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DBMD Training Part 4 Relationships and Resources. Prepared by Education and the Ministry. Relationships and Resources. Relationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities
DBMD Training Part 4Relationships and Resources Prepared by Education and the Ministry
Relationships and Resources Relationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities It is important to have a growing relationship with the Wesleyan College/University in your area. It would be well to have any one of the DBMD members appointed as a liaison to the religion division of your area Wesleyan School. If your district has a group of students at several different Wesleyan schools, a liaison should be appointed to each of these schools. In some schools, there are now yearly DBMD/religion faculty conferences to discuss common areas of concern, give input, and dialogue. A visit by the member of the DBMD to both the religion department and the students from his/her district can be extremely beneficial to the relationship with the school and the college/seminary student.
Relationships and ResourcesRelationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities • The religion department of our Wesleyan schools will work with your districts’ students to see that they are enrolled with Education and the Ministry if they have declared a major which leads toward ordination or special worker credentials. Students, in their first two years of study, may not be enrolled with Education and the Ministry and may not show up on your report from our office. Students enrolled in majors outside the ordination track (but still in the area of religion) may not be enrolled yet as well. If you have a student in a college outside the Wesleyan system, they will need to enroll with our office either by using the web site (www.wesleyan.org/educaton), enrolling over the phone, faxing an enrollment to us, or mailing an enrollment to our office.
Relationships and ResourcesRelationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities The enrollment fee for Education and the Ministry is waived for students within the Wesleyan system. Students from colleges outside the Wesleyan system must pay a fifteen dollar enrollment fee. Once enrolled, our department sets up both a computer and hard file for each student. Ministerial students will need to check with their registrar to confirm that a copy of their current transcript is being sent at least once yearly to Education and the Ministry. Education and the Ministry will then credit the completion of ordination courses to the students Ministerial transcript in our files.
Relationships and ResourcesRelationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities Wesleyan Colleges/Universities Kingswood University Sussex, NB CANADA E0E 1P0 Phone:(506) 432-4400 Fax: (506) 432-4425 President: Dr. Mark Gorveatte Houghton College Houghton, NY 14744 Phone:(716) 567-9200 Fax: (716) 567-9570 President: Dr. Shirley Mullen
Relationships and ResourcesRelationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities Indiana Wesleyan University 4201 South Washington Street Marion, IN 46953 Phone: (765) 674-6901 Fax: (765) 677-2499 President: Dr. Henry Smith Oklahoma Wesleyan University 2201 Silver Lake Road Bartlesville, OK 74006 Phone: (918) 333-6151 Fax: (918) 335-6210 President: Dr Everett Piper
Relationships and ResourcesRelationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities Southern Wesleyan University PO Box 1020 Central, SC 29630 Phone: (864) 639-2453 Fax: (864) 639-0826 President: Dr. Todd Voss
Relationships and ResourcesRelationships With Wesleyan Colleges/Universities • Please Note: Both Wesleyan and non-Wesleyan colleges offer many different majors and minors (worship, children, youth, counseling, church planting, missions, etc.) in their departments of religion. Many of these different majors and minors were not designed to fulfill all of the requirements of the Wesleyan ordination preparation requirements. It is possible for a student to graduate from a four year institution without fulfilling all of the ordination requirements of the Wesleyan Church. Students, who are concerned about completing all of their ordination requirements at their current institution, should contact Education and the Ministry for guidance on which particular classes to take for ordination credit.
