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4/30/2014. Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20. OSBA Team Members. Kathy LaSota, Director, Board Services Cheryl Ryan, Deputy Director, Board Services Steve Horton, Consultant, Board Services Terri Neff, Region Manager, NE Ohio. Cuyahoga Fall City Schools Cabinet Members.
4/30/2014 Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20
OSBA Team Members • Kathy LaSota, Director, Board Services • Cheryl Ryan, Deputy Director, Board Services • Steve Horton, Consultant, Board Services • Terri Neff, Region Manager, NE Ohio
Cuyahoga Fall City Schools Cabinet Members • Dr. Todd M. Nichols, Superintendent/CEO • David Hoskin, Treasurer/CFO • Mark Gleichauf, Deputy Superintendent • Melvin J. Brown, Director of Human Resources • Gerry Zelenka, Director of Business & Operations
Educational Excellence in a Changing World Student Growth Business Expectations Culture of Excellence Community Engagement Culture of Excellence Facilities & Resource Leveraging College and Career Readiness Every Student…Every Day…Every Opportunity
Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20 • We believe that the best interests of students should serve as the foundation of all decision making. • We believe that learning is a life-long process for all individuals. Personal achievement is fostered through a love of learning and intellectual engagement. • We believe that collaborative partnerships among family, school, community and businesses contribute to each student’s success and are essential to the development of good character, values and citizenship. • We believe that an environment of mutual respect and trust is necessary for effective communication and learning.
Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20 • We believe in harnessing technology to design and provide meaningful and challenging student work. • We believe that student and staff potential arebest realized in a safe, healthy and nurturing learning environment. • We believe that student engagement is the foundation of each student’s academic progress and success. • We believe that involvement in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities is an integral component to the development of a well-rounded person. • We believe that the success of our public school system is a shared responsibility and is dependent upon the commitment of time, talent and financial resources of the entire community. • We believe that the school system is an essential element to community and economic development in Cuyahoga Falls.
Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20 District Mission The mission of the Cuyahoga Falls City School District is to assure each student is equipped with the skills necessary to meet the challenges of the future. “Every Student, Every Day, Every Opportunity!” District Vision Educational excellence in a changing world.
Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20 • Focus Area #1 – College and Career Readiness • Focus Area #2 – Culture of Excellence • Focus Area #3 – Family, Business and Community Engagement • Focus Area #4 – Facilities and Resource Leveraging
College/Career ReadinessMark Gleichauf, Deputy Superintendent
General Themes • Authentic Learning Experiences • Integrated Technology • “Readiness”
SMART Goal #1: Authentic Learning Experiences • By the end of the 2018-2019 school year, each student will experience at least four interdisciplinary, project-based learning units annually that are rooted in the Common Core and revised state standards.
SMART Goal #2: Integrated Technology • By the end of the 2018-2019 school year, each HS student will take a blended online or online course before graduation.
SMART Goals #3: Integrated Technology • By the end of 2018-2019 school year, each MS student will be using appropriate technology to enhance learning in each of the four annual interdisciplinary, project-based units.
SMART Goals #4: Integrated Technology • By the end of 2018-2019 school year, each elementary student will receive discrete skill-based instruction in their regular classes on the technology skills outlined in the common core/revised standards/etc.
SMART Goals #5: “Readiness” • By the 2018-2019 school year, each CFHS student will be better prepared for post-HS diploma by 15% increase in average college credits earned, average industry credentials earned, and percentage of students enrolled in two or four year college.
SMART Goals #6: “Readiness” • By the 2018-2019 school year, the CFCSD will increase “readiness” for kindergarten by increasing the number of kindergarten students engaged in a meaningful preschool experience.
Culture of ExcellenceMelvin J. Brown, Director of Human Resources “Black Tiger Family”
SMART Goal #1: Parental/Community Engagement • By June 2019, 85% of parents/guardians/other will be involved in major facets of the school district and the educational engagement of their children as measured by parent surveys, event attendance, committee representation, and academic conference events.
SMART Goal #2: Improving Attendance • By June 2019, the attendance rate of CFCSD students will be 96% as measured by the student attendance rate for the purpose of maximizing instructional time.
SMART Goal #3: The Emphasis on “Black Tiger Pride” • To promote the importance of “Black Tiger Pride” throughout the district and community as measured by yearly survey results with 75% positive returns in 2017 and 85% positive returns in 2018.
Focus Area #3 -- Community EngagementDr. T.M. Nichols, Supt/CEO
SMART Goal #1: Black Tiger Family • By the 2015-2016 school year, 50% of the CFCSD population will demonstrate membership in the Black Tiger Family
SMART Goal #2: Two-way Communication • Discover preferred method of communication by stakeholders — how often and what do they want. Methods include ROAR, Twitter, Facebook, website, radio stream, public access channel, email, telephone, fliers, bulk rate mailings, utility bill, face-to-face, billboards, banners, signage at school buildings and newsletters. • Create confirmation method to establish two-way communication channel. • Implement preferred communication based on responses. • Identify available and convenient spaces for two-way face-to-face communications and offer regular opportunities for two-way communication. • Promote information networking throughout the community
SMART Goal #3: Promote and entice engagement • Grow classroom/business partnerships and connections • Analyze survey data and organize feedback to: • Invite the public to specific community events; • Invite the public to targeted school events; • Invite the public to outreach programs at each school/park
SMART Goal #4 -- Improve the perception of the district • Work with the BOE to improve their collaborative cooperation with each other and the community a. Intentional opportunities to collaboratively cooperate with the community b. More widespread information re: BOE Resolutions c. Implement the Five Question Process d. Using ROAR to tell the story • Promote Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership a. Design Seminars – to increase the awareness of leadership for all groups • Identification of roles and responsibilities • Conduct a perception survey a. Academic Program b. Extracurricular Activities c. Accentuation of the positive b. Neutralize the negative • Create a District Brand a. Marketing strategies b. Capitalize on School/Community Events • Create a positive “buzz” through marketing strategies
Facilities & Resource Management Gerry Zelenka, Director of Business and Operations & David Hoskin, Treasurer/CFO
SMART Goal #1: Master Planning Options • By September 1, 2014, present options to the community that are available through the OFCC for renovation/rebuild along with the qualifications of each.
SMART Goal #2: Community Pulse Check • By October 15, 2014, develop and distribute a communication piece that will survey the community’s pulse as it relates to the district’s facilities.
SMART Goal #3: Plan Development • By January 15, 2015, have developed a plan for presentation to renovate and/or rebuild buildings in the district.
SMART Goal #4 – Bond Issue • By February 15, 2105 have provided a recommendation to the BOE for a bond issue to rebuild/renovate buildings to be placed on the August 2015 ballot.
Singular Academic Expectation! Meet every student where they are, cognitively, and guarantee at least one year of academic growth for each year in our system.
Singular Business Expectation! Adhere to a revenue over expenditure business plan whereby at least 1% of our total revenues for the fiscal year will be carried over into the general fund cash balance.
Singular Cultural Expectation! Create a climate of Black Tiger Pride through the creation and promotion of a Black Tiger Family!
Next Steps • Finish writing SMART Goals and Action Plan development by June 1, 2014 • Submit finished documents to Dr. Nichols for compilation by June 6, 2014 • Present a prototype document to the BOE at their June 14, 2014 regular meeting • BOE resolution to adopt the Cuyahoga Falls: Vision 20/20 Plan no later than July 15, 2015