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Learn about Asha, a non-profit aiding underprivileged children through education in India since 1991. Discover projects and how to get involved.
Asha Hyderabad Chapter
The World Today If the earth’s population was 100 people, there would be: • 52 females and 48 males • 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth • 80 would live in substandard housing • 70 would be unable to read • 50 would suffer from malnutrition • 1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth • 1 (yes, only one) would have a college degree • 1 would own a computer
The Vicious Cycle Lack of Education Poverty Child Labor
Why Education? Lack of it? • Child Exploitation • Child labor • Population explosion • Unsanitary conditions • Lower standard of living • Awareness of Rights • Ability to Exercise Civic Rights • Improved Access to Opportunities • Economic Mobility • Improve Gender Equality • Overall Development
Our Mission To catalyze socio-economic change through education for the underprivileged children in India
Introduction • Asha supports socio-economic change through education for under-privileged children in India • Asha is a registered non-profit organization • It is run entirely by volunteers • All profits and donations going directly to support education while almost all the administrative costs are borne by the volunteers
Asha: Some Facts Started in University of California, Berkeley in 1991 65+ chapters worldwide 1500+ Active volunteers 150+ projects Total disbursements until now - over $3.6 million
65+ Chapters Worldwide • In many major universities and large cities in the US • 11 active groups in India • European chapters (6) have taken roots
Asha Projects: Basic Criteria • Must improve the general welfare of the community with basic education as a major component • Work with non-sectarian groups which do not have any political or religious agenda • Do not discriminate on the basis of caste, religion or sex • Small, yet, deserving projects that find it difficult to obtain funds from elsewhere
Project Monitoring • Projects provide periodic finance statements, progress reports, correspond on management issues etc. • Projects are monitored through visits either by Asha volunteers or the various groups Asha works with. • Projects are monitored for • reduction in dropout rate • commitment to socio-economic change in the region • increase in number of students • improvement in facilities
Projects Overview 1. Needy Illiterate Children Education School for Orphans, single parent and child laborers Mynempadu, Guntur dist, AP (NICE) 2. Yellamma Banda School for children of Quarry workers, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, AP 3. Shraddha School for Slow Learners, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, AP
Projects Overview – Needy Illiterate Children Education (NICE), Guntur Dist • Project Description Build and operate a residential school for children who drop out of the 5th standard from the nearby villages. The residential school will provide basic literacy and training with a vocational bent. There is no fee collected from the children. As a part of this effort NICE started their first free residential school facility during 2003-2004, at Mynampadu village in Guntur District, AP, India. • Project Type: Residential Formal School (CBSE) • Primary Focus: Orphans, single parent, child laborers • Area: Rural • Number of Children: 65 • Boy/Girl Ratio: 1 : 0 • Student/Teacher Ratio: 12 : 1 • Funds Disbursed : 2004 $9770, 2005 $5000 • Contact: Pavan (pjayavarapu@avineonindia.com)
Projects Overview – Yellamma Bunda School, Kuketpally, Hyderabad • Project Description Ramakrishna Educational and Medical Society Kukatpally, Hyderabad is trying help the poor children's education and health of downtrodden people near Kukatpally slum areas. Most of the children are children of quarry working laborers and 1st generation literates. Asha Hyderabad is trying to do fund raising, monitoring and help in administration of the school if necessary. • Project Type: Formal school • Primary Focus: Slum children, children of quarry workers • Area: Urban • Number of Children: 200 • Boy/Girl Ratio: 2 : 1 • Student/Teacher Ratio: 10 : 1 • Funds Disbursed: 2005 40,000.00 • Contact: Anuj Kadyan (anuj_kadyan@yahoo.com)
Projects Overview – Shraddha School for Slow Learners, Hyderabad • Project Description 1. To educate slow learners in all aspects of life. 2. To rehabilitative them in open employment through systematic training. 3. To give therapeutic services to disabled with multi disciplinary team to overcome the degree of disability. • Project Type: Remedial Education • Primary Focus: children with disabilities • Area: Urban • Number of Children: 100 • Boy/Girl Ratio: 2 : 1 • Student/Teacher Ratio: 10 : 1 • Funds Disbursed: 2005 40,000.00 • Contact: Keerthi (tckeerthi@yahoo.com)
How You Can Get Involved Raise Awareness About Issues Contribute YOU and Asha Publicize and Organize Events Volunteer at a Project
Raise Awareness... • Make Presentations to Corporations and Universities • Word-of-mouth • Use Asha merchandize made at our supported projects • Join discussions regarding social issues
Publicize and Organize.. Suggest and implement fundraising ideas Get corporate sponsorships Write grant applications to foundations
Volunteer... Use your skills to teach the kids Offer professional help to projects such as accounting, auditing, counseling, legal help etc. Translate project proposals, site visit reports, etc into English and other Indian languages Come to our meetings
Contribute... Support our projects through monthly pledge scheme and get tax deduction Make tax deductible donation to “Asha” Buy Asha merchandise such as Calendars and caps Attend our fun events
Contacting Asha-Hyderabad Visit us on the web at www.ashanet.org/hyderabad Email us: [About Asha] Anuj Kadyan (Anuj_Kadyan@yahoo.com) [Projects] Pavan (pjayavarapu@avineonindia.com) [Fundraising] Keerthi T.C (tckeerthi@yahoo.com) [Publicity] Srilatha (srilatha.k@ polaris.co.in) [General enquiry] hyderabad@ashanet.org