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries The Wesleyan Church has approved eight seminaries for ministerial preparation study. Asbury Theological Seminary 204 North Lexington Avenue Wilmore, KY 40390-1199 1-800-2-ASBURY Campus Director: Rev. Steven Willingham 215 East College Street Wilmore, KY 40390 (606) 858-4085
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Azusa Pacific University C.P. Haggard School of Theology 901 East Alosta Avenue P.O. Box APU Azusa, CA 91702-7000 (626) 969-3434
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Evangelical School of Theology 121 South College Street Myerstown, PA 17067 (717) 866-5775
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Nazarene Theological Seminary 1700 East Meyer Boulevard Kansas City, MO 64131
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Tyndale Seminary 25 Ballyconnor Court North York, ON M2M 4B3 CANADA (416) 226-6380
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Wesley Biblical Seminary 5980 Floral Drive P.O. Box 9938 Jackson, MS 39286 (601) 957-1314 Campus Director: Dr. Gareth Lee Cockerill same address and phone as seminary
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University 4201 S. Washington Street Marion, IN 46953 765-674-6901
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries George FoxEvangelical Seminary 12753 SW 68th Avenue Portland, OR 97223-8355 (503) 538-8383
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries Students who are in seminary also need to be enrolled with Education and the Ministry, and should have their transcripts sent to E&M on a regular basis. Students who attend one of our approved graduate programs do not need to pay the fifteen dollar enrollment fee. Due to the fact that each of the seminaries offer both MA and MDiv Degrees, the completion of a degree program does not automatically mean that a student has fulfilled all Wesleyan ordination requirements.
Relationships and ResourcesWesleyan Approved Seminaries The best approach would be to have the student consult with the Education and the Ministry department concerning their course of study at their chosen seminary to maximize the number of ordination courses that they will be able to complete. If questions arise concerning one of our approved seminaries, we recommend calling the campus representative listed here and/or calling our office. Students attending unapproved seminaries will need to enroll with our office, pay the fifteen dollar fee and may also need to take additional ordination classes to complete their certification.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) The Wesleyan Church provides loan/grant assistance to ministerial students preparing for ordained ministry under appointment of a district of the North American General Conference. This student aid program is administered by the Department of Education and the Ministry. It is available to juniors and seniors at Wesleyan colleges and those enrolled for graduate theological training up to the completion of a Master of Divinity degree program, or its equivalent.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Amount of aid available Loan/grant funds are distributed on a per-hour basis, with a maximum of 64 semester hours on the undergraduate level and 96 hours on the graduate level. The hourly rate is dependent upon the funds available in the Ministerial Student Loan/Grant Fund and the number of persons requesting aid. Aid is granted for special sessions (summer or between semesters) subject to the availability of funds.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Eligibility Students must be covenant members of a local Wesleyan church of the North American General Conference and have been recommended by their local church conference (or LBA) to the district for license as a ministerial student. Students are to consult with and be examined and approved by their District Board of Ministerial Development, and must be granted a district license as ministerial students by the district conference (or by the District Board of Administration in the interim of district conference sessions) prior to the semester in which assistance is requested. Initial certification of the district status of the students and subsequent annual re-certification is required. The appropriate form is to be signed by the DBMD chairman or secretary at the beginning of each academic year.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Eligibility Students must be taking courses required for ordination in The Wesleyan Church unless already ordained. Students must indicate their desire and intention to serve under appointment by one of the districts of the United States or Canada of The Wesleyan Church in a capacity where cancellation of the loan/grant can occur. The student must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) While receiving aid, students shall report by the fifth week of each semester to the properly designated person at the Wesleyan College (or approved seminary) concerning their church attendance and involvement for that semester. College personnel and seminary campus directors cooperate with the General Director of Education and the Ministry in counseling students into meaningful local church relationships as a condition for continued student aid, giving priority to Wesleyan church attendance and service. Students must be enrolled with the Education and the Ministry Department as a ministerial student (not just for loan grant) . Enrollment forms may be obtained from the chairman of the religion department, seminary campus director, the E&M web site, or directly through the Department of Education and the Ministry.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Repayment of Loan/Grant Loans are interest-free while the student is pursuing training for ministry in The Wesleyan Church. Repayment of the loan/grant begins September 1st following graduation or termination of study for ministry in The Wesleyan Church, and may be handled through cancellation on the basis of service in The Wesleyan Church or through cash re-payments.