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SOA. School of Americas or “ School of Assassins ”. ( now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or WHINSEC )
SOA School of Americas or “School of Assassins”
(now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation orWHINSEC) We, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois, join our voice in calling for the closing of the U.S. School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia, because it continues to perpetuate violence against our Latin American sisters and brothers. adopted August 1996 Close the School of the Americas
In 2009, SOA graduates overthrew the government in Honduras, while in Colombia, 10,000 troops have been trained to fight the “War on Drugs”. • In October 2011, Time Magazine published the article “ Is It Time to Shutter America’s Coup Academy?” • In February 2012 people in Mexico convened for a National Forum Against Militarization in Mexico. SOA Watch stood in solidarity with them and draws inspiration from citizens of Mexico who have been rising up to resist this militarization. • In July 2012 Peruvian protesters face violence by SOA graduates. SOA graduates in the news:
Established 1990 • Since 1990, sponsors annual public demonstration of protest at Ft. Benning • RecentDirections: • GreateremphasisoncongressionallobbyingwithAprilgathering in Washington, D.C. • Focusoncollaborationwithcompaniongroups in Latin American countries SOA Watch
A bill to abolish the school with 134 co-sponsors was introduced to the House Armed Services Committee in 2005. • In June 2007, the McGovern/Lewis Amendment to shut off funding for the Institute failed by 6 votes. This effort to close the Institute was endorsed by the non-partisan Council on Hemispheric Affairswho called WHINSEC a "black eye". Legislative action
2004 Venezuela (Hugo Chávez) • 2006 Argentina (Néstor Kirchner) • 2006 Uruguay (TabaréVázquez) • 2007 Costa Rica (Óscar Arias) • 2008 Bolivia (Evo Morales) • 2012 Ecuador (Rafael Correa) Withdrawal from SOA/WHINSEC
Send a message urging your Representative to co-sponsor HR 3368, The Latin America Military Training Review Act. ActionSteps
Send a letter of appreciation and thanks to the embassies of Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Venezuela ActionSteps
Participate in the Peace Vigil/Protest at Fort Benning: November 16*-18, 2012 • Anniversary of the 1989 assassination of 6 Jesuit priests and two Salvadoran women by WHINSEC graduates ActionSteps