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HOBO 記錄器 簡介與使用 v2. 台灣大學生 物產業機電工程學系 方煒 、 雷華德. A Temp. Chart Recorder. What is a HOBO Data Logger?.
HOBO 記錄器簡介與使用 v2 台灣大學生物產業機電工程學系 方煒、雷華德
What is a HOBO Data Logger? • A HOBO data logger is a small (matchbox size), inexpensive (under $100), battery-operated measuring device that can be put anywhere in our galaxy! HOBO's include a microprocessor, data storage, and a sensor; everything needed to quickly and easily take measurements.
What HOBOs Measure • air temperature • water temperature • matter (solid, liquid, and gas) temperature • relative humidity • Dewpoint temperature • light • vibration • contact closure(open/closed) • motor (on/off) • AC sensors, and more
Who Can Use Them • HOBO data loggers are simple for anyone to use • Currently used by students of elementary school as well as researchers.
How Data is Retrieved • Data is easily retrieved from graphs on any computer with software
使用須知 • 電池壽命可達兩年(依使用量而定) • 當電池移除,測量數據仍可保留EEPROM(可程式化電子抹除唯讀記憶體) • 安全操作溫度範圍為0°C到60°C(依型號而定) • 測量間隔時間為0.5秒至9小時 • 數據輸出格式有Lotus及Excel
使用時機 • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) studies, • comfort monitoring, • energy management, • HVAC/R system diagnostics, • building commissioning, • industrial process, and • storage applications.
Examples of usage Earth Science • How does temperature vary on the outside of a car during a desert trip? Sarah Mims StowAway TidbiT • Do changes in water temperature affect the PH levels in ponds? Chatham High School – StowAway TidbiT • Does the flow of tides affect the temperatures in salt water? Chatham High School – StowAway TidbiT • What is the temperature variation in Spectacle Pond? Sandwich High School – StowAway TidbiT
Biology • A forensic study of the temperature of pigs blood and variation in temperatures during transfer. Falmouth High School – HOBO RH/Temp/External/External, 6ft External Probe • Turtle patterns based on temperature Dr. Auger Barnstable High School – StowAway TidbiT • Bat patterns in a bat house using a state logger Dr. Griffin Barnstable High School – State Logger, Voltage Input Cable • What is the difference in external body temperature at the carotid and radial pulse points during different levels of exercise? Chatham High School – HOBO Temp • How will temperature affect the mussel population? Sandwich High School – StowAway TidbiT
Life Science / Ecology • Is there a difference or preference for a plant's growth in a humid or dry climate? Falmouth High School – HOBO RH/Temp • Do the amount of fish in a tank affect the temperature of the water? Chatham High School – 4 Channel Indoor Logger, (3) 6ft External Probe • We hope to analyze the variations of temperature, humidity, and light penetration for the purpose of a deciduous/coniferous forest biome succession study – HO8-004-02 • Does the temperature of a pond affect the increase and decrease of plant and animal life? Sandwich High School – StowAway TidbiT
Physics • Is light intensity greater with aluminum foil reflection or black reflection? Chatham High School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External
Chemistry • Does the amount of reactants in a chemical reaction affect the temperature? Chatham High School – 4 Channel Indoor Logger, (4) 6ft External Probe • Middle School Earth ScienceTo see what the temperature is in the different sections of the pond. Chatham Middle School – StowAway TidbiT • How cold the ocean gets throughout the day. Chatham Middle School – StowAway TidbiT • We will measure solar storms from the sun using home made magnetometers. Jacoby Creek School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External
Biology • What is the temperature of the inside of a family couch? Barnstable Middle School – HOBO Temp • What is the change in humidity and temperature when someone takes a shower in a bathroom? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp • Does the temperature of water a horse drinks affect the relative humidity or temperature of the waste they exhale? Barnstable Middle School Hyannis – HOBO RH/Temp/External/External, 6ft External Probe • Will the depth and temperature of a lobster pot affect the number of lobsters hauled? Chatham Middle School – StowAway TidbiT
Weather • The difference between the air temperature and humidity in the attic and the basement. Barnstable Middle School Hyannis – HOBO RH/Temp • What is the temperature in a rain storm? Chatham Middle School – HOBO Pro Temp
Life Science / Ecology (1) • Is phytoplankton in the pond behind my school affected by light intensity? Barnstable Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External, Submersible Case • Does the temperature of a room affect how quickly mold or algae grows in a tank of tap water? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/External/External, 6ft External Probe • Is there any change in temperature of my fish tank, during the day, when the fish are most active compared to during the night when they are less active? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External, 6ft External Probe
Life Science / Ecology (2) • What are the different temperatures of my room in a week? Chatham Middle School – HOBO Temp • What is the temperature and humidity for a room with plants in them? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp • I want to know the temperature and light intensity of our fish tank in the middle of our science room. Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External, 6ft External Probe