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) For those who do not serve The Wesleyan Church after graduation or termination of their studies for ministry in A repayment of twenty percent (20%) of principal plus interest will be due one year after said date, with the obligation continuing annually until the note is paid. The student may arrange with the Department of Education and the Ministry to make monthly or quarterly payments. Those who serve in a qualifying ministerial appointment by The Wesleyan Church will receive a twenty-percent (20%) cancellation of the loan principal for each year of full-time service.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Aid is given as a grant to ordained ministers who are eligible for loan/grants but who have served The Wesleyan Church for five or more years under district appointment subsequent to cancellation of any previous loan/grant service obligations. Recipients of loan/grant assistance are required to certify their service annually on forms sent to them by the Department of Education and the Ministry. After termination of training, it remains the duty of the recipient of a loan/grant to keep the Department of Education and the Ministry informed of any address or appointment changes.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Postponement/Deferment of Repayment Postponement of repayments and interest may be granted if the student continues studies for work in The Wesleyan Church, but is either not eligible for further loans or does not desire aid. Deferment of payment on principal but not interest may be granted to a student for a reasonable period by the General Director of Education and the Ministry in the case of unusual and extenuating circumstances. The student must make application annually (by September 1st) for postponement and deferment with the Department of Education and the Ministry.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Application Application for the Ministerial Student Loan/Grant Aid should be made through the student aid officer of the respective Wesleyan College or through the Wesleyan Seminary Foundation campus director of the respective approved seminary. The application packet includes a certification of status form which should be sent to the chairman of the student's District Board of Ministerial Development. Eligibility for the loan/grant is determined for the year when proper certification is given.
Relationships and ResourcesLoan Grant (Education and the Ministry) Application for the loan/grant must be made for each semester or special session. The deadlines for application are: October 15th Fall semester/quarter January 15th Winter quarter February 28th January session, Spring semester, Spring quarter, registration date for May or Summer sessions. Loan/grant aid is paid directly to the schools (undergraduate) and to eligible students (graduate) at specified times during the year corresponding to the semesters in which the student is enrolled. A promissory note is to be signed for each advance received. These notes are kept on file at the college or seminary until graduation or termination of study, and then forwarded to the General Department of Education and the Ministry.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry Progress reports for any minister-in-preparation will be provided as requested by DBMDs. In January of each year, a district DBMD report will be sent from the Department of Education and the Ministry to each district . This report should be reviewed by the DBMD chair and returned as quickly as possible. This report shows a listing of the classification of every student from your district who is enrolled with our department. Notation should be made beside the names of those to be removed from the list, changed to inactive status, those who have been ordained/commissioned, and any changes of ministerial track.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry When these reports are returned, a transcript of the current status of each active MSCA student will be mailed to his/her DBMD chairman. In some cases, students may have enrolled with Education and the Ministry and listed their home district, but the district is not aware they are preparing for ministerial service. Education and the Ministry sends to the DBMD chairman a copy of every enrollment form that we receive at the time the person is enrolled. We also send a letter to the students informing them that they must have a letter of approval sent from their local church to the DBMD chair, and they must also meet with their DBMD to be interviewed.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry After these reports are received, Education and the Ministry sends an ordaining and commissioning report to each district. The district is to report those persons it intends to recommend for commissioning or ordination at its upcoming district conference. This form must be returned no later than four (4) weeks prior to district conference. The name of any person who may be considered for ordination or commissioning should be included. If the DBMD is intending to commission or ordain a person who has not been certified as having completed the academic requirements (according to the report from E & M), it should contact the E & M immediately.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry If Education and the Ministry receives the district’s list of persons it intends to commission or ordain and finds persons listed but not certified, Education and the Ministry will contact the district and try to correct the problem. The deadline for certification for commissioning or ordination is one month prior to the date of district conference. One month prior to each district conference a report on those persons the district intends to commission or ordain will be sent to the appropriate general superintendent. No person may be commissioned or ordained whose name is not included on the general superintendent’s list as having been certified. A copy of the general superintendent’s letter will be sent to the respective DBMD chair.