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Things to consider when writing a scary story…

Things to consider when writing a scary story…. Narrative writing assignment. Setting . The setting of the story is the TIME and PLACE in which the action occurs. POINT OF VIEW. From whose point of view will you be telling the story?

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Things to consider when writing a scary story…

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  1. Things to consider when writing a scary story… Narrative writing assignment

  2. Setting • The setting of the story is the TIME and PLACE in which the action occurs.

  3. POINT OF VIEW From whose point of view will you be telling the story? First Person? Story is told from the main character’s point of view. “I” is used. Readers see the events from the perspective of an important character. Example: Too Soon a Woman The Tell Tale Heart Third Person? All knowing. The narrator can see into the minds of all the characters. Example: Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad

  4. Characters • Who are your characters? Who are the major characters in the story? Who are the minor ones? • Are your major characters static or non-changing? Or are they dynamic? How do they change through the story? Darth Vader-Dynamic Character- He evolves from being a very evil character to one who changes for The better. Yoda-Static Character- He doesn’t change in character Throughout the Star Wars Trilogy.

  5. Conflict What kind of conflict or challenges will your main character face? Internal conflict? Man v. Himself Moral dilemma! “Should I or shouldn’t I?” External Conflict? Man v. Nature Man v. Man Man v. The Supernatural

  6. Plot Your story needs to have suspense. Remember the plot diagram.

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