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United Nations. Department of Political Affairs (DPA). Promoting Peace. DPA acts as a center of peacemaking and preventive diplomacy. . DPA. Mission :.
United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA)
Promoting Peace DPA acts as a center of peacemaking and preventive diplomacy.
DPA • Mission: “Provide advice and support on all political matters to the SG in the exercise of his global responsibility under the Charter relating to the maintenance and restoration of peace and security.” • Conducts: -Analysis of global political developments. -Identifies potential or actual conflicts. -Recommends appropriate actions to the SG; and assists the SG in the areas of preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, and peace building. • Provides Secretarial service to the following intergovernmental bodies: • the UN SC and its subsidiary organs • the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People • the Special Committee of the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.
Organization-DPA • USG 250 professional admin staffs in UNHQ. • Executive Office • Office of the USG • Electoral Assistance Div • Policy and Mediation Div • ASG • ASG • Counter Terrorism Implementation TF Office • Africa-I • Africa-II • SC Affairs Div • Americas Div • Europe Div • Asia and pacific Div • ME and West Asia Div • Div for Palestinian rights • Decolonization • SC Secretariat Branch • SC Subsidiary Organs Branch • SC Practices and Charter Research Branch 1,700 national and international staff in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Role of the Under-Secretary General • DPA is headed by the USG for Political Affairs • The USG manages the department, advises the SG on matters affecting global peace and security, carries out high-level diplomatic missions and provides guidance to peace envoys and political missions in the field. • The USG serves on the SG’s Policy Committee, the highest decision-making body within the U.N. Secretariat, and chairs the Executive Committee on Peace and Security, a high-level body for interagency and interdepartmental coordination. • Where complex crises require contributions from a range of U.N. entities, DPA may be called upon to establish an overarching political framework within which political, developmental and humanitarian action proceeds.
Peaceful Political Solutions to Conflict Diplomacy and mediation • The UN employs the political tools of diplomacy and mediation to help nations prevent and resolve conflicts peacefully and to avert the suffering and destruction of war. • For this, UN envoys are dispatched to areas of tension around the world to assist in defusing crises and brokering negotiated settlements to conflicts. • Civilian-led “political missions” are deployed to the field with mandates to encourage dialogue and cooperation within and between nations, or to promote reconciliation and democratic governance in societies rebuilding after civil wars. • The work of the UN to foster credible electionsaround the world also contributes directly to its efforts to promote peace and prevent conflict. • It is believed that political issues lay at the root of many conflicts, and thus political solutions are required to resolve them. Dialogue and compromise are a better alternative to violence.
Promoting……. • UN peacemaking and preventive diplomacy has made major contributions to reductions in armed conflict globally in recent decades. • Efforts are ongoing, to increase the effectiveness of the UN in carrying out its Charter responsibilities to prevent and resolve conflict, especially through the strengthening of the DPKO, which anchors UN peacemaking and preventive diplomacy missions. • DPA is evolving into a more mobile and agile platform for crisis response, capable of rapidly deploying mediation experts and other peacemaking expertise to the field and partnering effectively with regional organizations at the frontlines of conflicts. • By taking action at an early stage, the UN and its partners can prevent disputes and crises from escalating into larger and costlier tragedies for nations, peoples, regions and the world.
DPA and NGO partnership Conference on Conflict Prevention • DPA worked in partnership with NGOs involved in conflict prevention that led to the organization of a global conference on the prevention of armed conflict. • DPA’s co-sponsored the July 2005 conference on the Prevention of Armed Conflict in which the SG urged NGOs with an interest in conflict prevention to organize an international conference of local, national and international NGOs on their role in conflict prevention and future interaction with the UN in this field. • In response, the European Centre for Conflict Prevention, together with a wide international network of NGOs, set in motion an integrated global program of research, consultations and discussions that culminated in the launch of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict and an international conference held at UN HQ in New York in July 2005.
