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Submitted by Kadir Çakar

Explore how consumers manage risks during crises for destination decisions. Propose a Pro-Act model for simplified decision-making. Study past behavior and safety perception influence. Discuss results and tourist behavior implications.

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Submitted by Kadir Çakar

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  1. A Proposed Model of Pro-Act Approach for Tourists’ Destination Choice: Pro-Act Decision Making Model in Difficult Times from Consumer Perspective Submitted by Kadir Çakar

  2. Content • Aims of the Study • Introduction • Pro-Act Approach • Results • Discussion and Conclusion • References

  3. Aims of the Study • To investigate how consumers manage risk and uncertainty in a time of crises that travelers may potentially experience during their decision-making process; • To explore that to what extent Pro-Act approach is applicable for individual decision-making process in difficult times in terms of destination choice; • To simplify decision-making process in difficult times in regards to selection of vacation destinations and hotels by offering Pro-Act approach; • To propose a unique theoretical model that can be put into practiced regarding individual decision-making; • To justify if tourist behavior exhibits itself as reactive or proactive during decision-making in a time of crises.

  4. Introduction • Decision-making is seen problematic issuefrom tourists’ perspectives in a time of crises. • Considerable attention is given to the decision-making process to overcome challenges that travelers often face. • Hong et al.(2009) distinguishes types of decision-making process into three phases: nominal, extended and limited decision-making. • Choi et al.(2012) deals with decision-making process within the context of multidimensionality, sequential nature and hierarchical dimensions.

  5. Introduction (cont’d) • There is a strong relationship between past travel experience and future travel behavior. • The degree of safety and issue of risk perception play significant role in shaping future travel choices. • Information (word-of-mouth) is assumed as the most influential element for making decisions. • Identifyingdecision-making process over the concept of Pro-Act approachgenerates theoriginality of thepresent study.

  6. Pro-ActApproach • Problem:In this stage the current problem is determined precisely. • Objectives: This phase includes a list of particular tourist destinations and holiday characteristics as well. • Alternatives:Better options would only come true by identifying alternatives. • Consequences: This stage shows degree to what extent selected objectives and alternatives meet the expectations. • Trade-Offs:In this stage, to meet the needs final decision is made by sacrificingalternatives for ideal one.

  7. Results • This research sought to provide insight regarding decision-making process over the concept of extended problem solving rather than limited problem solving one through Pro-Act approach. • In the present study, Pro-Act approach is an attempt to fill the gap in the extant literature by providing multipurpose and hierarchical decision-making model to overcome challenges that travelers face in difficult times. • Moreover, Pro-Act approach makes more clear and understandable on how to cope with problems after emergence of detrimentalissues in determining holiday or vacationdecision.

  8. Discussion & Conclusion • The purpose of the present study was to offer a Pro-Act model that can be adapted to the individual decision-making process within the context of tourist destination choice. • Results of the study supports that the Pro-Act approach can be applied for selection of destination choice in a time of crises. • Pro-Act approach can be assessed as useful and helpful tool to mitigate risks and uncertainties during the course of decision-making process. • The results have revealed that tourist behavior is more likely prone to show proactive approach rather than reactive during the decision-making process in difficult times.

  9. References • Choi, S., Lehto Y.X., and Morrison M. A. (2012). Structure of Travel Planning Processes and Information Use Patterns, Journal of Travel Research, Vol.51, No.1: 26-40. • Cooper, C. (2005). Tourism Consumer Behaviour in Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Gilberth, D., Wanhill, S., Tourism. (eds.), Tourism-Principles and Practice, Third Edition, Prentice Hall: 50-80. • Hammond, S.J, Keeney L.R., and Raiffa H. (1999). Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions, USA, Harvard Business Review Press. • Hong, K.S., Lee W.S., Lee S., and Jang H. (2009). Selecting Revisited Destinations, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.36, No.2: 268-294. • Murphy, L., Mascardo G., and Benckendorff P. (2007). Exploring Word-of-Mouth Influences on Travel Decisions: Friends and Relatives vs. Other Travellers, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31: 517-527. • Sönmez, F.S., and Graefe A. (1998). Determining Future Travel Behaviour from Past Travel Experience and Perceptions of Risk and Safety, Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 37, No.2: 172-177. • Throop, K.R., and Castellucci B.M. (2010). Reaching Your Potential: Personal and Professional Development; USA, Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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