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Accreditation in a Multi-College District. Accreditation Institute Academic Senate for California Community Colleges February 11, 2012, 1:00-2: 00pm John Nixon , Associate Vice President, ACCJC
Accreditation in a Multi-College District Accreditation Institute Academic Senate for California Community Colleges February 11, 2012, 1:00-2:00pm John Nixon, Associate Vice President, ACCJC Judy Beachler, Dean of Instruction, Cosumnes River CollegeChris Hill, Professor of Earth Sciences, Grossmont College
Accreditation Standard IV.3. In multi-college districts or systems, the district/system provides primary leadership in setting and communicating expectations of educational excellence and integrity throughout the district/system and assures support for the effective operation of the colleges. It establishes clearly defined roles of authority and responsibility between the colleges and the district/system and acts as the liaison between the colleges and the governing board.
Accreditation Standard IV.3. • The district/system clearly delineates and communicates the operational responsibilities and functions of the district/system from those of the colleges and consistently adheres to this delineation in practice. • The district/system provides effective services that support the colleges in their missions and functions.
Accreditation Standard IV.3. • The district/system provides fair distribution of resources that are adequate to support the effective operations of the colleges. • The district/system effectively controls its expenditures. • The chancellor gives full responsibility and authority to the presidents of the colleges to implement and administer delegated district/system policies without his/her interference and holds them accountable for the operation of the colleges.
Accreditation Standard IV.3. • The district/system acts as the liaison between the colleges and the governing board. The district/system and the colleges use effective methods of communication, and they exchange information in a timely manner. • The district/system regularly evaluates district/system role delineation and governance and decision-making structures and processes to assure their integrity and effectiveness in assisting the colleges in meeting educational goals. The district/system widely communicates the results of these evaluations and uses them as the basis for improvement.
Los Rios CCD DACC: District Accreditation Coordinating Committee • 2003 • 2009
Los Rios CCD Purpose of DACC • Ensure district dialogue • Develop district map • Coordinate review of District Office for all four college accreditation processes • District level accreditation research • Create district level evidence
Los Rios CCD District Map – Identify district, college, and shared responsibilities and their impact in meeting standards • One of 1st developed for ’03 process • Modified for ‘09 processing, modeled after San Mateo CCD
Los Rios CCD District Communication about Accreditation • DACC meetings • District Question Day • Website • ListServ • Chancellor’s Briefs
Los Rios CCD District Roles/Services Provision Relevant to the Standards Summary Documents Written • - Strategic Planning Processes, Communications • - Bus. & Econ. Dev., IT, IR • - HR, Fiscal, IT, Police Services, Facilities Management
Los Rios CCD District Roles/Services Provision Relevant to the Standards (cont’d) IV- Evaluation Processes: Board Self, Chancellor, Presidents IV – LRCCD Governance & Decision-making structures & processes (review by District Academic Senate) IV – District ‘Standard-to-Policy’ Matrix IV – Standards Write-up for use by Colleges
Los Rios CCD District Program Review • Ten Offices/Services • Standardized, annual process • Standardized resource request process
Los Rios CCD District Accreditation Research • Environmental Scan of Greater Sacramento MSA • Employee Survey • Student Satisfaction Survey
Los Rios CCD District Level Evidence • Available on the Accreditation Website • Replicated as an Evidence Room During Site Visits
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD District Responsibilities in Support of Colleges: • Outlined in Board Policies and Functional Map • Provide centralized operational services in human resources, some technology areas, financial resources, research, and public safety • Provide framework for planning and evaluation of institutional effectiveness
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD District Responsibilities in Support of Colleges (cont’d): • Chancellor and governance structure provide channels for communication of information • District Services and the Governing Board develop goals and regularly evaluate their effectiveness in support of the colleges’ missions
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD 2007 Accreditation • No formalized district-wide coordination 2013 Accreditation • Developed a District Accreditation Coordinating Committee (DACC)
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD DACC membership • Faculty Accreditation Co-Chairs from each college • Accreditation Liaison Officers from each college • Sr. Dean of Institutional Research and Planning • District Services Representative • Classified Senate President • Chancellor (as available and needed)
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD DACC Support Role in Accreditation Process: • Develop the District Functional Map • Provide consistent information on district’s role to both colleges • Provide central coordination of timelines and preparation for the site visits
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD District Services Support of Accreditation Process: • Institutional Research provides data and survey collection • Various services provide input into the content of the functional map as it relates to their role
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD Governing Board and Chancellor Role in Accreditation Process • Board members participated in informational workshop to understand their role • Board members and chancellor met with Standard IV team members to answer questions • Chancellor updates the Board on progress of the accreditation progress • Board reviews and approves final accreditation Self Evaluation Reports
How would you answer these questions? • How are districts’ mission and vision statements aligned to support colleges and what evidence illustrates such an alignment? • How does the district affect student learning programs and services? • Does the district provide adequate resources (human, technology, facilities, financial) to the colleges and what policies and practices are established and evaluated by colleges and districts? • How do governing boards evaluate the effectiveness of district administrations and their own effectiveness?
For more information Contact: Dr. John Nixon, Associate Vice President, ACCJC jnixon@accjc.org Judy Beachler, Dean of Instruction & Student Learning, Cosumnes River College beachlj@crc.losrios.edu Chris Hill, Professor of Earth Sciences & Accreditation Co-Chair, Grossmont College chris.hill@gcccd.edu