Euclidean time, To avoid a conic singularity at , the period of Recalling the Matsubara formulation
Free energy = temperature X (the gravity action without metric fluctuations)E. Witten, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2, 505 (1998), hep-th/9803131. Consider a 4D Euclidean space of spatial volume V_3 at The EH action of AdS-Schwarzschild: The EH action of plain AdS ----- To eliminate the conic singularity, ----- To match the proper length in Euclidean time Plasma free energy: Plasma entropy:
Bekenstein-Hawking entropy: Gubser, Klebanov & Pest, PRD54, 3915 (1996) ------ The metric on the horizon: ------ The gravitational constant of the dual: agree with the entropy extraced from the gravity action.
The ratio 3/4: The plasma entropy density at The free field limit: The lattice QCD yields
Shear viscosity in strong coupling: Policastro, Son and Starinets, JHEP09, 043 (2002) y The friction force per unit area x Kubo formula where Gravity dual: the coefficient of the term of the gravity action where
The metric fluctuation in the axial gauge, Classification according to O(2) symmetry between x and y No mixing between and others! Substituting into Einstein equation and linearize The Laplace equation of a scalar field
Calculation details: ------ Nonzero components of the Christofel (up to symmetris): ------ Nonzero components of the Ricci tensor: Linear expansion:
The solution: Heun equation (Fucks equation of 4 canonical singularities) ------trivial when energy and momentum equatl to zero; ------low energy-momentum solution can be obtained perturbatively. The boundary condition at horizon: The incoming solution at low energy and zero momentum:
V_4 = 4d spacetime volume Viscosity ratio: Elliptic flow of RHIC: Lattice QCD: noisy
III. Remarks: N=4 SYM is not QCD, since 1). It is supersymmetric 2). It is conformal ( no confinement ) 3). No fundamental quarks ---- 1) and 2) may not be serious issues since sQGP is in the deconfined phase at a nonzero temperature. The supersymmetry of N=4 SYM is broken at a nonzero T. ---- 3) may be improved, since heavy fundamental quarks may be introduced by adding D7 branes. ( Krach & Katz) Introducing an infrared cutoff ---- AdS/QCD: Karch, Katz, Son & Stephenov ----- Regge behavior of meson spectrum ---- confinement; ----- Rho messon mass gives ----- Lack of string theory support.
Deconfinement phase transition: Herzog, PRL98, 091601 (2007) Hadronic phase: Plasma phase: Hawking-Page transition: ---- First order transition with entropy jump ---- Consistent with large N_c QCD because of the liberation of quark-gluon degrees of freedom.