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VALUE PROPOSITION. These plans would aim to enhance the food security of India; while simultaneously raising the economic indicators of Bihar – the poorest state in India through a private enterprise in the food processing sector.
VALUE PROPOSITION • These plans would aim to enhance the food security of India; while simultaneously raising the economic indicators of Bihar – the poorest state in India through a private enterprise in the food processing sector. • The world is presently faced with a ‘Global Food Crisis’ and agriculture has become unviable in India in these times of Globalisation. • India’s Food Security (availability of food grains or food products as a percentage of its population) is exceedingly alarming. • The land in the plains of North Bihar is the most fertile land in the world due to the silt deposited by the rivers flowing through Nepal over the yrs. • Global Warming (melting of the Himalayas) guarantees the high level of ground water in North Bihar in the coming years and decades. • Enterprises in the agriculture sector are guaranteed profits in the immediate and longer term in India, and all over the world. • The concept of the enterprise is to leverage the fertile land available in the plains of North Bihar to enhance the food security of India through profits in the production of processed food products in the fertile plains of North Bihar by coordinating the Marketing of processed food products (prepared by the locals of North Bihar) over Internet from a city in another state in India.
OVERVIEW • For coordinating this activity, a number of ‘Food Parks’ are planned to be eventually raised in identified, flood free, areas in North Bihar (revealed through Satellite photo analysis and study of the parameters of the area on the ground). • Packaging and Storage facilities are planned to be provided for the processed agricultural produce of the locals of North Bihar through these ‘Food Parks’ (located in North Bihar) of the proposed project/enterprise. • The enterprise would gratefully accept donations/contributions in the form of grants from private individuals or Foundations in India and across the world; in order to fund its operations. • The visible impact of the management systems in the enterprise would be enough proof for the donors; who would also be given the details of utilisation of their contributions. • Presently, the seed funding (minimum $ 1 Million) for these plans is being sought. • All activity in this enterprise (presently in the concept stage) would be computerised; and detailed Legal systems would be evolved. • This plan is coming through a team of two serving officers of the Indian Army. • In case of ambiguity, systems prevalent in the Indian Army would be followed.
THE PLANS • The ‘Food Parks’ of the enterprise would be called the ‘BPFPs’ (for Babu Pali Food Parks) - since I, the proposer of this project/enterprise am originally from village Babu Pali in Madhubani district of North Bihar though born and brought up in Lonavla in Pune district of Maharashtra state in India. They (the BPFPs) are planned to be raised in identified, flood free, areas in North Bihar; revealed from Satellite imagery and study of the parameters of the area on the ground. • The locals of North Bihar would be facilitated by the staff of the BPFPs in raising their own Food Processing Units (FPUs); and would be provided Packaging and Storage facilities for their products through the stores (Godowns) in the BPFPs for decided profit percentages. • Marketing of the products of the FPUs of the locals in North Bihar (held in the BPFPs of the enterprise in North Bihar) would be coordinated over Internet from the HQ of the enterprise located in a city in another state in India; like Delhi, Chandigarh, Bangalore etc. • All BPFPs would be organised on the lines of a Brigade HQ of the Indian Army sited for all round defence in Peace. • Vehicles of a BPFP would collect the produce of the FPUs of the villagers in North Bihar (in a radius of around 50 Km or 100 Km or more) around them along with the representatives of the FPUs and get them to the BPFPs for Packaging, Storage and onward Marketing.
