Introduction Turbo Protocol™ is an application program originally designed and written at the University of Virginia General Clinical Research Center beginning in 1995. This comprehensive suite of software helps to organize and manage the life-cycle of all a Center’s protocols: beginning with the submission by the Principal Investigator; day-to-day tasks like patient scheduling; and the end stages of a five-year grant renewal. There are three main modules that make up Turbo Protocol: 1.Protocol Database Suite Authoring and approval of the basic protocol. 2.Nursing and Census Suite Allow key personnel to input procedural information, schedule patients and resources, pre-admit patients and provide a census of the patient population. 3.Metabolic Kitchen Suite Create a meal preparation schedule based on protocol and patient schedules. Licensing was granted to Helix by the University of Virginia in 2000. Return to turboprotocol.com
Turbo Protocol Management – Suite II • Suite II is the Nursing and Census Suite • It allows key personnel to: (a) input the scientific procedural information for each protocol; (b) schedule patients and resources on a per protocol visit basis; (c) pre-admit and admit patients; and (d) provide a census of the patient population Return to turboprotocol.com
Advantages to Suite II • All nursing forms (flow sheets, doctors orders, etc.) are standardized. • All forms are stored in one central location. • Resolves scheduling conflicts with patient rooms, resources, etc. • No admissions are allowed on protocols that are not fully approved. • No admissions are allowed without a consent form. • Simplifies nurse orientation for each protocol. • Aids communication between Cores. • Complies with NIH guidelines regarding race, ethnicity and inpatient admissions time in and time out. Return to turboprotocol.com
Suite II – Nursing Protocol Manager (NPRO) • Allows the nursing and medical staff to create doctors orders, admission and visit types, resource allocation parameters and the nursing flow sheets. • Compiles the information to create a printable protocol packet. • Sets parameters for resources set in NPRO, used in PADS and Scheduler. Return to turboprotocol.com
Protocols can be displayed by Turbo ID (TST001) or by IRB/HIC ID (4 digits) Click/highlight the protocol to be edited Click View Protocol button Edit Resources button will displayed later NPRO – Main Menu Return to turboprotocol.com
Inpatient/outpatient instructions for the entire protocol can be added on this screen. Allows the head nurse to add orders, resources and flow sheets for each admission/visit. Standardized formats insure consistency. Double click item to add data. Head nurse can print entire nursing packet for the doctor’s approval and signature. NPRO – Protocol Menu Return to turboprotocol.com
Allows the user to enter medications and general orders for the admission. All doctors’ orders print out in a set format. NPRO – Doctors Orders Return to turboprotocol.com
The head nurse sets up resources that will be used for each admission. Resources can be read from a drop-down list. Resources can be added/deleted as your clinic needs. Offset times indicate length of time resource requires. NPRO – Resource Allocation
Flow sheets are set up for each admission (as required). All flow sheets use a standardized format (similar to MS Excel) These flow sheets indicate what the nurses and lab staff must do and when. Flow sheets can be saved as templates so the information can be reused in other admissions. NPRO – Flow Sheet
NPRO – Flow Sheet Printout Return to turboprotocol.com
The inpatient and outpatient instructions allow the nurse to add general instructions regarding the entire protocol. The instructions are entered from the main protocol screen. The instructions are printed as part of the packet. NPRO – In/Out Instructions
The protocol face sheet includes title, investigator, admission type and general inpatient and/or outpatient instructions for the entire protocol. This page prints as part of the packet that the investigator must approve and sign. NPRO – Face Sheet Return to turboprotocol.com
Allows the Head Nurse to view status of protocol. Check approvals as they are signed/received. This information is also available to the Administrator (through TPAP) and the Dietitian (through KPRO). Displays the number of patients enrolled to date. Displays the number of patients approved for the protocol. NPRO – Status Information Return to turboprotocol.com
Suite II – Patient Admission/Discharge System (PADS) • Admits, discharges and reschedules protocol patients. • Shows the patient census, rounds report and call report for incoming patients. • Schedules non-research patients (if applicable). Return to turboprotocol.com
Patient list (in and out) Click to view patient information Click to add a new patient Add an inpatient pre-admit. Add an admission. Process and inpatient discharge. Add an outpatient visit. View list of incoming patients for the next 3 days. Report can be edited to call information. View consent data for incoming patients. View schedule of patients and resources. Rounds list report. Patient census report. PADS – Main Menu Return to turboprotocol.com
Ethnicity and race information comply with NIH guidelines. Internal checks to insure all required data is entered. Pads – Add New Patient Return to turboprotocol.com
