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Hardeman County Leadership Program Lindsey Conley & Clay Bassham

Hardeman County Leadership Program Lindsey Conley & Clay Bassham. Issues: In Hardeman County. Lack of education & Opportunity No post secondary education opportunities /literacy stagnant Agricultural Based Community with little industry The 80/20 rule for work and workers

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Hardeman County Leadership Program Lindsey Conley & Clay Bassham

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  1. Hardeman County Leadership ProgramLindsey Conley & Clay Bassham

  2. Issues:In Hardeman County • Lack of education & Opportunity • No post secondary education opportunities /literacy stagnant • Agricultural Based Community with little industry • The 80/20 rule for work and workers • Large disparity between social economic levels • Texas Cooperative Extension • Pursue grants and low interest loans for local improvements including Hardeman County Courthouse, Quanah City Park, Quanah Community Building, city infrastructures (sewer, water, utilities, and transportation), and youth recreation center. • The group felt that tourism was the number 1 concern for Hardeman County. The availability of quality motels and the absence of available liquor in the county is a problem. We should be aware of the rights and needs of absentee land owners that pay county taxes and spend tourism dollars on hunting, fishing, lodging, and food. We need to continue to support the fresh water lake project on Pease River, being aware of the tourism potential.

  3. Situation: Industry in Hardeman County

  4. Situation:

  5. The People In Hardeman County

  6. Targeted Audience • Audience Primary-Working Force (18-65 years of age) 50 people /1.5 % of population Secondary- Children & Elderly (0-18, 65+) 30 High School Age (9-12 grade) 30% Third- Influences outside Outside investors, philanthropists, and entrepreneurs

  7. Intended Outcomes • Participants will know their five key strengths • Able to cite 5 strengths • Workshop participants will be able to determine their greatest strength and will be able to analyze its benefit to their community with regards to developing the economy and community involvement • Able to define strengths • Choose their greatest strength and analysis how to use it • Ex. Establishing a hunting camp • By the end of the workshop, learners will be inspired to apply their strengths toward the development of Hardeman County

  8. Program Design and Layout • Strengths Testing- Gallup Survey • Analysis of Results- 34 talent attributes • Explanation by facilitators in order to understand the practical application of results • Group interaction based on strengths findings • Implementation of talents into community development application or program • Understanding that talents can be a part of the contribution to the community

  9. Program Delivery • Workshop • PowerPoint, Strengths Training • Role playing • Exhibiting Talents to others • Method demonstrations • Application of use of Strengths Training in developing hunting camp employees • Result demonstrations • SFA office- TAMU campus • Ceridian Corporation • Lance Armstrong • Career counseling for grad. Purdue, Dakota Wesleyan Univ.

  10. Outcomes & Impact

  11. Interpreting the Results • Review results and modify program according to recommendations from data • Develop a packet of information about results to distribute to participants and community leaders • After six months, distribute email survey to measure continued success • examples: • Do you still know your five talents? • Are you recognizing talents in others which could be utilized? • Has your community benefited as a result of the workshop?

  12. Questions Thank you for your time and are there any questions?

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