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To You The Agent Thank you for investing your time in downloading this free sample of the ‘12 Reasons Why To List With M

To You The Agent Thank you for investing your time in downloading this free sample of the ‘12 Reasons Why To List With Me!’ listing Presentation. If you have any questions, please email me and I’ll be happy to help. (randyroussie@gmail.com). "Real Agents, Real Testimonies, Really Big Money!" .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. To You The Agent Thank you for investing your time in downloading this free sample of the ‘12 Reasons Why To List With Me!’ listing Presentation If you have any questions, please email me and I’ll be happy to help. (randyroussie@gmail.com) "Real Agents, Real Testimonies, Really Big Money!" Robert Burns of ReMax writes... I made $18,489 using it the very first time! Sellers say yes to this brilliant listing presentation. Absolutely the best investment! Lilo Clacher of ReMax writes... Since purchasing the listing presentation package and putting it to full use, I have never walked away from the listing appointment without the signed listing in my briefcase.

  2. About This Sample This sample allows you to test the printing, make edits, drip in your logo, photo so that you can appreciate how easy it is to create a custom and personalized listing presentation. iPad & Mac Friendly For iPad: Apple requires you to install Keynote on your iPad. You can download it in the App Store. For Mac: You will need PowerPoint Version 2004 or higher. You Can Use The Presentations In Print, Notebook, & iPad/Tablet

  3. The Magic Of This Presentation The presentation is built around the 2 major issues of sellers. Solve these 2 issues and you win the listing every time! 1. Service or What Is Called The Marketing Plan. We will outline 12 points within the Marketing Plan. You can see those 12 points on the next page. 2. We Then Discuss A Seller’s #1 Concern… Buyers. We will actually produce for the seller a list of buyers and how you produced this list of buyers and how the MLS works with you to tell you who these buyers are and what you do to get these buyers into his home.

  4. #1 – The Marketing Plan If we allow the seller control during the appointment we are in big trouble. The seller has no idea what we do therefore we need to be the one in control. 1. Marketing Plan Presents The 12 Problems. A seller has 12 main issues or what I call problems. We present those problems and then the solutions to those problems. 2. Why Do We Present Problems? • People buy solutions to fix their problems. • Every product or service is a solution to a specific problem. • (Toothpaste solves the tooth decay problem.) • If you fail to present the solution, then the seller… • Has nothing to ‘buy’ since you have not presented any solution to his problems. 3. What’s The Seller’s #1 Problem? No Buyers! Therefore… • The buyer solution is our #1 asset in terms of getting the listing.

  5. We Start With The 12 Problems! The Next Page Sets Up The Discussion The Page After That Outlines The Problems

  6. OurDiscussion Flow! Section 1 AAbout Me BAbout Our Company CTestimonies DAbout Our MLS Board Section 2 AOur Marketing Plan BOur Pricing Plan Let’s Begin…

  7. This Page Is Not In The Presentation I have it here so I can discuss the outline summary of the 12 problems with you… the agent. • The next page outlines the actual 12 seller problems. 1. Each problem is discussed in detail with the seller. 2. Each problem concludes with what is called a ‘Tie Down’ statement. 3. The purpose of a tie down statement is to guarantee the seller agrees with what was discussed in terms of solving the specific problem. 4. Tie downs are ‘mini-closes’ that cause the seller to want to list with you. So You Have Me, My Company & All MLS Realtors Working For You!

  8. There Are 12 Reasons Why You Will Benefit By Having Me Represent You! 1. Identify Your Selling Goals! 2. Attract More Buyers! 3. Market “Inside-Home” Effectively! 4. Market “Outside-Home” Effectively! 5. Reach Buyers Through The MLS! 6. Reach Buyers Through The Internet! 7. Qualify The Buyer! 8. Negotiate With The Buyer! 9. Assist The Buyer With Financing! 10. Keep The Buyer After The Sale! 11. Stay Informed At All Times! 12. Determine The Best Asking Price! Selling Your Home Is So Important That It Deserves A ThoroughReview Before You Select A Realtor!

  9. The Details Of Each Problem 1. Unfortunately There Is The Issue of Piracy. • I cannot now outline the specific content for each of the 12 problems due to piracy as agents would just steal it and not order these presentations. 2. But Now Lets Turn To The Problem of Buyers! • This is the #1 issue of the seller. • It is the seller’s #1 problem. • Solve this problem and you win the listing every time!

  10. A Little Background On The MLS! Once Again This Page Is Not In The Presentation • I have it here for you the agent so I can explain the buyer close. If You Are Like Most Agents You Probably Do Not Know Why The MLS Was Initially Invented. • Therefore it is very important I get this across to you so that you understand why and how to use the MLS to create your list of buyers and then use that list to win the listing. Why Was The MLS Invented? • Unfortunately most agents do not know why the MLS was invented because they were not agents at that time. • Today’s agents think the only reason for the MLS is to put their listings there and hope another MLS agent will eventually sell it.