Field and Good Offices Missions The DPA manages political missions and peace-building support offices engaged in conflict prevention, peacemaking and post-conflict peace-building in Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. Field operations currently under DPA's supervision are: Africa: • BNUB, United Nations Office in Burundi • BINUCA, United Nations Integrated Peace-building Office in the Central African Republic • UNIOGBIS, United Nations Integrated Peace-building Office in Guinea-Bissau • UNOCA, United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa • UNOWA, United Nations Office for West Africa • UNIPSIL, United Nations Integrated Peace-building Office in Sierra Leone • UNSMIL, United Nations Support Mission in Libya • UNPOS, United Nations Political Office for Somalia • Central Asia: • UNRCCA, United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia • Middle East: • UNAMI, United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq • UNSCO, Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process • UNSCOL, Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon
Field ….. • The DPA-led field ops are headed by SRSG and provide a forward platform for preventive diplomacy and other activities across a range of disciplines, to help prevent and resolve conflictor to build lasting peace in nations emerging from civil wars. • The peace-building offices, currently active in Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, the Central African Republic and Sierra Leone aim to help nations consolidate peace through comprehensive peace-building strategies developed and carried out in coordination with national actors and U.N. development and humanitarian entities on the ground. • Every UN missions are continuation of UN peace ops, working in different stages of the conflict cycle. After signing of peace agreements, political missions overseen by the DPA during the stage of peace negotiations have been replaced by pko. In other instances, U.N. pkohave given way to special political missions overseeing longer term peace-building activities.
Other works Good Offices missions DPA provides guidance and support to traveling envoys and special advisers of the SG bringing to bear his “good offices” for the resolution of conflicts or the implementation of other UN mandates. These currently include UN envoys or special advisers for Cyprus, Yemen, Myanmar, Sahel, Syria, Western Sahara, and the FYROM-Greece name dispute. Investigative Mandates and Fact-Finding Missions Assists in establishing and providing support to various UN investigative and fact-finding bodies. -International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) -The UN Commission of Inquiry into the assassination of Benazir Bhutto -The International Commission of Inquiry on the 28 September 2009 events in Guinea -The UN International Investigation Commission in the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri.
Other…… • Servicing the SC and other U.N. bodies -Provides staffs to SC for both substantive and secretariat support. -Provides staff support to committees Rights of the Palestinian People and Decolonization. -Houses the secretariat of the UN Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF), which coordinates UN actions to implement the UNs Counter-Terrorism Strategy. • Works as the focal point for electoral assistance - It evaluates requests from Member States and ensuring consistency in the delivery of assistance by the various U.N. agencies and departments involved. Elections occupy an important place in peace processes and political transitions aimed at ending bloodshed or at establishing or restoring democratic governance. • Political Analysis: - Monitors and provides the SG with analytical reports and briefing notes to inform his decisions and shape his continuous diplomacy with U.N. Member States, regional and non-governmental organizations and other actors. -Update the SC on global political developments, the status of UN peacemaking efforts and the activities of UN political missions in the field.
Peacemaking and preventive diplomacy • DPA is the lead U.N. department for peacemaking and preventive diplomacy. • (Established in 1992,) • Where the SG’s diplomatic “good offices” are employed to help bring warring parties toward peace or to prevent political and armed conflicts from escalating, DPA is typically working behind the scenes to define and plan the mission and to provide guidance and backing to mediators. • Where U.N. peacekeepers are deployed it is often after a successful peacemaking effort involving or supported by the UN. • UN today is one of many actors in a diverse field of international conflict mediation, DPA acts as a center of peacemaking expertise whose services are available to UN and non-UN envoys alike.
Conclusion • DPA is the department that engages on political matters relating peace and security of the world. • DPA works from high offices in NY to Field missions in conflict areas. • It can deploy independent missions and also co-work with DPKO. • DPA, on behalf of the UNSG, provides the good office to negotiate peace. • DPA monitors 24/7 the global political situation and briefs the UNSG and the SC as and when called. • DPA provides secretarial support and the staffs to UNSC and various committees it has to provide support. • DPA does investigative work, when tasked to. • DPA acts as a center of peacemaking expertise whose services are available to UN and non-UN envoys alike. • All SRSGs report to DPA on all political matters.