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Course Syllabus Development: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning Process

Enhance undergraduate learning by developing course syllabi in line with AUA's policies. Learn to align assignments with learning outcomes and utilize resources effectively through an iterative process.

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Course Syllabus Development: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning Process

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  1. Course Syllabus Development August 24, 2016

  2. Through this workshop you will be able to: • Recognize and understand AUA’s Policy on Course Syllabus Format and AUA’s Course Syllabus Template • Identify program-based student learning outcomes (compare with curriculum map), • Develop a course-based learning outcome, • Match assignments to course-based learning outcome, • Develop syllabi in line with AUA’s policies and practices to enhance undergraduate learning, and • Know where to turn for resources and ongoing support.

  3. Like writing, developing a course is a process which: Takes time Does not always start at square one Is not always orderly Is iterative Developing a Course is a Process

  4. Review AUA Mission Statement Review Course Description Review Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes Review Curriculum Map Benchmark Discuss with faculty Review University Policy on Course Syllabus Format and Template Draft Course-Based Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) – that align with Program Student Learning Outcomes Draft an outline/schedule – Topics and content to be covered by week Draft Assignments and Assessment Methods –align with SLOs Draft Syllabus Review Final Draft with Program Chair / Dean Developing a Course is a Process

  5. The American University of Armenia aims to have an impact on students and the community as a center of academic excellence, innovation, inquiry, and diversity that contributes to the further development and advancement of Armenia, the region and the world through teaching and scholarship, fostering creativity, integrity and community service AUA Mission Statement How does the course reflect/fulfill AUA’s Mission? Pending final approval

  6. What does a course description tell about the course? Course Description Course descriptions contain information about: credit hours, pre- or co- requisites, course-based student learning outcomes, and course content.

  7. Students will be able to … … do what through the program or course? If you can answer that, you can develop a student learning outcome (an SLO). Program Goals and Program Student Learning Outcomes

  8. What are your Program Student Learning Outcomes? Where can you find them? Program Goals and Program Student Learning Outcomes

  9. What is a Curriculum Map? Curriculum Map A curriculum map: * describes how a course fits into the rest of the program * outcomesthe course intends to address and at what level

  10. How does the course align with Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes? * Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes University-wide Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes Think about this for a moment... Program Goals and Program Student Learning Outcomes

  11. Benchmark with: Other U.S.-accredited universities Other American universities abroad Other universities in Armenia What topics are generally covered in similar courses? Are there any commonly-used resources? What about typical assignments, reading material. Benchmarking

  12. Has this course been taught before at AUA? If so, talk with others who have taught the course Other faculty in the program (or other programs), especially those who teach prerequisites or follow-up courses. Program Chair Dean Discuss with Faculty

  13. AUA Policies, policies.aua.am Course Syllabus Format, http://policies.aua.am/policy/37 (currently under review for revisions) Course Syllabus Template, http://iro.aua.am/files/2012/04/Course-Syllabus-Template-Final1.docx Review Policy on Course Syllabus Format and Course Syllabus Template

  14. Course Based Student Learning Outcomes – Mapping to Program Goals and Program SLOs Freshman English 1 – Subject to Change

  15. Course-Based Student Learning Outcomes Back to the process: Review Program Goals Review Program Student Learning Outcomes. Review Curriculum Map From Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. http://ar.cetl.hku.hk/images/blooms.gif

  16. An Activity …. Program Goals, Program Student Learning Outcomes, and Course-Based Student Learning Outcomes

  17. A schedule of topics for each week. Topics or content noted in the course description. Topics or content identified in benchmarking. How might they best fit together? Pay attention to course description, curriculum map, program goals and student learning outcomes (SLOs), university mission statement, benchmarking. Draft a Course Outline/Schedule

  18. Are the assessment methods aligned with student learning outcomes? Are the assessment methods varied? (Do students have ample ways to demonstrate learning?) Are the assignments weighted appropriately? What assessment tools will be used (rubrics)? Do you provide formative and summative assessment to students? How often? Is there an opportunity for students to provide feedback to the instructor? Assignments and Assessment

  19. Pay attention to the possible need to scaffold. If you expect students to write a research paper, ask yourself, “do students know how to write a research paper.” Would mini-assignments be useful? Again. The process. The curriculum map is a good place to start and reviewing course descriptions and syllabi for any prerequisites and follow up courses. Assignments and Assessment

  20. Assignment Alignment with Course-Based SLOs – Freshman English 1

  21. An Activity …. Program Goals, Program Student Learning Outcomes, and Course-Based Student Learning Outcomes

  22. Ask faculty members to review, provide feedback - especially those who teach prerequisites and follow-up courses Go back to the process and review: Program Goals and Program Student Learning Outcomes Course Description Curriculum Map Course-Based Student Learning Outcomes (Alignment) Assignments and Assessment Methods (Alignment) Policy on Course Syllabus Format and Course Syllabus Template Draft Syllabus

  23. Review with program chair and/or dean Remember: A Syllabus is a basic assessment tool. Syllabi help students become active learners by clearly defining expectations, and aligning goals and student learning outcomes. Final Syllabus

  24. But, also remember. Once you develop a syllabus, use it! Encourage students to refer to the syllabus throughout the course.

  25. Where can you turn for resources and support? Program Chair Dean Office of Assessment/IRO/Accreditation http://iro.aua.am/teaching-and-learning-resources/

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