  11. A Little Background On The MLS! That’s Not The #1 Reason Why The MLS Invented! • Then what was the reason for the MLS invention? • To make it easier for you… to find a buyer for your listings. ‘What?’… You May Be Thinking… ‘Find A Buyer!’ • Yes to find a buyer… • And not just 1 buyer… • But a Targeted List of Buyers. Allow Me To Explain How To Use The MLS To Find Your List of Targeted Buyers • The best way for me to do this for you is through an example.

  12. How To Find The MLS Buyer! 1. Lets Say You Have A $300,000 Listing • Question 1: • Which of the 4 buyer types does that listing appeal to? You see every listing appeals to one of these 4 buyer types. • First Time Buyer • Move Up Buyer • Move Down Buyer • Move Sideways Buyer For the sake of shortening this discussion I will focus only on a move up buyer. By the way… move up buyers are the majority of these 4 buyer types. 2. Your $300,000 Listing Appeals To A Move Up Buyer. What is a move up buyer? • It is a buyer who currently is a SELLER and when that seller sells his home… he will then move up to a more expensive home.

  13. How To Find The MLS Buyer! 1. Move Up Buyers Move Up 20% to 40% Off The Price of Your Listing. • So lets just do the math! Step 1: Take 20% off Your $300,000 Listing • 20% of $300,000 = $60,000 Step 2: Take 40% off Your $300,000 Listing • 40% of $300,000 = $120,000 2. Now Do The Math! Step 1: Subtract • $300,000 - $60,000 = $240,000 • $300,000 - $120,000 = $180,000

  14. How To Find The MLS Buyer! 3. The MLS Targeted List of Buyers Range is.. • $180,000 to $240,000 2. Now Go On The MLS On Your Computer! • Pull up all listing priced within that range. • That list is your targeted list of MLS buyers. • When those sellers sell… they become buyers. • As buyers they move up to a more expensive home. • And your $300,000 listing would be one of their options. 3. Reduce That List By A 5 Mile Radius • In 93% of the time the buyer who will end up buying your listing is found on that list. • And he lives within a 5 mile radius of where your listing is located. • Therefore only include on your list all listings within a 5 mile radius of your listing appointment home. 4. Lets Now Discuss Why The MLS Gives You The Hot Sheet!

  15. How To Find The MLS Buyer! 4. Why Does The MLS Board Inform You of Recent Sales? • Every day the board sends to you a list of homes that recently were sold by other agents on the board. • They send you this list for a reason. • And that reason is for you to be able to ‘identify’ one of your targeted list of buyers homes just sold and that seller now turned buyer just may be interested in buying your $300,000 listing. 5. They Don’t Send You The Hot Sheet List Just To Piss You Off! • That hot sheet list of recent sales has a purpose. • It is the VERY REASON why the MLS was initially invented. 6. Your Job As The Listing Agent • Contact the agent of that sold listing. • Congratulate him/her on his/her new sale. • Then email your listing to him/her and ask if they will consider having their seller NOW TURNED BUYER to view your listing.

  16. Imagine What Your Seller Thinks! You Show Up To The Listing Appointment With A List of Buyers! • You present the list. • You even include photos of each of these buyers current homes. • You then explain how you produced this list. • You do so through the math. • You then take out a hot sheet. • You explain to the seller how the MLS board works with you in terms of them sending you this Hot Sheet info on a daily basis. • You then explain the work you do behind the scenes that the seller never sees you doing and certainly never knew you did this work in the first place. I Never Lost A Listing! • That list of targeted buyers and their photos WON the seller over to me. • And the Hot Sheet explanation closed the deal! • I never lost a listing. • And it was always priced hot for fast sale!

  17. Top 12 Problems Solved & Buyers Too! That’s Why Agents Endorse My Presentations! • Check out the testimonies. • They get instant listing results. Why Do Agents Endorse My Presentations? • Because the presentations work! Why Do The Presentations Work? • The content is all about the problems of the seller. • And it solves each problem. • The solution to problems is WHY THEY SIGN the listing agreement! • And the buyer list is the PROOFthe seller needs to say yes! My Clients Report Back To Me… • Randy… All I had to do was flip the pages and I got the listing!

  18. 12 Reasons Why To List With Me! It is the only listing presentation that has been purposely written to solve the Top 12 Problems of Sellers! And To Prove! To Sellers That You Really Do Have A List of Buyers For Their Homes! Now You Know Why You Pay A Fee To Belong To The MLS Board! >>> Go To Next Page>>>

  19. The MLS Is Powerful! It Is The Most Effective Marketing Board On The Planet For Both You & Your Sellers. Have You Been Using It Properly? Probably Not! But Now You Can! Order Now & Win The Listing Every Time! http://www.agentpresentations.com

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