THE PLANS (CONTD…) • The BPFPs would be raised on a piece of ground in the suitable area with dimensions of minimum 500 M x 500 M (or more) procured through the proper process from the Govt of Bihar. • The FPUs of the locals in North Bihar could prepare items like ‘Sattu’, ‘Daliya’, Cornflakes, Chips and Sauces of all types, Pickles, Soft Drinks including Fruit Juices and other products (like of ‘Makhana’, ‘Singhada’ etc) and other local specialties. • The Staff of the enterprise would be selected from all states in India from courses of the ‘Art of Living’ and their thoughts would be maintained in the proper direction by arranging their regular Courses at the Bangalore Ashram of the ‘Art of Living’. • They would all be Healthy Indian Males sufficiently qualified for their Dept, between 30 to 50 yrs; and would serve for minimum three yrs • However, their services can be terminated even before their minimum tenure of three yrs if their behaviour (and records) so warrant. • Proper Security measures would be followed in all stages of operations of the BPFP Enterprises. • The staff of the BPFPs in North Bihar and in the HQ of the project / enterprise would get their salary credited into their nearest (or desired) Bank account by the ‘Accounts Dept’ in the HQ. • The staff in the HQ would get 20% less (minimum) pay than in a BPFP.
PLANS (CONTD…) • The ideal product and the systems required for the first FPU would evolve after doing courses in the CFTRI (Central Food Technology Research Institute in Mysore in Karnataka state in India, and in an IIP (Indian Institute of Packaging) in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, or Hyderabad city in India. • This effort could start at the earliest by 13 May 2010 from Madhubani city in North Bihar; if sanctioned by the President of India. • Terms and conditions for providing Packaging, Storage and Marketing facilities to already established enterprises in the area would be researched and instituted. • The concerned dept in the HQ would be responsible for collecting the funds for the project/enterprise over Internet from all possible sources of funding while the BPFPs would maintain impeccably honest and well researched operations. • A local HQ of the enterprise would be raised in Patna, the Capital of Bihar to handle immediate issues and to carry out ongoing research into the operations. EXIT STRATEGY FOR AN INVESTOR. Due to the unconventional nature of these plans; profits within the IMMEDIATE three yrs are not guaranteed and DO involve a degree of risk. However, once the (almost) foolproof systems of the planned project/enterprise start becoming visible; the donations/grants that would start pouring in for the enterprise would be considerable. The investor(s) providing the seed funding for these plans could even determine a decided percentage of profits in their three (planned) yrs of investment in this enterprise.
RISKS APPREHENDED a) This enterprise fails to take off from the ground due to a variety of reasons (like interference of local Politicians in North Bihar; my Back Pain not being treated, etc) b) Interference by parties already established in North Bihar in the field of Food Processing; and trying to bring disrepute to the BPFP Enterprises. RISK MITIGATION a)Divine grace; Assessing the ground situation in North Bihar from detached perspective (from a different location in India); resorting to the cohesive systems of management practiced in the Indian Army; and handling difficulties as and when they arise. b) Divine grace; Impeccable and well researched systems in the BPFPs in North Bihar. • Keeping the staff regularly motivated by sending them for courses of the ‘Art of Living’ in the HQ in Bangalore from time to time. • ‘Softening’ the area of North Bihar by conducting (free) courses of the ‘Art of Living’ in North Bihar. • Maintaining a neutral stance towards religion, and focusing simply on the job at hand.
STAGES • The enterprise would be operated in three distinct stages as under: - • Stage I – A Private, PROFIT-MAKING FPU would be operated in Madhubani district of North Bihar in order to gain the required experience for enterprise. (13 May 2010 to 13 May 2013). • Stage II – The first BPFP of the project/enterprise would be raised in Madhubani district. (ideally from 13 May 2013 to 13 May 2016). • Stage III – Further BPFPs would be raised in identified, Flood Free areas in North Bihar. (13 May 2017 onwards…)
OTHER POINTS OF IMPORTANCE • Other points worth mention are included in the MS Word document enclosed as attachment. • This MS Word Document contains miscellaneous details like the Details pertaining to me; why it has to be only me who should be getting these plans; the Team details; and the financial assessments at a very broad level. • However, with time and dedicated focus in this direction; these plans are SURE to materialise once the initial (seed) capital of minimum $ 1 Million becomes available and I get to focus my thoughts in this direction. • WHATEVER WILL BE; WILL BE.