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Attend this annual training to learn about retailer responsibilities, WIC check procedures, compliance, shelf tagging, and customer courtesies. Discover the benefits of being a WIC retailer and ensure proper cashier procedures. Know what is allowed and prohibited in WIC transactions.

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  1. 2018 ANNUAL WIC RETAILER TRAINING FOR THE MISSOURI WIC PROGRAM WIC and Nutrition Services Summer 2018 This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

  2. ATTENDANCE SHEET • Make sure that you have signed your name on the sign-in sheet next to the name of the store that you represent. This is important to document that your store was represented at today’s training. • If you fail to sign in, your store will have to send a representative to another training session. • Attendance at WIC Retailer Annual Training is mandatory per federal regulation. • Everyone in attendance must sign in.

  3. OVERVIEW • Retailer Responsibilities • WIC Check • Cashier Procedures • Check Processing • Check Errors • Retailer Compliance • Approved Food List • Minimum Stocking Requirements • Retailer Concerns • Local Agencies • What’s Next? • eWIC Update

  4. WHAT IS WIC? Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for: • Women who are pregnant, postpartum, or breastfeeding • Infants • Children (up to five years of age)

  5. MISSOURI WIC’S MISSION STATEMENT To improve the nutritional health status of financially eligible women, infants, and children in Missouri who are at nutritional risk by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, supplemental foods, and referrals to health care.

  6. WIC RETAILER BENEFIT • WIC spends over $80 million per year to purchase food at authorized Missouri WIC retailers. • WIC customers also purchase non-WIC items in the stores.

  7. WIC SHELF TAGS AND PRICES All WIC approved food items must be identified with a “WIC Approved” tag on the shelf and must have the price displayed for each WIC approved food item. This helps WIC customers identify the WIC approved food items. Not Allowed: Shelf tags, markers, channel strips, or shelf talkers with a service mark that endorses a specific food or brand of WIC approved food items.

  8. WIC SHELF TAG Retailers are only allowed to post shelf tags that are provided or approved by the WIC state agency. Stores should use the shelf tag shown here:

  9. WIC RETAILER DOOR DECALS Retailers must post a WIC authorization sign at each customer entry door. This helps WIC customers identify the stores that are approved to accept WIC checks. Retailers are only allowed to display door decals that are provided by the WIC state agency.

  10. WIC ACRONYM AND LOGO Retailers are not authorized to use the WIC acronym, WIC logo, or any close facsimiles in advertising, promotional materials, or in the store name. • A store may not state in a sales flyer that the store accepts WIC vouchers or checks. • A store may not post the WIC logo on the store’s website, Facebook, Twitter, or other forms of social media.

  11. WIC ACRONYM AND LOGO It is considered a violation of the Missouri WIC Retailer Agreement for a store to use the WIC acronym or logo. The retailer will receive a written notice and be required to remove the WIC acronym.

  12. INCENTIVE ITEMS The WIC state agency is prohibited from authorizing or making payments to retailers that provide incentive items or other free merchandise to program participants, except food or merchandise of nominal value, unless the retailer provides the WIC state agency with proof that the retailer obtained the incentive items or merchandise at no cost.

  13. INCENTIVE ITEMS • Retailers are not allowed to offer incentive items solely to WIC customers in an effort to encourage them to redeem WIC checks at their store, per federal regulations. • Review Section II: Retailer Authorization in the WIC Retailer Manual for more information.

  14. CUSTOMER COURTESIES • Company Discount Cards • In-Store Sales and Promotions • Retailer Coupons • Manufacturer Coupons • Price Matching


  16. CASHIER PROCEDURESSIGNATURE VERIFICATION Cashiers should make sure they request the WIC ID folder, that it is signed, and that the signature on the WIC check and WIC ID folder matches. • If the folder is not signed, the store may ask for identification and record the WIC customer’s name, date of birth, and ID number on the back of the WIC check(s). • If the signatures do not match, the transaction is over. The WIC customer should be referred to the local agency and should not leave the store with the WIC approved food items.


  18. MISSOURI WIC CHECKS SUSAN SMITH 12345678 22.75 4/5/15

  19. MISSOURI WIC CHECKS SUSAN SMITH 12345678 22.75 4/5/15 Susan Smith

  20. CASHIER PROCEDURES • Cashiers should only use blue or black ink ballpoint pens when filling in the date used and the total sale amount on WIC checks. • Ask WIC customers to use blue or black ink ballpoint pens when signing the WIC checks. If they sign the check(s) using another color of ink or pencil, draw a single line through the signature and have them sign it again using a blue or black ink pen.

  21. CASHIER PROCEDURESWIC ID FOLDER • At the beginning of a WIC transaction, ask the WIC customer if they have their WIC ID folder with them and verify that it is signed. • The transaction cannot be completed if they do not have their WIC ID folder with them. • Some WIC customers may have a legal signature of an “x”, “o”, or a symbol. Cashiers should observe the signature, verify with the WIC ID folder, and sign their initials next to this signature.

  22. CASHIER PROCEDURES WIC ID FOLDER • If a WIC customer leaves a WIC ID folder or checks at the store, do not destroy them. • Notify the local agency using the phone number listed in the WIC ID folder or on the WIC check.


  24. CASHIER PROCEDURES • WIC customers should receive the full nutritional benefit, but are notrequired to purchase every item that is authorized on the WIC check. • If the sale amount exceeds the maximum purchase price of a “regular” WIC check, WIC customers should neverbe asked to remove an authorized item from their purchases or buy a cheaper authorized item.

  25. CASHIER PROCEDURES • There are a variety of sizes of WIC approved cereals. WIC customers and cashiers must look at the ounces of cereal listed on the box and add up the ounces that are being purchased to ensure they are not exceeding the ounce limit printed on the WIC check. • The store will be required to reimburse the WIC program for the cost of the cereal over the maximum allowance if this issue is found during a store monitoring visit.

