THE CHARGES December11th, 2001, threemonthsafterSeptember 11 attacks, Zacarias Moussaoui, although in prison at the time of the facts, isaccused " of havingactivelyparticipated " by its silence in the terrorist plot whichdrove to attacks. He ischargedwith six counts of indictment
THE DEFENDANT • Fascinated by God • Not alone in hishead • Incoherence in hisstatement • Madness • Scizophrenic • Questioning in mental health
THE PROSECUTION The lawyer • Wants to learn to pilot an airplanewithoutthe take-off or in the landing of the airplane • Has maid travels to afghanistan The witnesses: Clarence Earl Prevost • Was very interested, asked many questions that were more advanced than the class. • Doesn't care to the landing of the airplane • Mr Prevost has suspicions about hisstudentMoussaoui • Moussaouihas paid scholarship fees in cash
THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE CASE • FromFebruary 26 to May 29, 2001, Moussaouiattended flight training courses at Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma. • On August 16, 2001, Moussaouiwasarrested in Minnesota by the FBI and chargedwith an immigration violation. • On the September 11, 2001, twoairplaines are crashed on twintowers. • On December 11, 2001, Moussaouiwasindicted by a federal grand jury in United States District Court.
THE POSSIBLE/ALREADY GIVEN SENTENCE • On May 3, 2006, a jury decidedagainst the death penalty for Moussaoui • On May 4th, 2006, judgeLeonieBrinkema sentences officially Zacarias Moussaoui to the life imprisonmentwithoutpossibility of early release