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Magnetic bottle cap catcher is made of typical stainless steel. It automatically catch the cap as you open it. Just give it a try and will surely you love it.
ABOUT US: • The Barwear Gear Wine Accessory is a must have for every wine drinker. Been to wine country? All the winerless pour their wine out of a pour and use an aerator. • When it comes to opening your beer and soda bottles, the Barware Gear Wall Mounted Bottle Opener will be able to assist you and your friends.You will never have to spend hours looking through “that” drawer again to find a bottle opener while your friends and family wait around with their cold beverage in their hand and they can’t open. • Get the Barware Gear Premium Bundle, our Beer Thirty Wall Mounted Bottle Opener with the Brushed Stainless Steel Cap Catcher will make the perfect gift.
OUR PRODUCTS: Polished Stainless Steel Wall Mounted Bottle Opener - for Outdoor Use, High End Stainless Steel, 304 Grade $8.54
Beer Thirty Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Gun Metal Black & Black Cap Catcher $15.99
Beer Thirty (Matted Nickel) Wall Mounted Bottle Opener $9.35
Barware Gear Bottle Opener & Magnetic Cap Catcher. Cherry Wood. (Beer Thirty-Matted Nickel) $26.50
FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT THE GIVEN WEBSITE: • https://barwaregear.com/