Physics(1) • Is there a change in temperature when the lights are on and off in a room with no windows? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External • Does light reach an object at the same rate while an object (radio remote controlled car) is moving? Does temperature change while an object (radio remote controlled car) moves? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External • Is there a significant amount of change in temperature inside a car's tire while driving at X mph for N amount of time? Chatham Middle School – StowAway TidbiT • Determine whether dark or light colored light will change its light intensity and temperature. Barnstable Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External
Physics(2) • I would put the HOBO on my computer to see how warm it is while I use my computer. Chatham Middle School – HOBO Temp • Does a black shirt attract more heat than a white shirt during different points of the day? Chatham Middle School – StowAway TidbiT • To see what the temperatures would be in melting icecream. Chatham Middle School • What color roof shingle will give the warmest temperature for your house? Plymouth County Intermediate School – 4 Channel Indoor Logger, (4) 6ft External Probe
Chemistry(1) • I am trying to find out if tinfoil inside a box is warmer than tinfoil outside a box. Chatham Middle School – 4 Channel Indoor Logge, (2) 6ft External Probe • The problem I am trying to solve is to see how moist my house is. Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp • I am trying to find the temperature and light changes when the refrigerator door is opened and closed. Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External • To find out if the temperature will vary in two paper bags. One bag will have a cup of ice water. Chatham Middle School – 4 Channel Indoor Logger, (2) 6ft External Probe
Chemistry (2) • What is the light intensity, humidity, and temperature in my refrigerator? Chatham Middle School – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External • What is the difference in temperature between my first and second floor? Chatham Middle School – (2) HOBO Temp • What temperature changes happen in a school locker overnight and during the day? Chatham Middle School – HOBO Temp • Which is colder a cup of ice or a cup of cold water with ice? Plymouth County Intermediate School – 4 Channel Indoor Logger, (2) 6ft External Probe • Is cardboard a good insulator? Chatham Middle School – (2) HOBO Temp
Elementary Earth science • I want to find out the temperature of a frozen pond. Horace Mann Grade 5 – StowAway TidbiT • I want to see the temperature of a pond in my backyard and air temperature at various times. Horace Mann Grade 5 – StowAway TidbiT Weather • We are trying to see the temperature and moisture of the basement compared to the attic. Horace Mann Grade 5 – HOBO RH/Temp • We are trying to find out if snow is always the same temperature. Horace Mann Grade 5 – StowAway TidbiT
Biology Life Science • What is the best temperature of water to water plants? Horace Mann Grade 5 – HOBO RH/Temp/Light/External, 6ft External Probe Physics Chemistry • How hot and for how long do fresh coffees from different shops stay for an hour? Like Dunkin Donuts, Honey Dew, McDonalds, BurgerKing, Wendys? Horace Mann Grade 5 – Stowaway TidbiT • What is the coldest spot in the freezer? Horace Mann Grade 5 – 4 Channel Indoor Logger, (4) 6ft External Probe
Types of Products • Indoor data loggers • Outdoor/Underwater data loggers • Outdoor data loggers • HOBO Pendant Kits • External sensors • Graphing and Analysis Software • HOBO Henry Activity kits
Stainless Temperature Probe • This is Onsetís food grade temperature probe which is durable for solids, liquids, and ground temperatures
Indoor Data Loggers • HOBO U12 Temp/RH • Excellent for monitoring class temperature and relative humidity
HOBO Temp, RH, Light, External • Accurate U12 logger for indoor temperature, relative humidity, and light • Hook another sensor up for additional data points
HOBO Temp, RH, 2X External • This U12 logger will measure indoor temperature and relative humidity • Two ports are provided for external sensors of your choice
HOBO 4-Channel External • Allows the user to connect up to four external sensors of any assortment into one U12 logger
HOBO Temp, RH, Light, External • Excellent serial logger for indoor temperature, relative humidity, and light • Hook another sensor up for additional data points
Waterproof Pendant Kit • The HOBO Pendant kit includes 2 Pendant HOBOs • Used for outdoor, waterproof, and weatherproof data collection almost anywhere • Measures Temp and Light
Outdoor/Underwater Data Loggers • StowAway TidbiTs- measure temperature outdoors and underwater from within a sealed case
Optic Base Station • Connects TidbiTs to computer for data download and/or data logger set up
Outdoor Data Loggers • HOBO Pro Temp • For outdoor temperature labs
HOBO Pro Temp/External • Ideal device for measuring outdoor temperature • Add an external sensor for another set of data points
HOBO Pro RH/Temp • Use this HOBO data logger to measure outdoor temperature and relative humidity all in one unit
HOBO 4-Channel Outdoor External • With this data logger the user can plug up to four sensors into one logger while outside
Software Packages • BoxCar Pro 4.3- Onsetís software package for all indoor & outdoor serial data loggers • Compatible with any PC
HOBOware For PC • This is Onsetís new PC based software that allows easy operation of all HOBO U12 data loggers
使用方法 • HOBO • 傳輸線 • BOXCAR
Software Demo • Launch- Start your loggers by setting launch parameters and sampling intervals, enabling/disabling channels, and choosing a delayed start if desired. • Readout - Read data from your loggers, save your datafiles, and select channels to display in a graph. • Analysis - Review, graph, export, analyze and manage multiple loggers and data with BoxCar Pro's many robust analysis features.