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry Each district is asked to establish its own deadline for accepting a student’s academic work which is necessary for licensing, commissioning, or ordination, keeping in mind the absolute deadline of one month before district conference which is established in the following policy. The deadline set by the district must take into account the necessary time for correspondence and grades to be received and recorded by Education and the Ministry. This guideline should be followed for students who are May graduates from a college or seminary, or are completing work in an extension class. If the completion of course work falls inside of the one-month deadline, they should expect to wait until the following year before being considered for ordination or commissioning.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry Students completing work by correspondence should not expect to take final exams close to the one-month deadline and have the work processed in time to be commissioned or ordained. Instructors may be busy with college year-end activities or already involved in summer vacations, thus delaying the grading of exams and reporting to Education and the Ministry.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry If the student finishes his/her requirements after the thirty day deadline, but before district conference, the DBMD who desires to ordain/commission him/her must be granted permission by the general superintendent over that district to allow the person’s name on the Education and the Ministry ordination list.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry Ordained Ministers in process of transfer Here are the procedures and entities involved in the process of transferring an ordained minister from another denomination into the Wesleyan Church.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry An ordained minister should present a letter of good standing or other credentials and transcripts (or other records of ministerial training) to the district superintendent. Guided by the district superintendent, he fills out the Transferring Ministers application (which should be sent along with a copy of his credentials to the General Superintendent’s office) in order to seek approval from the area General Superintendent for acceptance. These procedures are then followed when approval has been granted:
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry They shall be examined by the district board of ministerial development relative to their Christian experience, call, qualifications for the ministry, the equivalence of training to the Wesleyan course of study, and to the nature of their ordination, commission or license. A report of the examination with records and transcripts shall be sent to the Department of Education and the Ministry. This department communicates with them regarding any academic work necessary to meet the equivalency of our course of study.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry Enroll with the Department of Education and the Ministry and complete any academic work requested by the department. Completion of studies in Wesleyan history and polity will be minimum requirements. However other courses may need to be taken so that the educational requirements established by the Wesleyan Church are fully met. Completion of any academic work may be done at an area Wesleyan college, by correspondence through Education and the Ministry, or by attending a Flame conference. Serve under appointment in the district in a supply capacity while completing any deficiencies. It is expected that any deficiencies will be met within a period of one year.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry The one-year relationship with the Church as a minister in process of transfer may be extended by vote of the district conference. The relationship may be terminated by the district board of administration if it is determined that it is not in the best interests of the district to continue the relationship. The district board of ministerial development shall recommend them to the district conference for full standing when their service has been satisfactory, and all academic work has been completed.
Relationships and ResourcesDBMD Relationship with Education and the Ministry Notes on OMPT (Ordained Ministers in the Process of Transfer) OMPT’s who are Nazarene or Free Methodist will only need to take Wesleyan History/Discipline to be received as Wesleyan Ordained ministers. All others will need to go through the evaluation of academic training (by Education and the Ministry) and may need to take several classes to have their ordination transferred to the Wesleyan Church. All ministers trained outside of the Wesleyan/Holiness tradition will need to take the Doctrine of Holiness course.
Relationships and ResourcesResources from Education and the Ministry Resources The Education and the Ministry web site isa great resource which is available 24 hours a day/365 days a year for DBMD’s. It is located at www.wesleyan.org/education. This web site is the location of a tremendous amount of resources for both the DBMD member and ministerial students as well.
Relationships and ResourcesResources from Education and the Ministry What you will find at the website: • Students can enroll online with E&M, register for a correspondence course, and register for a FLAME conference. Online payments can also be made by Visa or MasterCard. • Full access to the Manual of Ministerial Preparation online version, DBMD forms 1 through 6, and sample interview questions that DBMD’s can use with ministerial students. • The Ministerial Preparation Packet, Correspondence course catalogue, and loan/grant applications and forms.
Relationships and ResourcesResources from Education and the Ministry • Links to all Wesleyan College/University websites, to all Wesleyan approved seminaries, and a listing of job openings at all Wesleyan schools. • A listing of all future FLAME classes and the schedule of extension classes held around North America. • Current news announcements and online versions of our newsletters to students. • A full section for Wesleyan Chaplains and those interested in applying for chaplaincy endorsement.
Relationships and ResourcesResources from Education and the Ministry • Samples of actual correspondence courses and downloadable syllabi for FLAME classes • A “Frequently Asked Questions” section • Every form that is available in the E&M office is on the web site in .pdf format.