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13th S G Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative. Madrid, 7 th February 2011. 13th SG meeting S-GRI- Agenda. Work Plan for 2011-2012. The plan will be developed around four priorities : CAMs and CMPs affecting interconnection capacities Ten Year Investment Plan Transparency
13th SG Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative Madrid, 7th February 2011
Work Plan for 2011-2012 The plan will be developed around four priorities : • CAMs and CMPs affecting interconnection capacities • Ten Year Investment Plan • Transparency • Other issues: European Market Model
Work Plan for 2011-2012 1. CAMs and CMPs affecting interconnection capacities • Annual short term Open Subscription for the 20% of present existing capacities between Spain and France. • CAM harmonisation (pilot testing CAM FG) beginning with the Spanish and Portuguese interconnections • TSOs Common Allocation Platform • CMPs at interconnections: Regulators and TSOs will analyse CMPs in force and define an action plan to coordinate and harmonise CMPs at borders following “comitology” CMP draft . Could serve as a pilot testing of the CMP to provide feed-back to the European Commission from the South Region.
Work Plan for 2011-2012 2. Ten Year Investment Plan • Keep evaluating the need of infrastructure, following market demand, using market mechanisms to decide if future investments are needed. • SGRI to provide feed-back to ENTSOG on the contents and methodology to design the regional investment plan. • Regulation 994/2010 concerning security of gas supply measures will be taken into consideration in the region.
Work Plan for 2011-2012 3. Transparency • Update Transparency Study, carried out in July 2007 to check compliance with new provisions on transparency in the Regulation 715/2009/CE, for transmission, LNG and storage infrastructures. • Implementation of Regulation 715/2009/CE will be closely supervised checking the information published regarding capacity access and utilisation, especially for flowing gas along the Region and through the borders
Work Plan for 2011-2012 4. Other issues: European Market Model • Discussion on the future European Market Model (Model for the Region) taking into account the discussion at European level. Provide feed-back and foresee convergence. • CNE and ERSE will focus on the harmonization of transmission tariff structures, initially at cross border points. • Further works regarding market based mechanisms following stakeholders opinion.
Work Plan for 2011-2012 Agenda
Questionnaire on OS • Questionnairelaunched in December 2010; deadline 14th January • Answers received : • 2 TSOs : Enagas and TIGF • 1 Association: Uprigaz • 9 Shippers: BP, Cepsa, EDP, Endesa, GDF, Gas Natural Fenosa, Iberdrola, Incogas, Unión Fenosa • Almost all answers are confidential
Questionnaire on OS Conclusions from the questionnaires • Most of the respondents are satisfied with the results of the past OS • There is no agreement on the need to launch a new Open Season. • With the experience of the past OS, launching a new OS should not be a major problem • For some respondents auctions could be a good allocation procedure for future OS, for others pro-rata is a good system. • Asymmetry regarding Shippers and LSOs obligations. Big risk for shippers and also for TSOs (10 years commitment)
Questionnaire on OS Conclusions from the questionnaires (cont.) • The market is more interested in South to North capacity in the Spanish-French interconnection • There is some interest in capacity in the Portuguese-Spanish border and inside the French balancing zones • Improvements to be made in future Open Seasons include: cost reflectivity, tariffs and tariffs methodology visibility • Infrastructures to be developed due to SoS criteria, need complex analysis and if needed could be paid by European funding