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LEGISLATIVE. Purpose To provide information and assistance to American Legion Auxiliary members in supporting the legislative agenda of The American Legion with elected officials at all levels of government ( local, state, national ). LEGISLATIVE. Western Division Chairman Susan Diaz

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  1. LEGISLATIVE Purpose To provide information and assistance to American Legion Auxiliary members in supporting the legislative agenda of The American Legion with elected officials at all levels of government (local, state, national)

  2. LEGISLATIVE Western Division Chairman Susan Diaz Department of Alaska (907) 252-9217 suedala@gmail.com Department of Alaska Chairman Sharon Cherrette (907) 360-1479 scherretteinak@gmail.com

  3. LEGISLATIVE 18page guide

  4. FEATURED ALERT JUnnLegion to Congress: Pass Save Our Veterans Act VA benefits in peril in government shutdown (October 1, 2013) The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has warned that funding for veterans benefits "will run out by late October" if the federal government shuts down. At that point, VA will be unable to make any benefits payments. "Congress has an obligation to put veterans ahead of politics," said American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger. "The fact that funding for VA benefits could disappear in a month ought to be incentive enough for our elected leaders to achieve a solution. Our federal government must never put veterans in this kind of position. It is imperative that Congress understands that The American Legion strongly objects to the cessation of any VA benefits or services that put our country’s veterans and loved ones at risk,” Dellinger said.

  5. Member Resources - Legislative How to Contact Legislators to Advocate for Veterans Issues Pass it On Membership Award - Legislative Legislative Council Info Sheet Legislative Links Guide to Federal Agencies & Government Offices The American Legion Dispatch The American Legion Legislative Action Center The American Legion Legislative Website


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