The pre-admit screen reserves a bed and resources for a patient. Choose a patient from the patient list and click the Process Pre-Admit button on the main screen. Choose the protocol, physician, diagnosis and admission date. These items are drop down lists of information. Click the Log Admit w/o Printing button. You will be prompted to choose an admission/visit type (set up in NPRO). If the necessary resources or bed is not available at the time specified you will be prompted to change the admit date/time or cancel the entry. You will also be prompted to enter consent date for the patient (if not already in the system). If the protocol chosen is not fully approved a message box will be displayed. Patients can be pre-admitted on a protocol BUT cannot be admitted until all protocol approvals are received. PADS – Pre-Admit a Patient
PADS – Process an Admission To process a new admission: Click the Process Admit button on the main screen. This will display a list of pre-admits. Choose the patient and click the Process button. This will open the Admission screen. Return to turboprotocol.com
PADS – Admission Information The admission screen allows the nursing staff to admit the patient or reschedule/ cancel the appointment. Admission information can be changed on this screen before the admission is completed. Admission time must be entered (NIH guidelines). The consent date must also be entered now (if it wasn’t during the pre-admit stage). If necessary, flow sheets and Doctor’s Orders can be printed for the selected admission/visit type. The admission process will not continue if these protocol hasn’t been fully approved or the consent date isn’t added.
PADS – Discharge Information Click the Discharge button on the main screen. Choose the patient from the list (similar to the admission process list). Click the Process Discharge button. Enter the Discharge Time (must be entered – NIH guidelines). Choose a status. If the status isn’t Admission Fully Complete Discharge Comments have to entered. Return to turboprotocol.com
Choose a patient on the main menu then click the Process Outpatient Admit button. The top of the outpatient screen displays the patient information. Enter the protocol, attending, diagnosis and admit/discharge times. The Length of Stay is automatically calculated for you. Outpatient process sheets can be printed if desired. Vital Signs can be added to this screen if you do not wish to use a paper copy. Click the Process button. This will allow you to choose the admission type. PADS – Outpatient Visit Return to turboprotocol.com
This scheduler displays a list of clinic resources, times of use and patient information. This information is displayed on a daily basis. The top panel displays the resources being used on 3/19/2002 and the usage times. The lower panel displays the patient using the resources, protocol number and admission/visit type. PADS - Scheduler Return to turboprotocol.com
PADS – Rounds Report The Rounds Report displays all the patients (in/out) for the previous week. The Status column displays the admission type or rescheduled/ cancelled information. This report prints in a user-friendly grid format. Return to turboprotocol.com
PADS – Current Census Report The Current Census Report displays all patients currently in the clinic. This report prints in a user-friendly grid format. Return to turboprotocol.com
PADS – Tomorrow Census Report The Tomorrow Census Report displays all the patients currently scheduled to be in the clinic tomorrow. This report prints in a user-friendly grid format. Return to turboprotocol.com
PADS – Quick Call Report The Quick Call report displays patients currently scheduled to come into the clinic during the next 3 days. After the call is placed to the patient the information can be updated to include: time called, comments and if the call was answered, etc. This report also records the user name (who made the call). Return to turboprotocol.com
Suite II - Patient Browser (PatBrows) • Displays patient information and admission information. • Patient information can be added, edited or deleted. • A convenient way for Administration staff to view patient information without having the ability to edit admission information. Return to turboprotocol.com
Patient list (in and out) Click to view patient information (includes admission information) Click to view quick patient information (does not include admission information) Click to add a new patient PatBrows – Main Form Return to turboprotocol.com
Ethnicity and race information comply with NIH guidelines. Admission information can be double clicked to view full records. Internal checks to insure all required data is entered. PatBrows – Patient Information Return to turboprotocol.com
Inpatient admission information. Information is read-only. This information can only be edited through PADS or Scheduler. PatBrows – Admission Information Return to turboprotocol.com
PatBrows – Quick Info Allows the user to view and edit current patient information. If PatBrows is opened in read-only mode only this form is available to the user. Return to turboprotocol.com
Please contact Helix Computer Systems for more informationHelix Computer Systems700 Harris Street, Suite 205Charlottesville, VA 22903(434) 963-4900 ext. 4Tony O’BrienorNatasha Veitch Return to turboprotocol.com