  26. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • WIC customers will receive checks to purchase fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. The checks have a value of $4.00, $8.00, $11.00, or $16.50. • The food description on the check will state “For fresh/frozen fruits and/or vegetables.”


  28. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • Infants who participate in the WIC program can receive checks to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. The checks have a fixed value of $4.00 or $8.00. • The food description on the check states: “FOR FRUITS AND/OR VEGETABLES (FRESH ONLY).”


  30. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • WIC customers must redeem these checks separately from the “regular” WIC checks. Fruits and vegetables must be separated from items listed on other WIC checks. • Stores have the option to allow WIC customers to redeem more than one of these checks during a single WIC transaction if the register system will allow.

  31. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • If a WIC customer presents an $8.00 check and the total amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is $5.25, the remaining balance of $2.75 can be used to purchase fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables if they choose. • The maximum value of the check should never be automatically written on the check unless the total sale amount is equal to the maximum value of the check.

  32. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • If more than one check is included in the transaction, the total sale amount will be split between the checks and the items will be rung up together on one (1) receipt. • The check numbers should be written on the receipt. • For example, the cashier is presented with two (2) $8.00 checks and the total sale amount is $13.50. The cashier would write a total sale amount of $8.00 on one check and $5.50 on the second check.

  33. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • If the total sale amount exceeds the maximum value of the check(s), the WIC customer can: • Remove an item from the purchase OR 2. Pay for the difference with: • Additional Fruit and Vegetable Check(s) • EBT/SNAP card • Cash, check, or store gift card • Debit or credit card

  34. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS 1. When paying for the difference with: • Fruit and Vegetable Check(s) – no sales tax • EBT/SNAP card – no sales tax 2. When paying for the difference with: • Cash, check, or gift card – sales tax has to be calculated on the difference • Debit or credit card – sales tax has to be calculated on the difference

  35. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • Just as with a “regular” WIC check, no sales tax should be included in the total sale amount. • After ringing up the fruit and vegetables, the cashier must write the total sale amount on the check prior to the WIC customer signing the check and comparing the signature with the WIC ID folder. • Cashiers must retain the receipt with the check(s) at the end of the transaction.

  36. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CHECKS • The WIC customer should not be given a rain check or store credit if the total is less than the maximum value of the check(s). • If they wish to purchase a WIC approved food item that exceeds the maximum value of the check, that item may be paid for by using another fruit and vegetable check or may be rung up separately and paid for with other tender.


  38. WIC FORMULA CHECKS REMINDER: Effective September 1, 2016, WIC checks for formula or medical foods (Boost, Pediasure, etc.) received new descriptions. The new descriptions stated “all flavors” instead of specific flavors.

  39. WIC FORMULA CHECKS If a WIC customer presents a WIC check which indicates a product with fiber, verify only fiber products are being purchased or vice versa. Remember, WIC is to assist with WIC customers’ nutritional needs. It is important they receive only items as indicated on the WIC check.

  40. DAMAGED OR UNREADABLE CHECKS If a WIC customer presents a WIC check that is damaged or is unreadable by your register system, please advise the customer to take the check to their local agency to have the check replaced.

  41. STORES SHOULD NOT . . . • Substitute, exchange, or refund WIC foods • Exchange any money • Issue any type of IOUs • Take invalid or altered check(s) • Allow WIC customers to use checks for foods not listed on check • Discriminate against a WIC customer

  42. EXCEPTION TO EXCHANGES Retailers must allow WIC customers to exchange WIC approved food items and infant formula that are defective, spoiled, or expired for food that is not defective, spoiled, or expired. NO refunds or store credit is allowed. The exchanges are only for WIC approved food items or infant formula that was recently purchased.


  44. CHECK PROCESSING • Review all WIC checks with the receipt prior to depositing. • Keep receipts for a minimum of three (3) years. • Correct any errors to sale amount. • DO NOT use white-out or a Sharpie, or scribble through written information. • Stamp WIC checks with WIC Vendor Stamp in black ink ONLY. • Deposit WIC checksin the bank.

  45. CHECK PROCESSING To ensure timely payment, deposit WIC checks within seven (7) days of the date they are redeemed at your store.

  46. CHECK PROCESSING Cheese store brand $4.15 Malt O Meal $3.50 Pasta Whole Wheat $2.25 Old Orchard Grape $3.15 Skim Milk $2.99 Yogurt Plain $3.40 0000 Kathy Lewis

  47. CHECK PROCESSING Cheese store brand $4.15 Malt O Meal $3.50 Pasta Whole Wheat $2.25 Old Orchard Grape $3.15 Skim Milk $2.99 Yogurt Plain $3.40 0000 Kathy Lewis

  48. CHECK PROCESSING Cheese store brand $4.15 Malt O Meal $3.50 Pasta Whole Wheat $2.25 Old Orchard Grape $3.15 Skim Milk $2.99 Yogurt Plain $3.40 0000 Kathy Lewis

  49. CHECK PROCESSING The Grocery Value Post Lane #4 Checker #12 02/28/1614:15:04 Cheese store brand $4.15 Malt O Meal $3.50 Pasta Whole Wheat $2.25 Old Orchard Grape $3.15 Skim Milk $3.35 Yogurt Plain $3.40 Sub Total $19.44 Tax $0.00 Total WIC $19.44 Thank you! Come Again. Cheese store brand $4.15 Malt O Meal $3.50 Pasta Whole Wheat $2.25 Old Orchard Grape $3.15 Skim Milk $2.99 Yogurt Plain $3.40 0000 Kathy Lewis

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