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V. Alamesa The most important gastronomic consulting company in Spain introduce their selectionned VINOS PARTICULARES DE ESPAÑA.

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  1. V Alamesa The most important gastronomic consulting company in Spain introduce their selectionned VINOS PARTICULARES DE ESPAÑA

  2. Alamesa is a spanish gastronomic consulting company, managed by Ernesto Gallud, prestigious jounalist and a real opinion-leader about wine in Europe. These selectioned wineries have been supervised by him, after two years of analise and visits to China, to know wich wines are the most recommended for the modern style of consumption of the chines citizens.The asiatic cuisine armonizes perfectly with spanish wines and its varieties and prices are goergeous.Our goal in HONG KONG is to introduce these wines to companies that want to market VINOS PARTICULARES DE ESPAÑAAll the participants cellars are engaged to collaborate with their partners in the first market steps

  3. Cellar: Bodegas Franco Españolas Qualitywinesarea:D.O.Ca. Rioja Type: HighQuality red wines Price range: from 3€ to 15€ Marketing: Launchingsupport Web: www.francoespanolas.com Expertdescription: There is evidence of vine growing and wine making during the Roman domination. But it was during the Middle Ages, when the monasteries started growing vineyards, that the knowledge and excellence of the great wines began to reach the people of the surrounding areas. Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  4. V Cellar: Hijos de Francisco Escaso Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Ribera del Guadiana Type: HighQuality red wines Pricerange: from 3€ to 10€ Marketing: Launchingsupport Web: www.vallarcal.com Expertdescription: ImportantHighQualitywines, well-valuedaboutflavoursandtastes. The cellar isveryinterested in thechinesemarket so theywanttoimplementintroductionpromotions. They can bottlemillionsunit, even withyourownbrand. Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  5. V Cellar: Hijos de Francisco Escaso Qualitywinesarea : Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura Type:Redtable wine Pricerange: from 0.9€ to 3€ Marketing: Launchingsupport Web: www.vallarcal.com ExpertdescriptionTheworld’s best quality-price balance. 1 literbottles, The best ifyou are thinking in volume. Betterpricesforhighervolumes. Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  6. Cellar:MITARTE Qualitywinesarea:D.O.C. La Rioja Type: HiggQuality red winesTintos de Alta Calidad Price range: from5€ to20€ Marketing: Vinos de nuevo estilo. Web: www.mitarte.com Expertdescription: Un ejemplo de cómo se hacen vinos modernos, expresivos, singulares y extraordinarios sin abandonar la tradicion de una tierra de vinos Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  7. V Cellar:La Bodega de Alboloduy Qualitywinesarea :V.T. Ribera del Andarax Type: Vinos de Autor Price range: from7€ to 24€ Marketing: Vinos de autor , la enóloga mas premiada de Europa Web: www.nadal.com Expertdescription: La Bodega de Alboloduy es el referente vinícola en Almería, con unos productos únicos y de excelente calidad, ofreciendo vinos de una marcada personalidad. Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  8. V Cellar: Crianzas y Viñedos Santo Cristo Sociedad Cooperativa Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Campo de Borja Type: HighQuality red wines Pricerange: from 3€ to 10€ Marketing: Robert Parker has definedthisareaandthe Garnacha grapes as theoneswiththemostfuturedevelopment in theworld Web: www.bodegas-santo-cristo.com Expertdescription: A privilegelandfor Garnacha grapes. Thisvarietymakesgreatwines at a greatprice. Butpriceswillsurelyincrease in thenextyearsbecausetheworldexpertssupport. Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  9. V Cellar:Bodegas Gutierrez de la Vega Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Alicante Type: White wines Price range: from10€ to15€ Marketing: Un vino de Príncipes (servido en la boda de D.Felipe y Dª Leticia Web: www.castadiva.es Expertdescription: El vino de postre mas presente en los grandes restaurantes del mundo (mas de 200 estrellas Michelin lo sirven) Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  10. V Cellar:VEGA PRIVANZA Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Ribera de Duero Type: Selected Red Wine Price range: from 10€ to30€ Marketing: El diseño tambien está en el interior Web: www.vegaprivanza.net Expertdescription: Cuando el trabajo bien hecho muestra sus resultados. El vino que le hubiera gustado descubrir a mucha gente elegante. Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  11. V Cellar:La Bodega de Pinoso Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Alicante Type: Price range: from 6€ to30€ Marketing: La ecología es un importante objetivo Web: www.labodegadepinoso.com Expertdescription: Viñedos centenarios, han proporcionado al mundo grandes vinos, desde 1932 exportando Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  12. V Cellar:Hijos de Andrés Valiente Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Utiel Requena Type: Red Wine Price range: from 6€ to30€ Marketing: Vinos modernos para gente moderna Web: www.vegalfaro.com Expertdescription: El vino se puede diseñar al gusto los mercados, esta es la especialidad Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

  13. V Cellar:Marqués de Montecierzo Qualitywinesarea: D.O. Navarra Type: Red Wine Price range: from 6€ to30€ Marketing: Familia, Tradicion y mucha experiencia Web: www.marquesdemontecierzo.com Expertdescription: En una excelente zona vinicola, unos vinos dedicados al mundo Export office: ALAMESA, S.L. Sector Músicos, 14 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid España Web: www.alamesa.es Tel: 0034912938930 E-mail: alamesa@alamesa.es

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